Source code for vtool.histogram

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from six.moves import zip
import warnings
import scipy.signal
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
from .util_math import TAU

[docs]def argsubmax(ydata, xdata=None): """ Finds a single submaximum value to subindex accuracy. If xdata is not specified, submax_x is a fractional index. Otherwise, submax_x is sub-xdata (essentially doing the index interpolation for you) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> import ubelt as ub >>> ydata = [ 0, 1, 2, 1.5, 0] >>> xdata = [00, 10, 20, 30, 40] >>> result1 = argsubmax(ydata, xdata=None) >>> result2 = argsubmax(ydata, xdata=xdata) >>> result = ub.repr2([result1, result2], precision=4, nl=1, nobr=True) >>> print(result) 2.1667, 2.0208, 21.6667, 2.0208, Example: >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> hist_ = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> centers = None >>> maxima_thresh=None >>> argsubmax(hist_) (4.0, 4.0) """ if len(ydata) == 0: raise IndexError('zero length array') ydata = np.asarray(ydata) xdata = None if xdata is None else np.asarray(xdata) submaxima_x, submaxima_y = argsubmaxima(ydata, centers=xdata) idx = submaxima_y.argmax() submax_y = submaxima_y[idx] submax_x = submaxima_x[idx] return submax_x, submax_y
[docs]def argsubmaxima(hist, centers=None, maxima_thresh=None, _debug=False): r""" Determines approximate maxima values to subindex accuracy. Args: hist\_ (ndarray): ydata, histogram frequencies centers (ndarray): xdata, histogram labels maxima_thresh (float): cutoff point for labeing a value as a maxima Returns: tuple: (submaxima_x, submaxima_y) CommandLine: python -m vtool.histogram argsubmaxima python -m vtool.histogram argsubmaxima --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> maxima_thresh = .8 >>> hist = np.array([6.73, 8.69, 0.00, 0.00, 34.62, 29.16, 0.00, 0.00, 6.73, 8.69]) >>> centers = np.array([-0.39, 0.39, 1.18, 1.96, 2.75, 3.53, 4.32, 5.11, 5.89, 6.68]) >>> (submaxima_x, submaxima_y) = argsubmaxima(hist, centers, maxima_thresh) >>> result = str((submaxima_x, submaxima_y)) >>> print(result) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.draw_hist_subbin_maxima(hist, centers) >>> pt.show_if_requested() (array([ 3.0318792]), array([ 37.19208239])) """ maxima_x, maxima_y, argmaxima = hist_argmaxima( hist, centers, maxima_thresh=maxima_thresh ) argmaxima = np.asarray(argmaxima) if _debug: print('Argmaxima: ') print(' * maxima_x = %r' % (maxima_x)) print(' * maxima_y = %r' % (maxima_y)) print(' * argmaxima = %r' % (argmaxima)) flags = (argmaxima == 0) | (argmaxima == len(hist) - 1) argmaxima_ = argmaxima[~flags] submaxima_x_, submaxima_y_ = interpolate_submaxima(argmaxima_, hist, centers) if np.any(flags): endpts = argmaxima[flags] submaxima_x = ( np.hstack([submaxima_x_, centers[endpts]]) if centers is not None else np.hstack([submaxima_x_, endpts]) ) submaxima_y = np.hstack([submaxima_y_, hist[endpts]]) else: submaxima_y = submaxima_y_ submaxima_x = submaxima_x_ if _debug: print('Submaxima: ') print(' * submaxima_x = %r' % (submaxima_x)) print(' * submaxima_y = %r' % (submaxima_y)) return submaxima_x, submaxima_y
[docs]def argsubmin2(ydata, xdata=None): if len(ydata) == 0: raise ValueError('zero length array') ydata = np.asarray(ydata) xdata = None if xdata is None else np.asarray(xdata) submax_x, submax_y = argsubmax2(-ydata, xdata) submin_x = submax_x submin_y = -submax_y return submin_x, submin_y
[docs]def argsubmax2(ydata, xdata=None): """ Finds a single submaximum value to subindex accuracy. If xdata is not specified, submax_x is a fractional index. This version always normalizes x-coordinates. Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> import ubelt as ub >>> ydata = [ 0, 1, 2, 1.5, 0] >>> xdata = [00, 10, 20, 30, 40] >>> result1 = argsubmax(ydata, xdata=None) >>> result2 = argsubmax(ydata, xdata=xdata) >>> result = ub.repr2([result1, result2], precision=4, nl=1, nobr=True) >>> print(result) 2.1667, 2.0208, 21.6667, 2.0208, Example: >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> hist_ = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> centers = None >>> thresh_factor = None >>> argsubmax(hist_) (4.0, 4.0) """ if len(ydata) == 0: raise ValueError('zero length array') ydata = np.asarray(ydata) xdata = None if xdata is None else np.asarray(xdata) submaxima_x, submaxima_y = argsubmaxima2(ydata, xdata=xdata, normalize_x=True) idx = submaxima_y.argmax() submax_y = submaxima_y[idx] submax_x = submaxima_x[idx] return submax_x, submax_y
[docs]def argsubmaxima2(ydata, xdata=None, thresh_factor=None, normalize_x=True): return argsubextrema2( 'max', ydata, xdata=xdata, thresh_factor=thresh_factor, normalize_x=normalize_x )
[docs]def argsubminima2(ydata, xdata=None, thresh_factor=None, normalize_x=True): """ """ return argsubextrema2( 'min', ydata, xdata=xdata, thresh_factor=thresh_factor, normalize_x=normalize_x )
[docs]def argsubextrema2( op, ydata, xdata=None, thresh_factor=None, normalize_x=True, flat=True ): r""" Determines approximate maxima values to subindex accuracy. Args: ydata (ndarray): ydata, histogram frequencies xdata (ndarray): xdata, histogram labels thresh_factor (float): cutoff point for labeing a value as a maxima flat (bool): if True allows for flat extrema to be found. Returns: tuple: (submaxima_x, submaxima_y) CommandLine: python -m vtool.histogram argsubmaxima python -m vtool.histogram argsubmaxima --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> thresh_factor = .8 >>> ydata = np.array([6.73, 8.69, 0.00, 0.00, 34.62, 29.16, 0.00, 0.00, 6.73, 8.69]) >>> xdata = np.array([-0.39, 0.39, 1.18, 1.96, 2.75, 3.53, 4.32, 5.11, 5.89, 6.68]) >>> op = 'min' >>> (subextrema_x, subextrema_y) = argsubextrema2(op, ydata, xdata, thresh_factor) >>> result = str((subextrema_x, subextrema_y)) >>> print(result) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.draw_hist_subbin_maxima(ydata, xdata) >>> pt.show_if_requested() Doctest: >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> thresh_factor = .8 >>> ydata = np.array([1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 1.1, 5, 1.2, 1.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.1]) >>> op = 'max' >>> thresh_factor = .8 >>> (subextrema_x, subextrema_y) = argsubextrema2(op, ydata, thresh_factor=thresh_factor) >>> result = str((subextrema_x, subextrema_y)) >>> print(result) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.qtensure() >>> xdata = np.arange(len(ydata)) >>> pt.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True) >>> pt.plot(xdata, ydata) >>> pt.plot(subextrema_x, subextrema_y, 'o') >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ if op == 'max': cmp = np.greater cmp_eq = np.greater_equal extreme = np.max factor_op = np.multiply elif op == 'min': cmp = np.less cmp_eq = np.less_equal extreme = np.min factor_op = np.divide else: raise KeyError(op) # absolute extrema abs_extreme_y = extreme(ydata) if thresh_factor is None: thresh_factor = 1.0 # thresh_factor = None if thresh_factor is None: thresh_value = None flags = np.ones(len(ydata), dtype=np.bool_) else: # Find relative and flat extrema thresh_value = factor_op(abs_extreme_y, thresh_factor) flags = cmp_eq(ydata, thresh_value) # Only consider non-boundary points flags[[0, -1]] = False mxs = np.where(flags)[0] # ydata[np.vstack([mxs - 1, mxs, mxs + 1])] lvals, mvals, rvals = ydata[mxs - 1], ydata[mxs], ydata[mxs + 1] is_mid_extrema = cmp_eq(mvals, lvals) & cmp_eq(mvals, rvals) is_rel_extrema = cmp(mvals, lvals) & cmp(mvals, rvals) is_flat_extrema = is_mid_extrema & ~is_rel_extrema flat_argextrema = mxs[is_flat_extrema] rel_argextrema = mxs[is_rel_extrema] # Sublocalize relative extrema if len(rel_argextrema) > 0: # rel_subextrema_x, rel_subextrema_y = _sublocalize_extrema( # ydata, xdata, rel_argextrema, cmp, normalize_x) neighbs = np.vstack((rel_argextrema - 1, rel_argextrema, rel_argextrema + 1)) y123 = ydata[neighbs] if normalize_x or xdata is None: x123 = neighbs else: x123 = xdata[neighbs] # Fit parabola around points coeff_list = [] for (x, y) in zip(x123.T, y123.T): coeff = np.polyfit(x, y, deg=2) coeff_list.append(coeff) A, B, C = np.vstack(coeff_list).T # Extreme x point is where the derivative is 0 rel_subextrema_x = -B / (2 * A) rel_subextrema_y = C - B * B / (4 * A) if xdata is not None and normalize_x: # Convert x back to data coordinates if we normalized durring polynimal # fitting. Do linear interpoloation. rel_subextrema_x = linear_interpolation(xdata, rel_subextrema_x) # Check to make sure rel_subextrema is not less extreme than the original # extrema (can be the case only if the extrema is incorrectly given) # In this case just return what the user wanted as the extrema violates = cmp(ydata[rel_argextrema], rel_subextrema_y) if np.any(violates): warnings.warn( 'rel_subextrema was less extreme than the measured extrema', RuntimeWarning, ) if xdata is not None: rel_subextrema_x[violates] = xdata[rel_argextrema[violates]] else: rel_subextrema_x[violates] = rel_argextrema[violates] rel_subextrema_y[violates] = ydata[rel_argextrema[violates]] else: x123 = None # for plottool coeff_list = [] # for plottool rel_subextrema_x, rel_subextrema_y = [], [] # Check left boundary boundary_argextrema = [] if len(ydata) > 1: if thresh_value is None or cmp_eq(ydata[0], thresh_value): if cmp_eq(ydata[0], ydata[1]): boundary_argextrema.append(0) # Check right boundary if len(ydata) > 2: if thresh_value is None or cmp_eq(ydata[0], thresh_value): if cmp_eq(ydata[-1], ydata[-2]): boundary_argextrema.append(len(ydata) - 1) # Any non-flat mid extrema can be sublocalized other_argextrema = np.hstack([boundary_argextrema, flat_argextrema]) other_argextrema = other_argextrema.astype( other_subextrema_y = ydata[other_argextrema] if xdata is None: other_subextrema_x = other_argextrema else: other_subextrema_x = xdata[other_argextrema] # Recombine and order all extremas subextrema_y = np.hstack([rel_subextrema_y, other_subextrema_y]) subextrema_x = np.hstack([rel_subextrema_x, other_subextrema_x]) sortx = subextrema_x.argsort() subextrema_x = subextrema_x[sortx] subextrema_y = subextrema_y[sortx] return subextrema_x, subextrema_y
def _sublocalize_extrema(ydata, xdata, argextrema, cmp, normalize_x=True): """ Assumes argextrema are all relative and not on the boundaries """ # extrema_y = ydata[argextrema] # extrema_x = argextrema if xdata is None else xdata[argextrema] neighbs = np.vstack((argextrema - 1, argextrema, argextrema + 1)) y123 = ydata[neighbs] if normalize_x or xdata is None: x123 = neighbs else: x123 = xdata[neighbs] # Fit parabola around points coeff_list = [] for (x, y) in zip(x123.T, y123.T): coeff = np.polyfit(x, y, deg=2) coeff_list.append(coeff) A, B, C = np.vstack(coeff_list).T # Extreme x point is where the derivative is 0 subextrema_x = -B / (2 * A) subextrema_y = C - B * B / (4 * A) if xdata is not None and normalize_x: # Convert x back to data coordinates if we normalized durring polynimal # fitting. Do linear interpoloation. subextrema_x = linear_interpolation(xdata, subextrema_x) # Check to make sure subextrema is not less extreme than the original # extrema (can be the case only if the extrema is incorrectly given) # In this case just return what the user wanted as the extrema violates = cmp(ydata[argextrema], subextrema_y) if np.any(violates): warnings.warn( 'subextrema was less extreme than the measured extrema', RuntimeWarning ) if xdata is not None: subextrema_x[violates] = xdata[argextrema[violates]] else: subextrema_x[violates] = argextrema[violates] subextrema_y[violates] = ydata[argextrema[violates]] return subextrema_x, subextrema_y
[docs]def linear_interpolation(arr, subindices): """ Does linear interpolation to lookup subindex values Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> arr = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3]) >>> subindices = np.array([0, .1, 1, 1.8, 2, 2.5, 3] ) >>> subvalues = linear_interpolation(arr, subindices) >>> assert np.allclose(subindices, subvalues) >>> assert np.allclose(2.3, linear_interpolation(arr, 2.3)) """ idx1 = np.floor(subindices).astype( idx2 = np.floor(subindices + 1).astype( idx2 = np.minimum(idx2, len(arr) - 1) alpha = idx2 - subindices subvalues = arr[idx1] * (alpha) + arr[idx2] * (1 - alpha) return subvalues
# subindex_take = linear_interpolation
[docs]def hist_argmaxima(hist, centers=None, maxima_thresh=None): """ must take positive only values CommandLine: python -m vtool.histogram hist_argmaxima Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> maxima_thresh = .8 >>> hist = np.array([ 6.73, 8.69, 0.00, 0.00, 34.62, 29.16, 0.00, 0.00, 6.73, 8.69]) >>> centers = np.array([-0.39, 0.39, 1.18, 1.96, 2.75, 3.53, 4.32, 5.11, 5.89, 6.68]) >>> maxima_x, maxima_y, argmaxima = hist_argmaxima(hist, centers) >>> result = str((maxima_x, maxima_y, argmaxima)) >>> print(result) """ # FIXME: Not handling general cases # [0] index because argrelmaxima returns a tuple argmaxima_ = scipy.signal.argrelextrema(hist, np.greater)[0] if len(argmaxima_) == 0: argmaxima_ = hist.argmax() if maxima_thresh is not None: # threshold maxima to be within a factor of the maximum maxima_y = hist[argmaxima_] isvalid = maxima_y > maxima_y.max() * maxima_thresh argmaxima = argmaxima_[isvalid] else: argmaxima = argmaxima_ maxima_y = hist[argmaxima] maxima_x = argmaxima if centers is None else centers[argmaxima] return maxima_x, maxima_y, argmaxima
[docs]def hist_argmaxima2(hist, maxima_thresh=0.8): """ must take positive only values Setup: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA GridSearch: >>> hist1 = np.array([1, .9, .8, .99, .99, 1.1, .9, 1.0, 1.0]) >>> hist2 = np.array([1, .9, .8, .99, .99, 1.1, 1.0, 1.0]) >>> hist2 = np.array([1, .9, .8, .99, .99, 1.1, 1.0]) >>> hist2 = np.array([1, .9, .8, .99, .99, 1.1, 1.2]) >>> hist2 = np.array([1, 1.2]) >>> hist2 = np.array([1, 1, 1.2]) >>> hist2 = np.array([1]) >>> hist2 = np.array([]) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> maxima_thresh = .8 >>> hist = np.array([1, .9, .8, .99, .99, 1.1, .9, 1.0, 1.0]) >>> argmaxima = hist_argmaxima2(hist) >>> print(argmaxima) """ # FIXME: Not handling general cases # [0] index because argrelmaxima returns a tuple if len(hist) == 0: return np.empty( comperetor = np.greater argmaxima_ = scipy.signal.argrelextrema(hist, comperetor)[0] if len(argmaxima_) == 0: argmaxima_ = np.array([hist.argmax()]) # Hack for no maxima maxval = hist[argmaxima_].max() size = len(hist) end = size - 1 # Test if 0 is a maximum point if 0 not in argmaxima_ and size > 0: start_is_extreme = hist[0] > hist[1] if start_is_extreme and hist[0] >= maxval * maxima_thresh: argmaxima_ = np.hstack([[0], argmaxima_]) # Test if end is maximum point if end not in argmaxima_ and end > 0: # end_is_extreme = np.all(hist[argmaxima_[-1] + 1:(end - 1)] < hist[end] ) end_is_extreme = hist[end] > hist[end - 1] if not end_is_extreme: # FIXME: might be a case when end is level pass # end_is_extreme = np.all(hist[argmaxima_[-1] + 1:(end - 1)] == hist[end] ) if end_is_extreme and hist[end] >= maxval * maxima_thresh: argmaxima_ = np.hstack([argmaxima_, [end]]) # threshold maxima to be within a factor of the maximum maxima_y = hist[argmaxima_] isvalid = maxima_y >= maxval * maxima_thresh argmaxima = argmaxima_[isvalid] return argmaxima
[docs]def interpolate_submaxima(argmaxima, hist_, centers=None): r""" Args: argmaxima (ndarray): indicies into ydata / centers that are argmaxima hist\_ (ndarray): ydata, histogram frequencies centers (ndarray): xdata, histogram labels FIXME: what happens when argmaxima[i] == len(hist\_) CommandLine: python -m vtool.histogram --test-interpolate_submaxima --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> import ubelt as ub >>> argmaxima = np.array([1, 4, 7]) >>> hist_ = np.array([ 6.73, 8.69, 0.00, 0.00, 34.62, 29.16, 0.00, 0.00, 6.73, 8.69]) >>> centers = np.array([-0.39, 0.39, 1.18, 1.96, 2.75, 3.53, 4.32, 5.11, 5.89, 6.68]) >>> submaxima_x, submaxima_y = interpolate_submaxima(argmaxima, hist_, centers) >>> locals_ = ut.exec_func_src(interpolate_submaxima, >>> key_list=['x123', 'y123', 'coeff_list']) >>> x123, y123, coeff_list = locals_ >>> res = (submaxima_x, submaxima_y) >>> result = ub.repr2(res, nl=1, nobr=True, precision=2, with_dtype=True) >>> print(result) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.ensureqt() >>> pt.figure(fnum=pt.ensure_fnum(None)) >>> pt.plot(centers, hist_, '-') >>> pt.plot(centers[argmaxima], hist_[argmaxima], 'o', label='argmaxima') >>> pt.plot(submaxima_x, submaxima_y, 'b*', markersize=20, label='interp maxima') >>> # Extract parabola points >>> pt.plt.plot(x123, y123, 'o', label='maxima neighbors') >>> xpoints = [np.linspace(x1, x3, 50) for (x1, x2, x3) in x123.T] >>> ypoints = [np.polyval(coeff, x_pts) for x_pts, coeff in zip(xpoints, coeff_list)] >>> # Draw Submax Parabola >>> for x_pts, y_pts in zip(xpoints, ypoints): >>> pt.plt.plot(x_pts, y_pts, 'g--', lw=2) >>> pt.show_if_requested() np.array([ 0.15, 3.03, 5.11], dtype=np.float64), np.array([ 9.2 , 37.19, 0. ], dtype=np.float64), Example: >>> hist_ = np.array([5]) >>> argmaxima = [0] """ if len(argmaxima) == 0: return [], [] argmaxima = np.asarray(argmaxima) neighbs = np.vstack((argmaxima - 1, argmaxima, argmaxima + 1)) # flags = (neighbs[2] > (len(hist_) - 1)) | (neighbs[0] < 0) # neighbs = np.clip(neighbs, 0, len(hist_) - 1) # if np.any(flags): # # Clip out of bounds positions # neighbs[0, flags] = neighbs[1, flags] # neighbs[2, flags] = neighbs[1, flags] y123 = hist_[neighbs] x123 = neighbs if centers is None else centers[neighbs] # if np.any(flags): # # Make symetric values so maxima is found exactly in center # y123[0, flags] = y123[1, flags] - 1 # y123[2, flags] = y123[1, flags] - 1 # x123[0, flags] = x123[1, flags] - 1 # x123[2, flags] = x123[1, flags] - 1 # Fit parabola around points coeff_list = [ np.polyfit(x123_, y123_, deg=2) for (x123_, y123_) in zip(x123.T, y123.T) ] A, B, C = np.vstack(coeff_list).T submaxima_x, submaxima_y = maximum_parabola_point(A, B, C) # Check to make sure submaxima is not less than original maxima # (can be the case only if the maxima is incorrectly given) # In this case just return what the user wanted as the maxima maxima_y = y123[1, :] invalid = submaxima_y < maxima_y if np.any(invalid): if centers is not None: submaxima_x[invalid] = centers[argmaxima[invalid]] else: submaxima_x[invalid] = argmaxima[invalid] submaxima_y[invalid] = hist_[argmaxima[invalid]] return submaxima_x, submaxima_y
[docs]def show_hist_submaxima( hist_, edges=None, centers=None, maxima_thresh=0.8, pnum=(1, 1, 1) ): r""" For C++ to show data Args: hist_ (?): edges (None): centers (None): CommandLine: python -m vtool.histogram --test-show_hist_submaxima --show python -m pyhesaff._pyhesaff --test-test_rot_invar --show python -m vtool.histogram --test-show_hist_submaxima --dpath figures --save ~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/figures/show_hist_submaxima.jpg Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> hist_ = np.array(list(map(float, ut.get_argval('--hist', type_=list, default=[1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 3])))) >>> edges = np.array(list(map(float, ut.get_argval('--edges', type_=list, default=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])))) >>> maxima_thresh = ut.get_argval('--maxima_thresh', type_=float, default=.8) >>> centers = None >>> show_hist_submaxima(hist_, edges, centers, maxima_thresh) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ import wbia.plottool as pt if centers is None: centers = hist_edges_to_centers(edges) bin_colors = pt.get_orientation_color(centers) pt.figure(fnum=pt.next_fnum(), pnum=pnum) POLAR = False if POLAR: pt.df2.plt.subplot(*pnum, polar=True, axisbg='#000000') pt.draw_hist_subbin_maxima( hist_, centers, bin_colors=bin_colors, maxima_thresh=maxima_thresh ) # pt.gca().set_rmax(hist_.max() * 1.1) # pt.gca().invert_yaxis() # pt.gca().invert_xaxis() pt.dark_background() # if ut.get_argflag('--legend'): # pt.figure(fnum=pt.next_fnum()) # centers_ = np.append(centers, centers[0]) # r = np.ones(centers_.shape) * .2 # ax = pt.df2.plt.subplot(111, polar=True) # pt.plots.colorline(centers_, r, cmap=pt.df2.plt.get_cmap('hsv'), linewidth=10) # #ax.plot(centers_, r, 'm', color=bin_colors, linewidth=100) # ax.set_rmax(.2) # #ax.grid(True) # #ax.set_title("Angle Colors", va='bottom') title = ut.get_argval('--title', default='') import wbia.plottool as pt pt.set_figtitle(title)
[docs]def get_histinfo_str(hist, edges): centers = hist_edges_to_centers(edges) hist_str = 'hist = ' + str(hist.tolist()) center_str = 'centers = ' + str(centers.tolist()) edge_str = 'edges = [' + ', '.join(['%.2f' % _ for _ in edges]) + ']' histinfo_str = hist_str + ut.NEWLINE + center_str + ut.NEWLINE + edge_str return histinfo_str
# def interpolated_wrapped_histogram2(): # # another stab at it # data = np.array([ 0, .5, 2, 3.5, 3, 3, 3.9, 4]) # weights = np.ones(len(data)) # n_bins = 4 # # max_val = np.pi * 2 # max_val = 4 # # Define the edges of each bin (we will vote into the middle) # # The first and last item are equivalent # # bin_centers = np.linspace(0, max_val, n_bins + 1, endpoint=True) # bin_centers = np.array([0, 1.5, 2, 3.5, 4]) # bin_offsets = np.diff(bin_centers) / 2 # # sort input data # sortx = np.argsort(data) # sa = data[sortx] # right_edges = bin_centers[:-1] + bin_offsets # wrapped_right = bin_centers[-1] + bin_offsets[0] # # Find data in the wrap-around zone # is_right_wrapped = (sa > right_edges[-1]) # rectified_left = sa[is_right_wrapped] - max_val # # rectified_right = max_val - data[is_left_wrapped] # right_idx = right_edges.searchsorted(sa) # right_edges[-1] - data[] # data % right_edges[-1] # left_offsets = np.hstack([bin_offsets[-1], bin_offsets]) # right_offsets = np.hstack([bin_offsets, bin_offsets[0]]) # left_edges = bin_centers - left_offsets # right_edges = bin_centers + right_offsets # bin_edges = np.roll(bin_centers[1:] + bin_offsets, 1) # first_left_edge = # rssign_left = left_edges.searchsorted(sa) # assign_right = right_edges.searchsorted(sa) # # Find bins to the left and right of each point # assign_left = sa.searchsorted(bin_edges[:-1], 'left') # assign_right = sa.searchsorted(bin_edges[-1], 'right')
[docs]def interpolated_histogram( data, weights, range_, bins, interpolation_wrap=True, _debug=False ): r""" Follows np.histogram, but does interpolation Args: data (ndarray): weights (ndarray): range_ (tuple): range from 0 to 1 bins (int): interpolation_wrap (bool): (default = True) _debug (bool): (default = False) CommandLine: python -m vtool.histogram --test-interpolated_histogram Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> data = np.array([ 0, 1, 2, 3.5, 3, 3, 4, 4]) >>> weights = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) >>> range_ = (0, 4) >>> bins = 5 >>> interpolation_wrap = False >>> hist, edges = interpolated_histogram(data, weights, range_, bins, >>> interpolation_wrap) >>> assert np.abs(hist.sum() - weights.sum()) < 1E-9 >>> assert hist.size == bins >>> assert edges.size == bins + 1 >>> result = get_histinfo_str(hist, edges) >>> print(result) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> data = np.array([ 0, 1, 2, 3.5, 3, 3, 4, 4]) >>> weights = np.array([4.5, 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) >>> range_ = (-.5, 4.5) >>> bins = 5 >>> interpolation_wrap = True >>> hist, edges = interpolated_histogram(data, weights, range_, bins, >>> interpolation_wrap) >>> assert np.abs(hist.sum() - weights.sum()) < 1E-9 >>> assert hist.size == bins >>> assert edges.size == bins + 1 >>> result = get_histinfo_str(hist, edges) >>> print(result) """ assert bins > 0, 'must have nonzero bins' data = np.asarray(data) if weights is not None: weights = np.asarray(weights) assert np.all(weights.shape == data.shape), 'shapes disagree' weights = weights.ravel() data = data.ravel() # Compute bin edges like in np.histogram start, stop = float(range_[0]), float(range_[1]) if start == stop: start -= 0.5 stop += 0.5 # Find bin edges hist_dtype = np.float64 # Compute bin step size, add one if last bin is the same as the first step = (stop - start) / float((bins + interpolation_wrap)) # edges = [start + i * step for i in range(bins + 1)] # centers = hist_edges_to_centers(edges) half_step = step / 2.0 # Find fractional bin center index for each datapoint data_offset = start + half_step frac_index = (data - data_offset) / step # Find bin center to the left of each datapoint left_index = np.floor(frac_index).astype(np.int32) # Find bin center to the right of each datapoint right_index = left_index + 1 # Find the fraction of the distiance the right center is away from the datapoint right_alpha = frac_index - left_index left_alpha = 1.0 - right_alpha if _debug: print('bins = %r' % bins) print('step = %r' % step) print('half_step = %r' % half_step) print('data_offset = %r' % data_offset) print('-.5 MOD tau = %r' % (-0.5 % TAU,)) # Handle edge cases if interpolation_wrap: # when the stop == start (like in orientations) left_index %= bins right_index %= bins else: left_index[left_index < 0] = 0 right_index[right_index >= bins] = bins - 1 # Each keypoint votes into its left and right bins left_vote = left_alpha * weights right_vote = right_alpha * weights hist = np.zeros((bins,), hist_dtype) # TODO: can problably do this faster with cumsum for index, vote in zip(left_index, left_vote): hist[index] += vote for index, vote in zip(right_index, right_vote): hist[index] += vote if interpolation_wrap: edges = np.linspace(start, stop, bins + 1, endpoint=False) else: edges = np.linspace(start, stop, bins + 1, endpoint=True) if _debug: import vtool as vt assert np.allclose(np.diff(edges), step) print(hist.shape) print(edges.shape) print(vt.kpts_docrepr(hist, 'hist', False)) print(vt.kpts_docrepr(edges, 'edges', False)) return hist, edges
[docs]def hist_edges_to_centers(edges): r""" Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> edges = [-0.79, 0.00, 0.79, 1.57, 2.36, 3.14, 3.93, 4.71, 5.50, 6.28, 7.07] >>> centers = hist_edges_to_centers(edges) >>> result = str(centers) >>> print(result) [-0.395 0.395 1.18 1.965 2.75 3.535 4.32 5.105 5.89 6.675] """ centers = np.array([(e1 + e2) / 2.0 for (e1, e2) in zip(edges[:-1], edges[1:])]) return centers
[docs]def wrap_histogram(hist_, edges_, _debug=False): r""" Simulates the first and last histogram bin being being adjacent to one another by replicating those bins at the last and first positions respectively. Args: hist_ (ndarray): edges_ (ndarray): Returns: tuple: (hist_wrap, edge_wrap) CommandLine: python -m vtool.histogram --test-wrap_histogram Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> import ubelt as ub >>> hist_ = np.array([8., 0., 0., 34.32, 29.45, 0., 0., 6.73]) >>> edges_ = np.array([ 0. , 0.78539816, 1.57079633, ... 2.35619449, 3.14159265, 3.92699081, ... 4.71238898, 5.49778714, 6.2831853 ]) >>> (hist_wrap, edge_wrap) = wrap_histogram(hist_, edges_) >>> tup = (hist_wrap.tolist(), edge_wrap.tolist()) >>> result = ub.repr2(tup, nl=1, nobr=True, precision=2) >>> print(result) 6.73, 8.00, 0.00, 0.00, 34.32, 29.45, 0.00, 0.00, 6.73, 8.00, -0.79, 0.00, 0.79, 1.57, 2.36, 3.14, 3.93, 4.71, 5.50, 6.28, 7.07, """ # FIXME; THIS NEEDS INFORMATION ABOUT THE DISTANCE FROM THE LAST BIN # TO THE FIRST. IT IS OK AS LONG AS ALL STEPS ARE EQUAL, BUT IT IS NOT # GENERAL left_step, right_step = np.diff(edges_)[[0, -1]] hist_wrap = np.hstack((hist_[-1:], hist_, hist_[0:1])) edge_wrap = np.hstack((edges_[0:1] - left_step, edges_, edges_[-1:] + right_step)) if _debug: import vtool as vt print(vt.kpts_docrepr(hist_wrap, 'hist_wrap', False)) print(vt.kpts_docrepr(edge_wrap, 'edge_wrap', False)) return hist_wrap, edge_wrap
[docs]def maxima_neighbors(argmaxima, hist_, centers=None): neighbs = np.vstack((argmaxima - 1, argmaxima, argmaxima + 1)) y123 = hist_[neighbs] x123 = neighbs if centers is None else centers[neighbs] return x123, y123
[docs]def maximum_parabola_point(A, B, C): """Maximum x point is where the derivative is 0""" xv = -B / (2 * A) yv = C - B * B / (4 * A) return xv, yv
[docs]def subbin_bounds(z, radius, low, high): """ Gets quantized bounds of a sub-bin/pixel point and a radius. Useful for cropping using subpixel points Args: z (float): center of a circle a 1d pixel array radius (float): radius of the circle low (int): minimum index of 1d pixel array high (int): maximum index of 1d pixel array Returns: tuple: (iz1, iz2, z_offst) - quantized_bounds and subbin_offset iz1 - low radius endpoint iz2 - high radius endpoint z_offst - subpixel offset #Returns: quantized_bounds=(iz1, iz2), subbin_offset CommandLine: python -m vtool.histogram --test-subbin_bounds Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> z = 1.5 >>> radius = 5.666 >>> low = 0 >>> high = 7 >>> (iz1, iz2, z_offst) = subbin_bounds(z, radius, low, high) >>> result = str((iz1, iz2, z_offst)) >>> print(result) (0, 7, 1.5) """ # print('quan pxl: z=%r, radius=%r, low=%r, high=%r' % (z, radius, low, high)) # Get subpixel bounds ignoring boundaries z1 = z - radius z2 = z + radius # Quantize and clip bounds iz1 = int(max(np.floor(z1), low)) iz2 = int(min(np.ceil(z2), high)) # Quantized min radius z_offst = z - iz1 return iz1, iz2, z_offst
[docs]def show_ori_image_ondisk(): r""" CommandLine: python -m vtool.histogram --test-show_ori_image_ondisk --show python -m vtool.histogram --test-show_ori_image_ondisk --show --patch_img_fpath patches/KP_0_PATCH.png --ori_img_fpath patches/KP_0_orientations01.png --weights_img_fpath patches/KP_0_WEIGHTS.png --grady_img_fpath patches/KP_0_ygradient.png --gradx_img_fpath patches/KP_0_xgradient.png --title cpp_show_ori_ondisk python -m pyhesaff._pyhesaff --test-test_rot_invar --show --rebuild-hesaff --no-rmbuild Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.histogram import * # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> import vtool as vt >>> result = show_ori_image_ondisk() >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ # if img_fpath is not None: # img_fpath = ut.get_argval('--fpath', type_=str, default=ut.grab_test_imgpath('star.png')) # img_fpath = ut.get_argval('--fpath', type_=str, default=ut.grab_test_imgpath('star.png')) # img = vt.imread(img_fpath) # ori_img_fpath = ut.get_argval('--fpath-ori', type_=str, # default=ut.augpath(img_fpath, '_ori')) # weights_img_fpath = ut.get_argval('--fpath-weight', type_=str, # default=ut.augpath(img_fpath, '_mag')) # vt.imwrite(ori_img_fpath, vt.patch_ori(*vt.patch_gradient(img))) # vt.imwrite(weights_img_fpath, vt.patch_mag(*vt.patch_gradient(img))) import vtool as vt print('show_ori_image_ondisk') def parse_img_from_arg(argstr_): fpath = ut.get_argval(argstr_, type_=str, default='None') if fpath is not None and fpath != 'None': img = vt.imread(fpath, grayscale=True) print('Reading %s with stats %s' % (fpath, ut.get_stats_str(img, axis=None))) else: print('Did not read %s' % (fpath)) img = None return img patch = parse_img_from_arg('--patch_img_fpath') gori = parse_img_from_arg('--ori_img_fpath') / 255.0 * TAU weights = parse_img_from_arg('--weights_img_fpath') / 255.0 gradx = parse_img_from_arg('--gradx_img_fpath') / 255.0 grady = parse_img_from_arg('--grady_img_fpath') / 255.0 gauss = parse_img_from_arg('--gauss_weights_img_fpath') / 255.0 # print(' * ori_img_fpath = %r' % (ori_img_fpath,)) # print(' * weights_img_fpath = %r' % (weights_img_fpath,)) # print(' * gradx_img_fpath = %r' % (gradx_img_fpath,)) # print(' * grady_img_fpath = %r' % (grady_img_fpath,)) # import cv2 # cv2.imread(ori_img_fpath, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) show_ori_image(gori, weights, patch, gradx, grady, gauss) title = ut.get_argval('--title', default='') import wbia.plottool as pt pt.set_figtitle(title)
[docs]def show_ori_image(gori, weights, patch, gradx=None, grady=None, gauss=None, fnum=None): """ CommandLine: python -m pyhesaff._pyhesaff --test-test_rot_invar --show --nocpp """ import wbia.plottool as pt if fnum is None: fnum = pt.next_fnum() print('gori.max = %r' % gori.max()) assert gori.max() <= TAU assert gori.min() >= 0 bgr_ori = pt.color_orimag(gori, weights, False, encoding='bgr') print('bgr_ori.max = %r' % bgr_ori.max()) bgr_ori = (255 * bgr_ori).astype(np.uint8) print('bgr_ori.max = %r' % bgr_ori.max()) # bgr_ori = np.array(bgr_ori, dtype=np.uint8) legend = pt.make_ori_legend_img() # gorimag_, woff, hoff = vt.stack_images(bgr_ori, legend, vert=False, modifysize=True) import vtool as vt gorimag_, offsets, sftup = vt.stack_images( bgr_ori, legend, vert=False, modifysize=True, return_sf=True ) (woff, hoff) = offsets[1] if patch is None: pt.imshow(gorimag_, fnum=fnum) else: pt.imshow(gorimag_, fnum=fnum, pnum=(3, 1, 1), title='colored by orientation') # pt.imshow(patch, fnum=fnum, pnum=(2, 2, 1)) # gradx, grady = np.cos(gori + TAU / 4.0), np.sin(gori + TAU / 4.0) if gradx is not None and grady is not None: if weights is not None: gradx *= weights grady *= weights pt.imshow(np.array(gradx * 255, dtype=np.uint8), fnum=fnum, pnum=(3, 3, 4)) pt.imshow(np.array(grady * 255, dtype=np.uint8), fnum=fnum, pnum=(3, 3, 5)) # pt.imshow(bgr_ori, pnum=(2, 2, 4)) pt.draw_vector_field(gradx, grady, pnum=(3, 3, 6), invert=True) pt.imshow(patch, fnum=fnum, pnum=(3, 1, 3))
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m vtool.histogram """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)