Source code for vtool.depricated

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import utool as ut
from os.path import join, exists
from vtool.image import resize_thumb, cvt_BGR2RGB, _trimread, imwrite

[docs]class ThumbnailCacheContext(object): """Lazy computation of of images as thumbnails. DEPRICATED Just pass a list of uuids corresponding to the images. Then compute images flagged as dirty and give them back to the context. thumbs_list will be populated on contex exit """ def __init__( self, uuid_list, asrgb=True, thumb_size=64, thumb_dpath=None, appname='vtool' ): if thumb_dpath is None: # Get default thumb path thumb_dpath = ut.get_app_resource_dir(appname, 'thumbs') ut.ensuredir(thumb_dpath) self.thumb_gpaths = [ join(thumb_dpath, str(uuid) + 'thumb.png') for uuid in uuid_list ] self.asrgb = asrgb self.thumb_size = thumb_size self.thumb_list = None self.dirty_list = None self.dirty_gpaths = None def __enter__(self): # These items need to be computed self.dirty_list = [not exists(gpath) for gpath in self.thumb_gpaths] self.dirty_gpaths = ut.compress(self.thumb_gpaths, self.dirty_list) # print('[gtool.thumb] len(dirty_gpaths): %r' % len(self.dirty_gpaths)) self.needs_compute = len(self.dirty_gpaths) > 0 return self
[docs] def save_dirty_thumbs_from_images(self, img_list): """Pass in any images marked by the context as dirty here""" # Remove any non images isvalid_list = [img is not None for img in img_list] valid_images = ut.compress(img_list, isvalid_list) valid_fpath = ut.compress(self.thumb_gpaths, isvalid_list) # Resize to thumbnails max_dsize = (self.thumb_size, self.thumb_size) valid_thumbs = [resize_thumb(img, max_dsize) for img in valid_images] # Write thumbs to disk for gpath, thumb in zip(valid_fpath, valid_thumbs): imwrite(gpath, thumb)
[docs] def filter_dirty_items(self, list_): """Returns only items marked by the context as dirty""" return ut.compress(list_, self.dirty_list)
def __exit__(self, type_, value, trace): if trace is not None: print('[gtool.thumb] Error while in thumbnail context') print('[gtool.thumb] Error in context manager!: ' + str(value)) return False # return a falsey value on error # Try to read thumbnails on disk self.thumb_list = [_trimread(gpath) for gpath in self.thumb_gpaths] if self.asrgb: self.thumb_list = [ None if thumb is None else cvt_BGR2RGB(thumb) for thumb in self.thumb_list ]