Source code for vtool.clustering2

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Does HDBSCAN work on 128 dim vectors?
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from six.moves import zip, map  # NOQA
import ubelt as ub
import numpy as np
import utool as ut

from vtool._pyflann_backend import FLANN_CLS

[docs]def tune_flann2(data): flann = FLANN_CLS() flann_atkwargs = dict( algorithm='autotuned', target_precision=0.6, build_weight=0.01, memory_weight=0.0, sample_fraction=0.001, ) print(flann_atkwargs) print('Autotuning flann') tuned_params = flann.build_index(data, **flann_atkwargs) return tuned_params
[docs]class AnnoyWraper(object): """ flann-like interface to annnoy """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def build_annoy(self, centroids, trees=3): import annoy self.a = annoy.AnnoyIndex(centroids.shape[1], metric='euclidean') for i, v in enumerate(centroids): self.a.add_item(i, v)
[docs] def query_annoy(self, query_vecs, num, checks=-1): a = self.a index_list = [] dist_list = [] for v in query_vecs: idx, dist = a.get_nns_by_vector( v, num, search_k=checks, include_distances=True ) index_list.append(idx) dist_list.append(dist) return np.array(index_list), np.array(dist_list) ** 2
[docs] def nn(self, data_vecs, query_vecs, num, trees=3, checks=-1): self.build_annoy(data_vecs, trees) return self.query_annoy(query_vecs, num, checks)
[docs]def jagged_group(groupids_list): """flattens and returns group indexes into the flattened list""" # flatx2_itemx = np.array(list(ub.flatten(itemxs_iter))) flatids = np.array(list(ub.flatten(groupids_list))) keys, groupxs = group_indices(flatids) return keys, groupxs
[docs]def apply_jagged_grouping(unflat_items, groupxs): """takes unflat_list and flat group indices. Returns the unflat grouping""" flat_items = np.array(list(ub.flatten(unflat_items))) item_groups = apply_grouping(flat_items, groupxs) return item_groups
# itemxs_iter = [[count] * len(idx2_groupid) for count, idx2_groupid in enumerate(groupids_list)]
[docs]def groupedzip(id_list, datas_list): r""" Function for grouping multiple lists of data (stored in ``datas_list``) using ``id_list``. Args: id_list (list): datas_list (list): Returns: iterator: _iter CommandLine: python -m vtool.clustering2 --test-groupedzip Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.clustering2 import * # NOQA >>> # build test data >>> id_list = np.array([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3]) >>> datas_list = [ ... ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'], ... ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G'], ... ] >>> # execute function >>> groupxs, grouped_iter = groupedzip(id_list, datas_list) >>> grouped_tuples = list(grouped_iter) >>> # verify results >>> result = str(groupxs) + '\n' >>> result += ub.repr2(grouped_tuples, nl=1) >>> print(result) [1 2 3] [ (['a', 'c', 'e'], ['A', 'C', 'E']), (['b', 'd', 'f'], ['B', 'D', 'F']), (['g'], ['G']), ] """ unique_ids, groupxs = group_indices(id_list) grouped_datas_list = [apply_grouping_(data, groupxs) for data in datas_list] grouped_iter = zip(*grouped_datas_list) return unique_ids, grouped_iter
[docs]def group_indices(idx2_groupid, assume_sorted=False): r""" group_indices Args: idx2_groupid (ndarray): numpy array of group ids (must be numeric) Returns: tuple (ndarray, list of ndarrays): (keys, groupxs) CommandLine: xdoctest -m ~/code/vtool/vtool/ group_indices xdoctest -m ~/code/vtool/vtool/ group_indices:0 xdoctest -m ~/code/vtool/vtool/ group_indices:1 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.clustering2 import * # NOQA >>> idx2_groupid = np.array([2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]) >>> (keys, groupxs) = group_indices(idx2_groupid) >>> result = ut.repr2((keys, groupxs), nl=2, nobr=True, with_dtype=True) >>> print(result) np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.int64), [ np.array([1, 3, 5], dtype=np.int64), np.array([0, 2, 4, 6], dtype=np.int64), np.array([ 7, 8, 9, 10], dtype=np.int64), ], Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.clustering2 import * # NOQA >>> idx2_groupid = np.array([[ 24], [ 129], [ 659], [ 659], [ 24], ... [659], [ 659], [ 822], [ 659], [ 659], [24]]) >>> # 2d arrays must be flattened before coming into this function so >>> # information is on the last axis >>> (keys, groupxs) = group_indices(idx2_groupid.T[0]) >>> result = ut.repr2((keys, groupxs), nl=2, nobr=True, with_dtype=True) >>> print(result) np.array([ 24, 129, 659, 822], dtype=np.int64), [ np.array([ 0, 4, 10], dtype=np.int64), np.array([1], dtype=np.int64), np.array([2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9], dtype=np.int64), np.array([7], dtype=np.int64), ], Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.clustering2 import * # NOQA >>> idx2_groupid = np.array([True, True, False, True, False, False, True]) >>> (keys, groupxs) = group_indices(idx2_groupid) >>> result = ut.repr2((keys, groupxs), nl=2, nobr=True, with_dtype=True) >>> print(result) np.array([False, True], dtype=np.bool), [ np.array([2, 4, 5], dtype=np.int64), np.array([0, 1, 3, 6], dtype=np.int64), ], Time: >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> import vtool as vt >>> setup = ut.extract_timeit_setup(vt.group_indices, 2, 'groupxs =') >>> print(setup) >>> stmt_list = ut.codeblock( ''' [sortx[lx:rx] for lx, rx in ut.itertwo(idxs)] [sortx[lx:rx] for lx, rx in zip(idxs, idxs[1:])] #[sortx[lx:rx] for lx, rx in ut.iter_window(idxs)] #[sortx[slice(*_)] for _ in ut.itertwo(idxs)] #[sortx[slice(lr, lx)] for lr, lx in ut.itertwo(idxs)] #np.split(sortx, idxs[1:-1]) #np.hsplit(sortx, idxs[1:-1]) np.array_split(sortx, idxs[1:-1]) ''').split('\n') >>> stmt_list = [x for x in stmt_list if not x.startswith('#')] >>> passed, times, outputs = ut.timeit_compare(stmt_list, setup, iterations=10000) >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> stmt_list = ut.codeblock( ''' np.diff(groupids_sorted) np.ediff1d(groupids_sorted) np.subtract(groupids_sorted[1:], groupids_sorted[:-1]) ''').split('\n') >>> stmt_list = [x for x in stmt_list if not x.startswith('#')] >>> passed, times, outputs = ut.timeit_compare(stmt_list, setup, iterations=10000) Ignore: import numba group_indices_numba = numba.jit(group_indices) group_indices_numba(idx2_groupid) SeeAlso: apply_grouping References: numpy-grouping-using-itertools-groupby-performance TODO: Look into np.split getting-the-indexes-to-the-duplicate-columns-of-a-numpy-array """ # Sort items and idx2_groupid by groupid if assume_sorted: sortx = np.arange(len(idx2_groupid)) groupids_sorted = idx2_groupid else: sortx = idx2_groupid.argsort() groupids_sorted = idx2_groupid.take(sortx) # Ensure bools are internally cast to integers if groupids_sorted.dtype.kind == 'b': cast_groupids = groupids_sorted.astype(np.int8) else: cast_groupids = groupids_sorted num_items = idx2_groupid.size # Find the boundaries between groups diff = np.ones(num_items + 1, cast_groupids.dtype) np.subtract(cast_groupids[1:], cast_groupids[:-1], out=diff[1:num_items]) idxs = np.flatnonzero(diff) # Groups are between bounding indexes # <len(keys) bottlneck> groupxs = [sortx[lx:rx] for lx, rx in ut.itertwo(idxs)] # 34.5% # Unique group keys keys = groupids_sorted[idxs[:-1]] return keys, groupxs
[docs]def sorted_indices_ranges(groupids_sorted): """ Like group sorted indices but returns a list of slices """ num_items = groupids_sorted.size # Ensure bools are cast to integers dtype = np.find_common_type([], [groupids_sorted.dtype, np.int8]) # Find the boundaries between groups diff = np.ones(num_items + 1, dtype) np.subtract(groupids_sorted[1:], groupids_sorted[:-1], out=diff[1:num_items]) idxs = np.flatnonzero(diff) group_ranges = [(lx, rx) for lx, rx in ut.itertwo(idxs)] # 34.5% return group_ranges
[docs]def find_duplicate_items(item_arr): """ Args: item_arr (?): Returns: ?: duplicate_items CommandLine: python -m vtool.clustering2 --test-find_duplicate_items References: Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.clustering2 import * # NOQA >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> item_arr = np.random.randint(100, size=30) >>> duplicate_items = find_duplicate_items(item_arr) >>> assert duplicate_items == list(six.iterkeys(ut.find_duplicate_items(item_arr))) >>> result = str(duplicate_items) >>> print(result) [9, 67, 87, 88] """ sortx = item_arr.argsort() groupids_sorted = item_arr.take(sortx) # duplicate_idxs = np.flatnonzero(~np.diff(groupids_sorted).astype(np.bool_)) diff = np.diff(groupids_sorted) # notdiff = np.bitwise_not(diff.astype(np.bool_)) edges = np.flatnonzero(diff.astype(np.bool_)) + 1 duplicate_items = [ group[0] for group in np.split(groupids_sorted, edges) if group.shape[0] > 1 ] # duplicate_items = groupids_sorted.take(duplicate_idxs) return duplicate_items
[docs]def apply_grouping(items, groupxs, axis=0): """ applies grouping from group_indicies apply_grouping Args: items (ndarray): groupxs (list of ndarrays): Returns: list of ndarrays: grouped items SeeAlso: group_indices invert_apply_grouping CommandLine: python -m vtool.clustering2 --test-apply_grouping Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.clustering2 import * # NOQA >>> idx2_groupid = np.array([2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]) >>> items = np.array([1, 8, 5, 5, 8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9]) >>> (keys, groupxs) = group_indices(idx2_groupid) >>> grouped_items = apply_grouping(items, groupxs) >>> result = str(grouped_items) >>> print(result) [array([8, 5, 6]), array([1, 5, 8, 7]), array([5, 3, 0, 9])] """ # SHOULD DO A CONTIGUOUS CHECK HERE # items_ = np.ascontiguousarray(items) return [items.take(xs, axis=axis) for xs in groupxs]
# return [items[idxs] for idxs in groupxs]
[docs]def apply_grouping_(items, groupxs): """non-optimized version""" return ut.apply_grouping(items, groupxs)
[docs]def invert_apply_grouping(grouped_items, groupxs): r""" Args: grouped_items (list): of lists groupxs (list): of lists Returns: list: items CommandLine: python -m vtool.clustering2 --test-invert_apply_grouping Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.clustering2 import * # NOQA >>> grouped_items = [[8, 5, 6], [1, 5, 8, 7], [5, 3, 0, 9]] >>> groupxs = [np.array([1, 3, 5]), np.array([0, 2, 4, 6]), np.array([ 7, 8, 9, 10])] >>> items = invert_apply_grouping(grouped_items, groupxs) >>> result = items >>> print(result) [1, 8, 5, 5, 8, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, 9] Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.clustering2 import * # NOQA >>> grouped_items, groupxs = [], [] >>> result = invert_apply_grouping(grouped_items, groupxs) >>> print(result) [] """ if len(grouped_items) == 0: assert ( len(groupxs) == 0 ), 'inconsistant. len(grouped_items)=%d, len(groupxs)=%d' % ( len(grouped_items), len(groupxs), ) return [] # maxval = max(map(max, groupxs)) maxval = _max(list(map(_max, groupxs))) ungrouped_items = [None] * (maxval + 1) # np.full((maxval + 1,), None) for itemgroup, xs in zip(grouped_items, groupxs): for item, x in zip(itemgroup, xs): ungrouped_items[x] = item return ungrouped_items
[docs]def invert_apply_grouping3(grouped_items, groupxs, maxval): ungrouped_items = [None] * (maxval + 1) # np.full((maxval + 1,), None) for itemgroup, xs in zip(grouped_items, groupxs): for item, x in zip(itemgroup, xs): ungrouped_items[x] = item return ungrouped_items
def _max(x): return np.max(x) if len(x) > 0 else 0
[docs]def invert_apply_grouping2(grouped_items, groupxs, dtype=None): """use only when ungrouping will be complete""" maxval = _max(list(map(_max, groupxs))) ungrouped_items = np.zeros((maxval + 1,), dtype=dtype) for itemgroup, ix_list in zip(grouped_items, groupxs): ungrouped_items[ix_list] = itemgroup return ungrouped_items
[docs]def apply_grouping_iter(items, groupxs): return (items.take(xs, axis=0) for xs in groupxs)
[docs]def apply_grouping_iter2(items, groupxs): return (np.array(list(items)).take(xs, axis=0) for xs in groupxs)
[docs]def groupby(items, idx2_groupid): """ >>> items = np.array(np.arange(100)) >>> idx2_groupid = np.array(np.random.randint(0, 4, size=100)) >>> items = idx2_groupid """ keys, groupxs = group_indices(idx2_groupid) vals = [items[idxs] for idxs in groupxs] return keys, vals
[docs]def groupby_gen(items, idx2_groupid): """ >>> items = np.array(np.arange(100)) >>> idx2_groupid = np.array(np.random.randint(0, 4, size=100)) """ for key, val in zip(*groupby(items, idx2_groupid)): yield (key, val)
[docs]def groupby_dict(items, idx2_groupid): # Build a dict grouped = {key: val for key, val in groupby_gen(items, idx2_groupid)} return grouped
# --------------- # Plotting Code # ---------------
[docs]def plot_centroids( data, centroids, num_pca_dims=3, whiten=False, labels='centroids', fnum=1, prefix='' ): """Plots centroids and datapoints. Plots accurately up to 3 dimensions. If there are more than 3 dimensions, PCA is used to recude the dimenionality to the <num_pca_dims> principal components """ # from wbia.plottool import draw_func2 as df2 data_dims = data.shape[1] show_dims = min(num_pca_dims, data_dims) if data_dims != show_dims: # we can't physiologically see the data, so look at a projection print('[akmeans] Doing PCA') from sklearn import decomposition pcakw = dict(copy=True, n_components=show_dims, whiten=whiten) pca = decomposition.PCA(**pcakw).fit(data) pca_data = pca.transform(data) pca_centroids = pca.transform(centroids) print('[akmeans] ...Finished PCA') else: # pca is not necessary print('[akmeans] No need for PCA') pca_data = data pca_centroids = centroids print(pca_data.shape) # Make a color for each centroid data_x = pca_data[:, 0] data_y = pca_data[:, 1] clus_x = pca_centroids[:, 0] clus_y = pca_centroids[:, 1] nCentroids = K = len(centroids) if labels == 'centroids': (datax2_label, dists) = FLANN_CLS().nn(centroids, data, 1) else: datax2_label = labels datax2_label = np.array(datax2_label, dtype=np.int32) print(datax2_label) assert len(datax2_label.shape) == 1, repr(datax2_label.shape) # if datax2_centroids is None: # (datax2_centroidx, _) = p FLANN_CLS().nn(centroids, data, 1) # data_colors = colors[np.array(datax2_centroidx, dtype=np.int32)] nColors = datax2_label.max() - datax2_label.min() + 1 print('nColors=%r' % (nColors,)) print('K=%r' % (K,)) colors = np.array(df2.distinct_colors(nColors, brightness=0.95)) clus_colors = np.array(df2.distinct_colors(nCentroids, brightness=0.95)) assert labels != 'centroids' or nColors == K assert len(datax2_label.shape) == 1, repr(datax2_label.shape) data_colors = colors[datax2_label] # Create a figure fig = df2.figure(fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) if show_dims == 2: ax = df2.plt.gca() df2.plt.scatter(data_x, data_y, s=20, c=data_colors, marker='o', alpha=1) # df2.plt.scatter(data_x, data_y, s=20, c=data_colors, marker='o', alpha=.2) df2.plt.scatter(clus_x, clus_y, s=500, c=clus_colors, marker='*') ax.autoscale(enable=False) ax.set_aspect('equal') df2.dark_background(ax) if show_dims == 3: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # NOQA ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') data_z = pca_data[:, 2] clus_z = pca_centroids[:, 2] # ax.scatter(data_x, data_y, data_z, s=20, c=data_colors, marker='o', alpha=.2) ax.scatter(data_x, data_y, data_z, s=20, c=data_colors, marker='o', alpha=1) ax.scatter(clus_x, clus_y, clus_z, s=500, c=clus_colors, marker='*') ax.autoscale(enable=False) ax.set_aspect('equal') df2.dark_background(ax) # ax.set_alpha(.1) # ax.set_frame_on(False) ax = df2.plt.gca() waswhitestr = ' +whitening' * whiten titlestr = ( '{prefix}AKmeans: K={K}.' 'PCA projection {data_dims}D -> {show_dims}D' '{waswhitestr}' ).format(**locals()) ax.set_title(titlestr) return fig
[docs]def uniform_sample_hypersphere(num, ndim=2, only_quadrent_1=False): r""" Not quite done yet References: Args: num (?): ndim (int): (default = 2) CommandLine: python -m vtool.clustering2 --test-uniform_sampe_hypersphere Ignore: #pip install polytope sudo pip install cvxopt --no-deps Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.clustering2 import * # NOQA >>> num = 100 >>> ndim = 3 >>> pts = uniform_sampe_hypersphere(num, ndim) >>> print(pts) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> if ndim == 2: >>> pt.plot(pts.T[0], pts.T[1], 'gx') >>> elif ndim == 3: >>> #pt.plot_surface3d(pts.T[0], pts.T[1], pts.T[2]) >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # NOQA >>> fig = pt.figure(1, doclf=True, docla=True) >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') >>> ax.scatter(pts.T[0], pts.T[1], pts.T[2], s=20, marker='o', alpha=1) >>> ax.autoscale(enable=False) >>> ax.set_aspect('equal') >>> df2.dark_background(ax) >>> pt.dark_background() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import vtool as vt pts = np.random.rand(num, ndim) if not only_quadrent_1: pts = pts * 2 - 1 pass pts = vt.normalize_rows(pts) return pts
[docs]def unsupervised_multicut_labeling(cost_matrix, thresh=0): """ Notes: requires CPLEX CommandLine: python -m vtool.clustering2 unsupervised_multicut_labeling --show Ignore: >>> # synthetic data >>> import vtool as vt >>> size = 100 >>> thresh = 50 >>> np.random.randint(0, 1) >>> np.zeros((size, size)) >>> #np.random.rand(size, size) >>> size = 45 >>> #size = 10 >>> size = 5 >>> aids = np.arange(size) >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(443284320) >>> encounter_lbls = rng.randint(0, size, size) >>> separation = 5.0 >>> separation = 1.10 >>> grid1 = np.tile(encounter_lbls, (size, 1)) >>> is_match = grid1.T == grid1 >>> good_pos = np.where(is_match) >>> bad_pos = np.where(~s_match) >>> cost_matrix_ = np.zeros((size, size)) >>> cost_matrix_[good_pos] = rng.randn(len(good_pos[0])) + separation >>> cost_matrix_[bad_pos] = rng.randn(len(bad_pos[0])) - separation >>> false_val = min(cost_matrix_.min(), np.min(rng.randn(1000) - separation)) >>> true_val = max(cost_matrix_.max(), np.max(rng.randn(500) + separation)) >>> cost_matrix_[np.diag_indices_from(cost_matrix_)] = true_val >>> #cost_matrix_[np.diag_indices_from(cost_matrix_)] = np.inf >>> cost_matrix = (cost_matrix_ - false_val) / (true_val - false_val) >>> cost_matrix = 2 * (cost_matrix - .5) >>> thresh = 0 >>> labels = vt.unsupervised_multicut_labeling(cost_matrix, thresh) >>> diff = ut.find_group_differences( >>> list(ut.group_items(aids, encounter_lbls).values()), >>> list(ut.group_items(aids, labels).values())) >>> print('diff = %r' % (diff,)) #gm, = ut.exec_func_src(vt.unsupervised_multicut_labeling, #key_list=['gm'], sentinal='inf = opengm') #parameter = opengm.InfParam() #%timeit opengm.inference.Multicut(gm, parameter=parameter).infer() Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from vtool.clustering2 import * # NOQA >>> import networkx as nx >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(443284320) >>> pt.ensureqt() >>> # >>> def make_test_costmatrix(name_labels, view_labels, separation=2): >>> is_same = name_labels == name_labels[:, None] >>> is_comp = np.abs(view_labels - view_labels[:, None]) <= 1 >>> good_pos = np.where(is_same) >>> bad_pos = np.where(~is_same) >>> cost_matrix_ = np.zeros((len(name_labels), len(name_labels))) >>> cost_matrix_[good_pos] = rng.randn(len(good_pos[0])) + separation >>> cost_matrix_[bad_pos] = rng.randn(len(bad_pos[0])) - separation >>> cost_matrix_ = (cost_matrix_.T + cost_matrix_) / 2 >>> false_val = min(cost_matrix_.min(), np.min(rng.randn(1000) - separation)) >>> true_val = max(cost_matrix_.max(), np.max(rng.randn(500) + separation)) >>> cost_matrix_[np.diag_indices_from(cost_matrix_)] = true_val >>> cost_matrix = (cost_matrix_ - false_val) / (true_val - false_val) >>> cost_matrix = 2 * (cost_matrix - .5) >>> cost_matrix[np.where(~is_comp)] = 0 >>> return cost_matrix >>> # >>> view_labels = np.array([0, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0]) >>> name_labels = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) >>> #cost_matrix = make_test_costmatrix(name_labels, view_labels, 2) >>> cost_matrix = make_test_costmatrix(name_labels, view_labels, .9) >>> # >>> def multicut_value(cost_matrix, name_labels): >>> grid1 = np.tile(name_labels, (len(name_labels), 1)) >>> isdiff = grid1.T != grid1 >>> cut_value = cost_matrix[isdiff].sum() >>> return cut_value >>> # >>> aids = np.arange(len(name_labels)) >>> # >>> graph = ut.nx_from_matrix(cost_matrix) >>> weights = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'weight') >>> # >>> floatfmt1 = ut.partial(ub.map_vals, lambda x: 'w=%.2f' % x) >>> floatfmt2 = ut.partial(ub.map_vals, lambda x: 'l=%.2f' % x) >>> # >>> lens = ub.map_vals(lambda x: (1 - ((x + 1) / 2)) / 2, weights) >>> labels = floatfmt1(weights) >>> #labels = floatfmt2(lens) >>> nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='label', values=labels) >>> #nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name='len', values=lens) >>> nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='shape', values='ellipse') >>> encounter_lbls_str = [str(x) for x in name_labels] >>> node_name_lbls = dict(zip(aids, encounter_lbls_str)) >>> import vtool as vt >>> # >>> mcut_labels = vt.unsupervised_multicut_labeling(cost_matrix, thresh=vt.eps) >>> diff = ut.find_group_differences( >>> list(ut.group_items(aids, name_labels).values()), >>> list(ut.group_items(aids, mcut_labels).values())) >>> print('diff = %r' % (diff,)) >>> # >>> nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='label', values=node_name_lbls) >>> node_mcut_lbls = dict(zip(aids, mcut_labels)) >>> nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='mcut_label', values=node_mcut_lbls) >>> # >>> print('mc_val(name) ' + str(multicut_value(cost_matrix, name_labels))) >>> print('mc_val(mcut) ' + str(multicut_value(cost_matrix, mcut_labels))) >>> # >>> ut.color_nodes(graph, 'mcut_label') >>> # >>> # remove noncomparable edges >>> is_comp = np.abs(view_labels - view_labels[:, None]) <= 1 >>> # >>> noncomp_edges = list(zip(*np.where(~is_comp))) >>> graph.remove_edges_from(noncomp_edges) >>> # >>> layoutkw = { >>> 'sep' : 5, >>> 'prog': 'neato', >>> 'overlap': 'false', >>> 'splines': 'spline', >>> } >>> pt.show_nx(graph, layoutkw=layoutkw) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import opengm import numpy as np # import wbia.plottool as pt from itertools import product cost_matrix_ = cost_matrix - thresh num_vars = len(cost_matrix_) # Enumerate undirected edges (node index pairs) var_indices = np.arange(num_vars) varindex_pairs = np.array( [ (a1, a2) for a1, a2 in product(var_indices, var_indices) if a1 != a2 and a1 > a2 ], dtype=np.uint32, ) varindex_pairs.sort(axis=1) # Create nodes in the graphical model. In this case there are <num_vars> # nodes and each node can be assigned to one of <num_vars> possible labels num_nodes = num_vars space = np.full((num_nodes,), fill_value=num_vars, dtype=opengm.index_type) gm = # Use one potts function for each edge for varx1, varx2 in varindex_pairs: cost = cost_matrix_[varx1, varx2] potts_func = opengm.PottsFunction( (num_vars, num_vars), valueEqual=0, valueNotEqual=cost ) potts_func_id = gm.addFunction(potts_func) var_indicies = np.array([varx1, varx2]) gm.addFactor(potts_func_id, var_indicies) # pt.ensureqt() # opengm.visualizeGm(gm=gm) # Not sure what parameters are allowed to be passed here. parameter = opengm.InfParam() inf = opengm.inference.Multicut(gm, parameter=parameter) inf.infer() labels = inf.arg() # print(labels) return labels # def alpha_expansion_cut(graph): # # import pygco # prob_annots2 = prob_annots.copy() # finite_probs = (prob_annots2[np.isfinite(prob_annots2)]) # mean = finite_probs.mean() # # make symmetric # prob_annots2[~np.isfinite(prob_annots2)] = finite_probs.max() * 2 # prob_annots2 = (prob_annots2.T + prob_annots2) / 2 # int_factor = 100 / mean # pairwise_cost = (prob_annots2 * int_factor).astype(np.int32) # n_labels = 2 # unary_cost = np.ones((prob_annots.shape[0], n_labels)).astype(np.int32) # u, v = np.meshgrid(np.arange(prob_annots.shape[0]).astype(np.int32), np.arange(len(prob_annots)).astype(np.int32)) # edges = np.vstack((u.flatten(), v.flatten(), pairwise_cost.flatten())).T.astype(np.int32) # import pygco # n_iter = 5 # algorithm = 'expansion' # unary_cost = np.ascontiguousarray(unary_cost) ##pairwise_cost = np.ascontiguousarray(pairwise_cost) # pairwise_cost = np.eye(n_labels).astype(np.int32) # edges = np.ascontiguousarray(edges) # pygco.cut_from_graph(edges, unary_cost, pairwise_cost, n_iter, algorithm) # pairwise_cost = prob_annots pass
[docs]def example_binary(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from pygco import cut_simple, cut_from_graph # generate trivial data x = np.ones((10, 10)) x[:, 5:] = -1 x_noisy = x + np.random.normal(0, 0.8, size=x.shape) x_thresh = x_noisy > 0.0 # create unaries unaries = x_noisy # as we convert to int, we need to multipy to get sensible values unaries = (10 * np.dstack([unaries, -unaries]).copy('C')).astype(np.int32) unaries[:] = 0 # create potts pairwise pairwise = -10 * np.eye(2, dtype=np.int32) # do simple cut result = cut_simple(unaries, pairwise) # use the gerneral graph algorithm # first, we construct the grid graph inds = np.arange(x.size).reshape(x.shape) horz = np.c_[inds[:, :-1].ravel(), inds[:, 1:].ravel()] vert = np.c_[inds[:-1, :].ravel(), inds[1:, :].ravel()] edges = np.vstack([horz, vert]).astype(np.int32) # we flatten the unaries result_graph = cut_from_graph(edges, unaries.reshape(-1, 2), pairwise) # plot results plt.subplot(231, title='original') plt.imshow(x, interpolation='nearest') plt.subplot(232, title='noisy version') plt.imshow(x_noisy, interpolation='nearest') plt.subplot(233, title='rounded to integers') plt.imshow(unaries[:, :, 0], interpolation='nearest') plt.subplot(234, title='thresholding result') plt.imshow(x_thresh, interpolation='nearest') plt.subplot(235, title='cut_simple') plt.imshow(result, interpolation='nearest') plt.subplot(236, title='cut_from_graph') plt.imshow(result_graph.reshape(x.shape), interpolation='nearest')
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python ~/code/vtool/vtool/ all python -m vtool.clustering2 all """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)