Source code for vtool.coverage_kpts

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from six.moves import zip, range, map, reduce  # NOQA
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
import ubelt as ub
from vtool import patch as ptool
from vtool import keypoint as ktool

# TODO: integrate more
COVKPTS_DEFAULT = ut.ParamInfoList(
        ut.ParamInfo('cov_agg_mode', 'max'),
        ut.ParamInfo('cov_blur_ksize', (5, 5)),
        ut.ParamInfo('cov_blur_on', True),
        ut.ParamInfo('cov_blur_sigma', 5.0),
        ut.ParamInfo('cov_remove_scale', True),
        ut.ParamInfo('cov_remove_shape', True),
        ut.ParamInfo('cov_scale_factor', 0.3),
        ut.ParamInfo('cov_size_penalty_frac', 0.1),
        ut.ParamInfo('cov_size_penalty_on', True),
        ut.ParamInfo('cov_size_penalty_power', 0.5),

[docs]def make_kpts_heatmask(kpts, chipsize, cmap='plasma'): """ makes a heatmap overlay for keypoints CommandLine: python -m vtool.coverage_kpts make_kpts_heatmask --show Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:pyhesaff) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia) >>> from vtool.coverage_kpts import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> import pyhesaff >>> img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('carl.jpg') >>> (kpts, vecs) = pyhesaff.detect_feats(img_fpath) >>> chip = vt.imread(img_fpath) >>> kpts = kpts[0:100] >>> chipsize = chip.shape[0:2][::-1] >>> heatmask = make_kpts_heatmask(kpts, chipsize) >>> img1 = heatmask >>> img2 = chip >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.qtensure() >>> img3 = vt.overlay_alpha_images(heatmask, chip) >>> pt.imshow(img3) >>> #pt.imshow(heatmask) >>> #pt.draw_kpts2(kpts) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ # use a disk instead of a gaussian import skimage.morphology cov_scale_factor = 0.25 radius = min(int((min(chipsize) * cov_scale_factor) // 2) - 1, 50) patch = skimage.morphology.disk(radius) mask = make_kpts_coverage_mask( kpts, chipsize, resize=True, cov_size_penalty_on=False, patch=patch, cov_scale_factor=cov_scale_factor, cov_blur_sigma=1.5, cov_blur_on=True, ) import wbia.plottool as pt # heatmask = np.ones(tuple(chipsize) + (4,)) * pt.RED heatmask = pt.plt.get_cmap(cmap)(mask) # conver to bgr heatmask[:, :, 0:3] = heatmask[:, :, 0:3][:, :, ::-1] # apply alpha channel heatmask[:, :, 3] = mask * 0.5 return heatmask
[docs]def make_heatmask(mask, cmap='plasma'): # import vtool as vt # use a disk instead of a gaussian import wbia.plottool as pt import vtool as vt assert len(mask.shape) == 2 mask = vt.rectify_to_float01(mask) heatmask = pt.plt.get_cmap(cmap)(mask) # conver to bgr heatmask[:, :, 0:3] = heatmask[:, :, 0:3][:, :, ::-1] heatmask[:, :, 3] = mask # print('heatmask = {!r}'.format(heatmask)) return heatmask
[docs]def make_kpts_coverage_mask( kpts, chipsize, weights=None, return_patch=False, patch=None, resize=False, out=None, cov_blur_on=True, cov_disk_hack=None, cov_blur_ksize=(17, 17), cov_blur_sigma=5.0, cov_gauss_shape=(19, 19), cov_gauss_sigma_frac=0.3, cov_scale_factor=0.2, cov_agg_mode='max', cov_remove_shape=False, cov_remove_scale=False, cov_size_penalty_on=True, cov_size_penalty_power=0.5, cov_size_penalty_frac=0.1, ): r""" Returns a intensity image denoting which pixels are covered by the input keypoints Args: kpts (ndarray[float32_t, ndim=2][ndims=2]): keypoints chipsize (tuple): width height of the underlying image Returns: tuple (ndarray, ndarray): dstimg, patch Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:pyhesaff) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia) >>> from vtool.coverage_kpts import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> import pyhesaff >>> img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('carl.jpg') >>> (kpts, vecs) = pyhesaff.detect_feats(img_fpath) >>> kpts = kpts[::10] >>> chip = vt.imread(img_fpath) >>> chipsize = chip.shape[0:2][::-1] >>> # execute function >>> dstimg, patch = make_kpts_coverage_mask(kpts, chipsize, resize=True, return_patch=True, cov_size_penalty_on=False, cov_blur_on=False) >>> # show results >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> mask = dstimg >>> show_coverage_map(chip, mask, patch, kpts) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ import cv2 if patch is None: patch = get_gaussian_weight_patch(cov_gauss_shape, cov_gauss_sigma_frac) chipshape = chipsize[::-1] # Warp patches onto a scaled image dstimg = warp_patch_onto_kpts( kpts, patch, chipshape, weights=weights, out=out, cov_scale_factor=cov_scale_factor, cov_agg_mode=cov_agg_mode, cov_remove_shape=cov_remove_shape, cov_remove_scale=cov_remove_scale, cov_size_penalty_on=cov_size_penalty_on, cov_size_penalty_power=cov_size_penalty_power, cov_size_penalty_frac=cov_size_penalty_frac, ) # Smooth weight of influence if cov_blur_on: cv2.GaussianBlur( dstimg, ksize=cov_blur_ksize, sigmaX=cov_blur_sigma, sigmaY=cov_blur_sigma, dst=dstimg, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, ) if resize: # Resize to original chpsize of requested dsize = chipsize dstimg = cv2.resize(dstimg, dsize) if return_patch: return dstimg, patch else: return dstimg
[docs]def warp_patch_onto_kpts( kpts, patch, chipshape, weights=None, out=None, cov_scale_factor=0.2, cov_agg_mode='max', cov_remove_shape=False, cov_remove_scale=False, cov_size_penalty_on=True, cov_size_penalty_power=0.5, cov_size_penalty_frac=0.1, ): r""" Overlays the source image onto a destination image in each keypoint location Args: kpts (ndarray[float32_t, ndim=2]): keypoints patch (ndarray): patch to warp (like gaussian) chipshape (tuple): weights (ndarray): score for every keypoint Kwargs: cov_scale_factor (float): Returns: ndarray: mask CommandLine: python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts --show python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts --show --hole python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts --show --square python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-warp_patch_onto_kpts --show --square --hole Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:pyhesaff) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia) >>> from vtool.coverage_kpts import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> import pyhesaff >>> img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('carl.jpg') >>> (kpts, vecs) = pyhesaff.detect_feats(img_fpath) >>> kpts = kpts[::15] >>> chip = vt.imread(img_fpath) >>> chipshape = chip.shape >>> weights = np.ones(len(kpts)) >>> cov_scale_factor = 1.0 >>> srcshape = (19, 19) >>> radius = srcshape[0] / 2.0 >>> sigma = 0.4 * radius >>> SQUARE = ub.argflag('--square') >>> HOLE = ub.argflag('--hole') >>> if SQUARE: >>> patch = np.ones(srcshape) >>> else: >>> patch = ptool.gaussian_patch(shape=srcshape, sigma=sigma) #, norm_01=False) >>> patch = patch / patch.max() >>> if HOLE: >>> patch[int(patch.shape[0] / 2), int(patch.shape[1] / 2)] = 0 >>> # execute function >>> dstimg = warp_patch_onto_kpts(kpts, patch, chipshape, weights, cov_scale_factor=cov_scale_factor) >>> # verify results >>> print('dstimg stats %r' % (ut.get_stats_str(dstimg, axis=None)),) >>> print('patch stats %r' % (ut.get_stats_str(patch, axis=None)),) >>> #print(patch.sum()) >>> assert np.all(ut.inbounds(dstimg, 0, 1, eq=True)) >>> # show results >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> mask = dstimg >>> show_coverage_map(chip, mask, patch, kpts) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ import vtool as vt # if len(kpts) == 0: # return None chip_scale_h = int(np.ceil(chipshape[0] * cov_scale_factor)) chip_scale_w = int(np.ceil(chipshape[1] * cov_scale_factor)) if len(kpts) == 0: dstimg = np.zeros((chip_scale_h, chip_scale_w)) return dstimg if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(kpts)) dsize = (chip_scale_w, chip_scale_h) # Allocate destination image patch_shape = patch.shape # Scale keypoints into destination image # <HACK> if cov_remove_shape: # disregard affine information in keypoints # i still dont understand why we are trying this (patch_h, patch_w) = patch_shape half_width = patch_w / 2.0 # - .5 half_height = patch_h / 2.0 # - .5 # Center src image T1 = vt.translation_mat3x3(-half_width + 0.5, -half_height + 0.5) # Scale src to the unit circle if not cov_remove_scale: S1 = vt.scale_mat3x3(1.0 / half_width, 1.0 / half_height) # Transform the source image to the keypoint ellipse kpts_T = np.array([vt.translation_mat3x3(x, y) for (x, y) in vt.get_xys(kpts).T]) if not cov_remove_scale: kpts_S = np.array( [vt.scale_mat3x3(np.sqrt(scale)) for scale in vt.get_scales(kpts).T] ) # Adjust for the requested scale factor S2 = vt.scale_mat3x3(cov_scale_factor, cov_scale_factor) # perspective_list = [ for A in invVR_aff2Ds] if not cov_remove_scale: M_list = reduce(np.matmul, (S2, kpts_T, kpts_S, S1, T1)) else: M_list = reduce(np.matmul, (S2, kpts_T, T1)) # </HACK> else: M_list = ktool.get_transforms_from_patch_image_kpts( kpts, patch_shape, cov_scale_factor ) affmat_list = M_list[:, 0:2, :] weight_list = weights # For each keypoint warp a gaussian scaled by the feature score into the image warped_patch_iter = warped_patch_generator( patch, dsize, affmat_list, weight_list, cov_size_penalty_on=cov_size_penalty_on, cov_size_penalty_power=cov_size_penalty_power, cov_size_penalty_frac=cov_size_penalty_frac, ) # Either max or sum if cov_agg_mode == 'max': dstimg = vt.iter_reduce_ufunc(np.maximum, warped_patch_iter, out=out) elif cov_agg_mode == 'sum': dstimg = vt.iter_reduce_ufunc(np.add, warped_patch_iter, out=out) # HACK FOR SUM: DO NOT DO THIS FOR MAX dstimg[dstimg > 1.0] = 1.0 else: raise AssertionError('Unknown cov_agg_mode=%r' % (cov_agg_mode,)) return dstimg
[docs]def warped_patch_generator( patch, dsize, affmat_list, weight_list, cov_size_penalty_on=True, cov_size_penalty_power=0.5, cov_size_penalty_frac=0.1, ): """ generator that warps the patches (like gaussian) onto an image with dsize using constant memory. output must be used or copied on every iteration otherwise the next output will clobber the previous References: """ import cv2 shape = dsize[::-1] # warpAffine is weird. If the shape of the dst is the same as src we can # use the dst outvar. I dont know why it needs that. It seems that this # will not operate in place even if a destination array is passed in when # src.shape != dst.shape. patch_h, patch_w = patch.shape # If we pad the patch we can use dst padded_patch = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) # Prealloc output, warped = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) prepad_h, prepad_w = patch.shape[0:2] # each score is spread across its contributing pixels for (M, weight) in zip(affmat_list, weight_list): # inplace weighting of the patch np.multiply(patch, weight, out=padded_patch[:prepad_h, :prepad_w]) # inplace warping of the padded_patch cv2.warpAffine( padded_patch, M, dsize, dst=warped, flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=0, ) if cov_size_penalty_on: # TODO: size penalty should be based of splitting number of # bins in a keypoint over the region that it covers total_weight = ( warped.sum() ** cov_size_penalty_power ) * cov_size_penalty_frac if total_weight > 1: # Whatever the size of the keypoint is it should # contribute a total of 1 score np.divide(warped, total_weight, out=warped) yield warped
[docs]def get_gaussian_weight_patch( gauss_shape=(19, 19), gauss_sigma_frac=0.3, gauss_norm_01=True ): r""" 2d gaussian image useful for plotting Returns: ndarray: patch CommandLine: python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-get_gaussian_weight_patch Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.coverage_kpts import * # NOQA >>> patch = get_gaussian_weight_patch() >>> result = str(patch) >>> print(result) """ # Perdoch uses roughly .95 of the radius radius = gauss_shape[0] / 2.0 sigma = gauss_sigma_frac * radius # Similar to SIFT's computeCircularGaussMask in helpers.cpp # uses smmWindowSize=19 in hesaff for patch size. and 1.6 for sigma # Create gaussian image to warp patch = ptool.gaussian_patch(shape=gauss_shape, sigma=sigma) if gauss_norm_01: np.divide(patch, patch.max(), out=patch) return patch
[docs]def get_coverage_kpts_gridsearch_configs(): """testing function""" varied_dict = { 'cov_agg_mode': ['max', 'sum'], # 'cov_blur_ksize' : [(19, 19), (5, 5)], 'cov_blur_ksize': [(5, 5)], 'cov_blur_on': [True, False], 'cov_blur_sigma': [5.0], 'cov_remove_scale': [True], 'cov_remove_shape': [False, True], 'cov_scale_factor': [0.3], 'cov_size_penalty_frac': [0.1], 'cov_size_penalty_on': [True], 'cov_size_penalty_power': [0.5], } slice_dict = { 'cov_scale_factor': slice(0, 3), 'cov_agg_mode': slice(0, 2), 'cov_blur_ksize': slice(0, 2), # 'grid_sigma' : slice(0, 4), } slice_dict = None # Make configuration for every parameter setting def constrain_func(cfgdict): if cfgdict['cov_remove_shape']: cfgdict['cov_remove_scale'] = False cfgdict['cov_size_penalty_on'] = False if not cfgdict['cov_size_penalty_on']: cfgdict['cov_size_penalty_power'] = None cfgdict['cov_size_penalty_frac'] = None if not cfgdict['cov_blur_on']: cfgdict['cov_blur_ksize'] = None cfgdict['cov_blur_sigma'] = None return cfgdict cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list = ut.make_constrained_cfg_and_lbl_list( varied_dict, constrain_func, slice_dict ) return cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list
[docs]def gridsearch_kpts_coverage_mask(): """ testing function CommandLine: python -m vtool.coverage_kpts --test-gridsearch_kpts_coverage_mask --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.coverage_kpts import * # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> gridsearch_kpts_coverage_mask() >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ import wbia.plottool as pt cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list = get_coverage_kpts_gridsearch_configs() kpts, chipsize, weights = testdata_coverage('easy1.png') imgmask_list = [ 255 * make_kpts_coverage_mask(kpts, chipsize, weights, return_patch=False, **cfgdict) for cfgdict in ub.ProgIter(cfgdict_list, label='coverage grid') ] # NORMHACK = True # if NORMHACK: # imgmask_list = [ # 255 * (mask / mask.max()) for mask in imgmask_list # ] fnum = pt.next_fnum() ut.interact_gridsearch_result_images( pt.imshow, cfgdict_list, cfglbl_list, imgmask_list, fnum=fnum, figtitle='coverage image', unpack=False, max_plots=25, ) pt.iup()
[docs]def testdata_coverage(fname=None): """testing function""" import vtool as vt # build test data kpts, vecs = vt.demodata.get_testdata_kpts(fname, with_vecs=True) # HACK IN DISTINCTIVENESS if fname is not None: from wbia.algo.hots import distinctiveness_normalizer cachedir = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('ibeis', 'distinctiveness_model') species = 'zebra_plains' dstcnvs_normer = distinctiveness_normalizer.DistinctivnessNormalizer( species, cachedir=cachedir ) dstcnvs_normer.load(cachedir) weights = dstcnvs_normer.get_distinctiveness(vecs) else: kpts = np.vstack((kpts, [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0])) kpts = np.vstack((kpts, [0.01, 10, 1, 1, 1, 0])) kpts = np.vstack((kpts, [0.94, 11.5, 1, 1, 1, 0])) weights = np.ones(len(kpts)) chipsize = tuple(vt.iceil(vt.get_kpts_image_extent(kpts)[2:4]).tolist()) return kpts, chipsize, weights
[docs]def show_coverage_map( chip, mask, patch, kpts, fnum=None, ell_alpha=0.6, show_mask_kpts=False ): """testing function""" import wbia.plottool as pt if fnum is None: fnum = pt.next_fnum() pnum_ = pt.get_pnum_func(nRows=2, nCols=2) if patch is not None: pt.imshow((patch * 255).astype(np.uint8), fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(0), title='patch') pt.imshow((mask * 255).astype(np.uint8), fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(1), title='mask') else: pt.imshow((mask * 255).astype(np.uint8), fnum=fnum, pnum=(2, 1, 1), title='mask') if show_mask_kpts: pt.draw_kpts2(kpts, rect=True, ell_alpha=ell_alpha) pt.imshow(chip, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(2), title='chip') pt.draw_kpts2(kpts, rect=True, ell_alpha=ell_alpha) masked_chip = (chip * mask[:, :, None]).astype(np.uint8) pt.imshow(masked_chip, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(3), title='masked chip')
# pt.draw_kpts2(kpts) if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m vtool.coverage_kpts """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)