Source code for vtool.inspect_matches

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import utool as ut
import ubelt as ub

    import wbia.guitool as gt
    from wbia.guitool import mpl_widget

    INSPECT_BASE = gt.GuitoolWidget
    MatplotlibWidget = mpl_widget.MatplotlibWidget
except (ImportError, TypeError):
    import warnings

    warnings.warn('WARNING: guitool not available')
    MatplotlibWidget = object
    INSPECT_BASE = object

[docs]def lazy_test_annot(key): import numpy as np rchip_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath(key) annot = ut.LazyDict( { 'aid': key.split('.')[0], 'nid': key[0:4], 'rchip_fpath': rchip_fpath, 'gps': (np.nan, np.nan), 'yaw': np.nan, 'view': np.nan, 'qual': np.nan, 'time': np.nan, } ) return annot
try: import wbia.dtool MatchDisplayConfig = wbia.dtool.from_param_info_list( [ ut.ParamInfo('overlay', True), ut.ParamInfo('show_all_kpts', False), ut.ParamInfo('mask_blend', 0.0, min_=0, max_=1), ut.ParamInfo('heatmask', True, hideif=':not overlay'), ut.ParamInfo('show_homog', False, hideif=':not overlay'), ut.ParamInfo('show_ori', False, hideif=':not overlay'), ut.ParamInfo('show_ell', False, hideif=':not overlay'), ut.ParamInfo('show_pts', False, hideif=':not overlay'), ut.ParamInfo('show_lines', False, hideif=lambda cfg: not cfg['overlay']), ut.ParamInfo('show_rect', False, hideif=':not overlay'), ut.ParamInfo('show_eig', False, hideif=':not overlay'), ut.ParamInfo('ell_alpha', 0.6, min_=0, max_=1, hideif=':not overlay'), ut.ParamInfo('line_alpha', 0.35, min_=0, max_=1, hideif=':not overlay'), ] ) except (ImportError, TypeError): pass
[docs]class MatchInspector(INSPECT_BASE): """ A widget that contains (1) a viewport that displays an annotation pair with matches overlayed. (2) a control panel for tuning matching parameters (3) a text area displaying information about the match vector CommandLine: python -m vtool.inspect_matches MatchInspector:0 --show python -m vtool.inspect_matches MatchInspector:1 --show python -m vtool.inspect_matches MatchInspector:1 --db GZ_Master1 --aids=1041,1045 --show Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from vtool.inspect_matches import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> gt.ensure_qapp() >>> ut.qtensure() >>> annot1 = lazy_test_annot('easy1.png') >>> annot2 = lazy_test_annot('easy2.png') >>> match = vt.PairwiseMatch(annot1, annot2) >>> self = MatchInspector(match=match) >>> >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> #self.update() >>> gt.qtapp_loop(qwin=self, freq=10) Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from vtool.inspect_matches import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> import wbia >>> gt.ensure_qapp() >>> ut.qtensure() >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> aids = ub.argval('--aids', default=[1, 2]) >>> print('aids = %r' % (aids,)) >>> annots = ibs.annots(aids) >>> annot1 = annots[0]._make_lazy_dict() >>> annot2 = annots[1]._make_lazy_dict() >>> cfgdict = MatchDisplayConfig().asdict() >>> cfgdict = ut.argparse_dict(cfgdict) >>> match = vt.PairwiseMatch(annot1, annot2) >>> self = MatchInspector(match=match, cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> #self.update() >>> gt.qtapp_loop(qwin=self, freq=10) """
[docs] def showEvent(self, event): super(MatchInspector, self).showEvent(event) # Fire initialize event after we show the GUI # QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(50, self.init_inference) self.first_show()
[docs] def first_show(self, state=None): if self.match is not None: # Show the match if updating is on, otherwise just draw the annot # pair if self.autoupdate_cb.checkState(): self.update() else: self.draw_pair()
[docs] def set_match(self, match=None, on_context=None, info_text=None): self.match = match self.info_text = info_text self.on_context = on_context if self.isVisible(): self.first_show()
[docs] def initialize( self, match=None, on_context=None, autoupdate=True, info_text=None, cfgdict=None ): from wbia.plottool import abstract_interaction from wbia.guitool.__PYQT__ import QtCore self.set_match(match, on_context, info_text) self._setup_configs(cfgdict=cfgdict) self._setup_layout(autoupdate=autoupdate) abstract_interaction.register_interaction(self) self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.execContextMenu)
[docs] def execContextMenu(self, qpoint): if self.on_context: options = self.on_context() else: options = [('No context set', None)] gt.popup_menu(self, qpoint, options)
[docs] def screenshot(self): import wbia.plottool as pt with pt.RenderingContext() as render:**self.disp_config) fpaths = gt.newFileDialog('.', mode='save', exec_=True) if fpaths is not None and len(fpaths) > 0: fpath = fpaths[0] if not fpath.endswith('.jpg'): fpath += '.jpg' import vtool as vt vt.imwrite(fpath, render.image)
[docs] def embed(self): match = self.match # NOQA import utool utool.embed()
def _new_config_widget(self, cfg, changed=None): from wbia.guitool import PrefWidget2 user_mode = 0 cfg_widget = PrefWidget2.EditConfigWidget( config=cfg, user_mode=user_mode, parent=self, changed=changed ) return cfg_widget
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): from wbia.plottool import abstract_interaction abstract_interaction.unregister_interaction(self) super(MatchInspector, self).closeEvent(event)
def _setup_configs(self, cfgdict=None): from vtool import matching import wbia.dtool # import pyhesaff # default_dict = pyhesaff.get_hesaff_default_params() # default_dict = vt.get_extract_features_default_params() TmpFeatConfig = wbia.dtool.from_param_info_list(matching.VSONE_FEAT_CONFIG) TmpNChipConfig = wbia.dtool.from_param_info_list(matching.NORM_CHIP_CONFIG) # [ # ut.ParamInfo(key, val) for key, val in default_dict.items() # # ut.ParamInfo('affine_invariance', True), # # ut.ParamInfo('rotation_invariance', False), # ]) self.featconfig = TmpFeatConfig() self.chipconfig = TmpNChipConfig() TmpVsOneConfig = wbia.dtool.from_param_info_list(matching.VSONE_DEFAULT_CONFIG) self.config = TmpVsOneConfig() self.disp_config = MatchDisplayConfig() if cfgdict is not None: print('[inspect_match] default cfgdict = %r' % (cfgdict,)) self.config.update(**cfgdict) self.featconfig.update(**cfgdict) self.chipconfig.update(**cfgdict) self.disp_config.update(**cfgdict) # Make config widgets after setting defaults self.chipconfig_widget = self._new_config_widget( self.chipconfig, changed=self.on_chip_cfg_changed ) self.featconfig_widget = self._new_config_widget( self.featconfig, changed=self.on_feat_cfg_changed ) self.config_widget = self._new_config_widget( self.config, changed=self.on_cfg_changed ) self.disp_config_widget = self._new_config_widget( self.disp_config, changed=self.on_cfg_changed ) def _setup_layout(self, autoupdate=True): from wbia.guitool.__PYQT__ import QtWidgets self.menubar = gt.newMenubar(self) self.menuFile = self.menubar.newMenu('Dev') self.menuFile.newAction(triggered=self.embed) self.menuFile.newAction(triggered=self.screenshot) splitter1 = self.addNewSplitter(orientation='horiz') config_vframe = splitter1.newWidget() splitter2 = splitter1.addNewSplitter(orientation='vert') config_vframe.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Chip Config')) config_vframe.addWidget(self.chipconfig_widget) config_vframe.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Feat Config')) config_vframe.addWidget(self.featconfig_widget) config_vframe.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Query Config')) config_vframe.addWidget(self.config_widget) config_vframe.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Display Config')) config_vframe.addWidget(self.disp_config_widget) # update_hframe = config_vframe.addNewWidget(orientation='horiz') # update_hframe.addNewButton('Update', pressed=self.update) self.autoupdate_cb = config_vframe.addNewCheckBox( 'auto-update', checked=autoupdate, changed=self.first_show ) self.mpl_widget = MatplotlibWidget(parent=self) splitter2.addWidget(self.mpl_widget) self.infobox = splitter2.addNewTextEdit()
[docs] def execute_vsone(self): from vtool import matching print('[inspect_match] Execute vsone') cfgdict = {} cfgdict.update(self.featconfig.asdict()) cfgdict.update(self.chipconfig.asdict()) match = self.match match.verbose = True match._inplace_default = True matching.ensure_metadata_vsone(match.annot1, match.annot2, cfgdict=cfgdict) match_config = self.config.asdict() match.apply_all(match_config)
[docs] def draw_pair(self): if self.match is None: return self.mpl_widget.clf() ax = info_html = '' if self.info_text is not None: info_html = '<pre>' + self.info_text + '</pre>' self.infobox.setText(info_html), overlay=False) self.mpl_widget.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def draw_vsone(self): match = self.match summary = match._make_local_summary_feature_vector(summary_ops={'sum'}) info_html = '' if self.info_text is not None: info_html = '<pre>' + self.info_text + '</pre>' feat_html = '<pre>' + ut.align(ub.repr2(summary), ':') + '</pre>' self.infobox.setText(info_html + feat_html) self.mpl_widget.clf() ax =, **self.disp_config) # self.mpl_widget.fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def update(self, state=None): if self.autoupdate_cb.checkState() and self.match is not None: self.execute_vsone() self.draw_vsone()
[docs] def on_cfg_changed(self, *args): self.update() self.cfg_needs_update = True
[docs] def on_chip_cfg_changed(self, *args): print('Update feats') feat_keys = ['nchip', 'vecs', 'kpts', '_feats', 'flann'] self.match.annot1._mutable = True self.match.annot2._mutable = True for key in feat_keys: if key in self.match.annot1: del self.match.annot1[key] if key in self.match.annot2: del self.match.annot2[key] self.update() self.cfg_needs_update = True
[docs] def on_feat_cfg_changed(self, *args): print('Update feats') feat_keys = ['vecs', 'kpts', '_feats', 'flann'] self.match.annot1._mutable = True self.match.annot2._mutable = True for key in feat_keys: if key in self.match.annot1: del self.match.annot1[key] if key in self.match.annot2: del self.match.annot2[key] self.update() self.cfg_needs_update = True
[docs]def make_match_interaction(matches, metadata, type_='RAT+SV', **kwargs): import wbia.plottool.interact_matches # import wbia.plottool as pt fm, fs = matches[type_][0:2] try: H1 = metadata['H_' + type_.split('+')[0]] except Exception: H1 = None # fm, fs = matches['RAT'][0:2] annot1 = metadata['annot1'] annot2 = metadata['annot2'] rchip1, kpts1, vecs1 = ub.dict_take(annot1, ['nchip', 'kpts', 'vecs']) rchip2, kpts2, vecs2 = ub.dict_take(annot2, ['nchip', 'kpts', 'vecs']) # pt.show_chipmatch2(rchip1, rchip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm=fm, fs=fs) fsv = fs[:, None] interact = wbia.plottool.interact_matches.MatchInteraction2( rchip1, rchip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, fsv, vecs1, vecs2, H1=H1, **kwargs ) return interact
[docs]def show_matching_dict(matches, metadata, *args, **kwargs): interact = make_match_interaction(matches, metadata, *args, **kwargs) interact.show_page() return interact
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m vtool.inspect_matches """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)