Source code for vtool.blend

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# LICENCE: Apache2
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from six.moves import zip, map, range  # NOQA
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
import ubelt as ub

[docs]def testdata_blend(scale=128): import vtool as vt img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('lena.png') img1 = vt.imread(img_fpath) rng = np.random.RandomState(0) img2 = vt.perlin_noise(img1.shape[0:2], scale=scale, rng=rng)[None, :].T img1 = vt.rectify_to_float01(img1) img2 = vt.rectify_to_float01(img2) return img1, img2
[docs]def gridsearch_image_function(param_info, test_func, args=tuple(), show_func=None): """ gridsearch for a function that produces a single image """ import wbia.plottool as pt cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list = param_info.get_gridsearch_input(defaultslice=slice(0, 10)) fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) if show_func is None: show_func = pt.imshow lbl = ut.get_funcname(test_func) cfgresult_list = [ test_func(*args, **cfgdict) for cfgdict in ub.ProgIter(cfgdict_list, desc=lbl) ] onclick_func = None ut.interact_gridsearch_result_images( show_func, cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list, cfgresult_list, fnum=fnum, figtitle=lbl, unpack=False, max_plots=25, onclick_func=onclick_func, ) pt.iup()
[docs]def ensure_alpha_channel(img, alpha=1.0): import vtool as vt img = vt.rectify_to_float01(img) c = vt.get_num_channels(img) if c == 4: return img else: alpha_channel = np.full(img.shape[0:2], fill_value=alpha, dtype=img.dtype) if c == 3: return np.dstack([img, alpha_channel]) elif c == 1: return np.dstack([img, img, img, alpha_channel]) else: raise ValueError('unknown dim')
[docs]def ensure_grayscale(img, colorspace_hint='BGR'): import vtool as vt img = vt.rectify_to_float01(img) c = vt.get_num_channels(img) if c == 1: return img else: return vt.convert_colorspace(img, 'gray', colorspace_hint)
[docs]def overlay_alpha_images(img1, img2): """ places img1 on top of img2 respecting alpha channels References: """ import vtool as vt img1 = vt.rectify_to_float01(img1) img2 = vt.rectify_to_float01(img2) img1, img2 = vt.make_channels_comparable(img1, img2) # print('img1.shape = {!r}'.format(img1.shape)) # print('img1.dtype = {!r}'.format(img1.dtype)) # print('img1.max() = {!r}'.format(img1.max())) # print('img2.shape = {!r}'.format(img2.shape)) # print('img2.dtype = {!r}'.format(img2.dtype)) # print('img2.max() = {!r}'.format(img2.max())) c1 = vt.get_num_channels(img1) c2 = vt.get_num_channels(img2) if c1 == 4: alpha1 = img1[:, :, 3] else: alpha1 = np.ones(img1.shape[0:2], dtype=img1.dtype) if c2 == 4: alpha2 = img2[:, :, 3] else: alpha2 = np.ones(img2.shape[0:2], dtype=img2.dtype) rgb1 = img1[:, :, 0:3] rgb2 = img2[:, :, 0:3] alpha3 = alpha1 + alpha2 * (1 - alpha1) rgb3 = rgb1 * alpha1[..., None] + rgb2 * alpha2[..., None] numer1 = rgb1 * alpha1[..., None] numer2 = rgb2 * alpha2[..., None] * (1.0 - alpha1[..., None]) rgb3 = (numer1 + numer2) / alpha3[..., None] # img3 = np.dstack([rgb3, alpha3[..., None]]) return rgb3
[docs]def blend_images(img1, img2, mode='average', **kwargs): """ Args: img1 (np.ndarray): first image img2 (np.ndarray): second image mode (str): can be average, multiply, or overlay """ if mode == 'average': return blend_images_average(img1, img2, **kwargs) elif mode == 'multiply': return blend_images_multiply(img1, img2, **kwargs) elif mode == 'overlay': return overlay_alpha_images(img1, img2) else: raise ValueError('mode = %r' % (mode,))
[docs]def blend_images_average(img1, img2, alpha=0.5): r""" Args: img1 (ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=2]): image data img2 (ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=2]): image data alpha (float): (default = 0.5) Returns: ndarray: imgB References: CommandLine: python -m vtool.blend blend_images_average:0 --show python -m vtool.blend blend_images_average:1 --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.blend import * # NOQA >>> alpha = 0.8 >>> img1, img2 = testdata_blend() >>> imgB = blend_images_average(img1, img2, alpha) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.imshow(imgB) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: >>> # GRIDSEARCH >>> from vtool.blend import * # NOQA >>> test_func = blend_images_average >>> args = testdata_blend() >>> param_info = ut.ParamInfoList('blend_params', [ ... ut.ParamInfo('alpha', .8, 'alpha=', ... varyvals=np.linspace(0, 1.0, 25).tolist()), ... ]) >>> gridsearch_image_function(param_info, test_func, args) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ # assert img1.shape == img2.shape, 'chips must be same shape to blend' # imgB = np.zeros(img2.shape, dtype=img2.dtype) # assert img1.min() >= 0 and img1.max() <= 1 # assert img2.min() >= 0 and img2.max() <= 1 if isinstance(alpha, np.ndarray): import vtool as vt img1, img2 = vt.make_channels_comparable(img1, img2) img1, alpha = vt.make_channels_comparable(img1, alpha) img2, alpha = vt.make_channels_comparable(img2, alpha) imgB = (img1 * (1.0 - alpha)) + (img2 * (alpha)) else: imgB = (img1 * (1.0 - alpha)) + (img2 * (alpha)) # assert imgB.min() >= 0 and imgB.max() <= 1 return imgB
[docs]def blend_images_average_stack(images, alpha=None): r""" Args: img1 (ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=2]): image data img2 (ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=2]): image data alpha (float): (default = 0.5) Returns: ndarray: imgB References: CommandLine: python -m vtool.blend --test-blend_images_average:0 --show python -m vtool.blend --test-blend_images_average:1 --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.blend import * # NOQA >>> alpha = 0.8 >>> img1, img2 = testdata_blend() >>> imgB = blend_images_average(img1, img2, alpha) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.imshow(imgB) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ if alpha is None: alpha = [1 / len(images)] * len(images) assert np.isclose(sum(alpha), 1.0) # Make all images comparable imgT = images[0] import vtool as vt for img in images[1:]: imgT, _ = vt.make_channels_comparable(imgT, img) images = [vt.make_channels_comparable(img, imgT)[0] for img in images] imgB = np.sum([img * a for img, a in zip(images, alpha)], axis=0) # assert imgB.min() >= 0 and imgB.max() <= 1 return imgB
[docs]def blend_images_mult_average(img1, img2, alpha=0.5): r""" Args: img1 (ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=2]): image data img2 (ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=2]): image data alpha (float): (default = 0.5) Returns: ndarray: imgB References: CommandLine: python -m vtool.blend --test-blend_images_mult_average:0 --show python -m vtool.blend --test-blend_images_mult_average:1 --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.blend import * # NOQA >>> alpha = 0.8 >>> img1, img2 = testdata_blend() >>> imgB = blend_images_mult_average(img1, img2, alpha) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.imshow(imgB) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: >>> # GRIDSEARCH >>> from vtool.blend import * # NOQA >>> test_func = blend_images_mult_average >>> args = testdata_blend() >>> param_info = ut.ParamInfoList('blend_params', [ ... ut.ParamInfo('alpha', .8, 'alpha=', ... varyvals=np.linspace(0, 1.0, 9).tolist()), ... ]) >>> gridsearch_image_function(param_info, test_func, args) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ # assert img1.shape == img2.shape, 'chips must be same shape to blend' # imgB = np.zeros(img2.shape, dtype=img2.dtype) # assert img1.min() >= 0 and img1.max() <= 1 # assert img2.min() >= 0 and img2.max() <= 1 import vtool as vt img1_ = vt.rectify_to_float01(img1) img2_ = vt.rectify_to_float01(img2) img1_, img2_ = vt.make_channels_comparable(img1_, img2_) mult_ave = blend_images_multiply(img1_, img2_, 0.5) if alpha < 0.5: imgB = blend_images_average(img1_, mult_ave, alpha * 2) else: imgB = blend_images_average(mult_ave, img2_, (alpha - 0.5) * 2) # assert imgB.min() >= 0 and imgB.max() <= 1 return imgB
[docs]def blend_images_multiply(img1, img2, alpha=0.5): r""" Args: img1 (ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=2]): image data img2 (ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=2]): image data alpha (float): (default = 0.5) Returns: ndarray: imgB References: CommandLine: python -m vtool.blend --test-blend_images_multiply:0 --show python -m vtool.blend --test-blend_images_multiply:1 --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.blend import * # NOQA >>> alpha = 0.8 >>> img1, img2 = testdata_blend() >>> imgB = blend_images_multiply(img1, img2, alpha) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.imshow(imgB) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: >>> # GRIDSEARCH >>> from vtool.blend import * # NOQA >>> test_func = blend_images_multiply >>> args = testdata_blend(scale=128) >>> param_info = ut.ParamInfoList('blend_params', [ ... ut.ParamInfo('alpha', .8, 'alpha=', ... varyvals=np.linspace(0, 1.0, 9).tolist()), ... ]) >>> gridsearch_image_function(param_info, test_func, args) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import vtool as vt # rectify type img1_ = vt.rectify_to_float01(img1) img2_ = vt.rectify_to_float01(img2) img1_, img2_ = vt.make_channels_comparable(img1_, img2_) # print(ub.repr2(ut.get_stats(img1_, axis=2))) # print(ub.repr2(ut.get_stats(img2_.ravel()))) # assert img1_.min() >= 0 and img1_.max() <= 1 # assert img2_.min() >= 0 and img2_.max() <= 1 # apply transform # if False and alpha == .5: # imgB = img1_ * img2_ # else: # data = [img1_, img2_] w1 = 1.0 - alpha + 0.5 w2 = alpha + 0.5 # w1 = alpha # w2 = (1 - alpha) # weights = [w1, w2] # imgB = vt.weighted_geometic_mean(data, weights) # imgB = ((img1_ ** w1) * (img2_ ** w2)) ** (1 / (w1 + w2)) imgB = (img1_ ** w1) * (img2_ ** w2) # imgB = vt.weighted_geometic_mean_unnormalized(data, weights) # unrectify # assert imgB.min() >= 0 and imgB.max() <= 1 return imgB
[docs]def gridsearch_addWeighted(): r""" CommandLine: xdoctest -m ~/code/vtool/vtool/ gridsearch_addWeighted """ import cv2 import vtool as vt def test_func(src1, src2, alpha=1.0, **kwargs): beta = 1.0 - alpha src1 = vt.rectify_to_float01(src1) src2 = vt.rectify_to_float01(src2) dst = np.empty(src1.shape, dtype=src1.dtype) cv2.addWeighted( src1=src1, src2=src2, dst=dst, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, dtype=-1, **kwargs ) return dst img1, img2 = testdata_blend() args = img1, img2 = vt.make_channels_comparable(img1, img2) param_info = ut.ParamInfoList( 'blend_params', [ ut.ParamInfo('alpha', 0.8, varyvals=np.linspace(0, 1.0, 5).tolist()), # ut.ParamInfo('beta', .8, ut.ParamInfo('gamma', 0.0, varyvals=np.linspace(0, 1.0, 5).tolist()), # varyvals=[.0],)) # ut.ParamInfo('gamma', .8, 'alpha=', # varyvals=np.linspace(0, 1.0, 9).tolist()), ], ) gridsearch_image_function(param_info, test_func, args)
[docs]def gamma_adjust(img, gamma=1.0): """ CommandLine: python -m vtool.blend --test-gamma_adjust:0 --show Ignore: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.blend import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> test_func = gamma_adjust >>> img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('carl.jpg') >>> img = vt.rectify_to_float01(vt.imread(img_fpath)) >>> args = (img,) >>> param_info = ut.ParamInfoList('blend_params', [ ... ut.ParamInfo('gamma', .8, 'gamma=', ... varyvals=np.linspace(.1, 2.5, 25).tolist()), ... ]) >>> gridsearch_image_function(param_info, test_func, args) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ assert img.max() <= 1.0 assert img.min() >= 0.0 return img ** gamma
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m vtool.blend """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)