Source code for vtool.linalg

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TODO: Look at this file

# Ignore:
#     >>> #!topic/sympy/k1HnZK_bNNA
#     >>> import vtool as vt
#     >>> import sympy
#     >>> from import theta
#     >>> x, y, a, c, d, sx, sy  = sympy.symbols('x y a c d, sx, sy')
#     >>> R = vt.sympy_mat(vt.rotation_mat3x3(theta, sin=sympy.sin, cos=sympy.cos))
#     >>> vt.evalprint('R')
#     >>> #evalprint('R.inv()')
#     >>> vt.evalprint('sympy.simplify(R.inv())')
#     >>> #evalprint('sympy.simplify(R.inv().subs(theta, 4))')
#     >>> #print('-------')
#     >>> #invR = sympy_mat(vt.rotation_mat3x3(-theta, sin=sympy.sin, cos=sympy.cos))
#     >>> #evalprint('invR')
#     >>> #evalprint('invR.inv()')
#     >>> #evalprint('sympy.simplify(invR)')
#     >>> #evalprint('sympy.simplify(invR.subs(theta, 4))')
#     >>> print('-------')
#     >>> T = vt.sympy_mat(vt.translation_mat3x3(x, y, None))
#     >>> vt.evalprint('T')
#     >>> vt.evalprint('T.inv()')
#     >>> print('-------')
#     >>> S = vt.sympy_mat(vt.scale_mat3x3(sx, sy, dtype=None))
#     >>> vt.evalprint('S')
#     >>> vt.evalprint('S.inv()')
#     >>> print('-------')
#     >>> print('LaTeX')
#     >>> print(ut.align('\\\\\n'.join(sympy.latex(R).split(r'\\')).replace('{matrix}', '{matrix}\n'), '&')

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npl
import ubelt as ub
import warnings  # NOQA
from .util_math import TAU

TRANSFORM_DTYPE = np.float64

[docs]def svd(M): r""" Args: M (ndarray): must be either float32 or float64 Returns: tuple: (U, s, Vt) CommandLine: python -m vtool.linalg --test-svd Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.linalg import * # NOQA >>> # build test data >>> M = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float32) >>> M = np.array([[20.5812, 0], [3.615, 17.1295]], dtype=np.float64) >>> # execute function >>> (U, s, Vt) = svd(M) Ignore: flags = cv2.SVD_FULL_UV %timeit cv2.SVDecomp(M, flags=flags) %timeit npl.svd(M) """ # V is actually Vt import cv2 flags = cv2.SVD_FULL_UV S, U, Vt = cv2.SVDecomp(M, flags=flags) s = S.flatten() # U, s, Vt = npl.svd(M) return U, s, Vt
[docs]def gauss2d_pdf(x_, y_, sigma=None, mu=None): """ Args: x: x cooordinate of a 2D Gaussian y: y cooordinate of a 2D Gaussian sigma: covariance of vector mu: mean of vector Returns: float - The probability density at that point """ if sigma is None: sigma = np.eye(2) else: if not isinstance(sigma, np.ndarray): sigma = np.eye(2) * sigma if mu is None: mu = np.array([0, 0]) x = np.array([x_, y_]) size = len(x) if size == len(mu) and (size, size) == sigma.shape: det = npl.det(sigma) if det == 0: raise NameError('The covariance matrix cant be singular') denom1 = TAU ** (size / 2.0) denom2 = np.sqrt(det) # norm_const = 1.0 / (denom1 * denom2) norm_const = np.reciprocal(denom1 * denom2) x_mu = x - mu # deviation from mean invSigma = npl.inv(sigma) # inverse covariance exponent = -0.5 * ( result = norm_const * np.exp(exponent) return result
[docs]def rotation_mat3x3(radians, sin=np.sin, cos=np.cos): """ References: """ # TODO: handle array inputs sin_ = sin(radians) cos_ = cos(radians) R = np.array( ( (cos_, -sin_, 0), (sin_, cos_, 0), (0, 0, 1), ) ) return R
[docs]def rotation_mat2x2(theta): sin_ = np.sin(theta) cos_ = np.cos(theta) rot_ = np.array( ( (cos_, -sin_), (sin_, cos_), ) ) return rot_
[docs]def transform_around(M, x, y): """translates to origin, applies transform and then translates back""" tr1_ = translation_mat3x3(-x, -y) tr2_ = translation_mat3x3(x, y) M_ = return M_
[docs]def rotation_around_mat3x3(theta, x0, y0, x1=None, y1=None): if x1 is None: x1 = x0 if y1 is None: y1 = y0 # rot = rotation_mat3x3(theta) # return transform_around(rot, x, y) tr1_ = translation_mat3x3(-x0, -y0) rot_ = rotation_mat3x3(theta) tr2_ = translation_mat3x3(x1, y1) rot = return rot
[docs]def scale_around_mat3x3(sx, sy, x, y): scale_ = scale_mat3x3(sx, sy) return transform_around(scale_, x, y)
[docs]def rotation_around_bbox_mat3x3(theta, bbox0, bbox1=None): x, y, w, h = bbox0 centerx0 = x + (w / 2) centery0 = y + (h / 2) if bbox1 is None: centerx1 = None centery1 = None else: x, y, w, h = bbox1 centerx1 = x + (w / 2) centery1 = y + (h / 2) return rotation_around_mat3x3(theta, centerx0, centery0, x1=centerx1, y1=centery1)
[docs]def translation_mat3x3(x, y, dtype=TRANSFORM_DTYPE): T = np.array([[1, 0, x], [0, 1, y], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=dtype) return T
[docs]def scale_mat3x3(sx, sy=None, dtype=TRANSFORM_DTYPE): sy = sx if sy is None else sy S = np.array([[sx, 0, 0], [0, sy, 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=dtype) return S
[docs]def shear_mat3x3(shear_x, shear_y, dtype=TRANSFORM_DTYPE): shear = np.array([[1, shear_x, 0], [shear_y, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=dtype) return shear
[docs]def affine_mat3x3(sx=1, sy=1, theta=0, shear=0, tx=0, ty=0, trig=np): r""" Args: sx (float): x scale factor (default = 1) sy (float): y scale factor (default = 1) theta (float): rotation angle (radians) in counterclockwise direction shear (float): shear angle (radians) in counterclockwise directions tx (float): x-translation (default = 0) ty (float): y-translation (default = 0) References: """ sin1_ = trig.sin(theta) cos1_ = trig.cos(theta) sin2_ = trig.sin(theta + shear) cos2_ = trig.cos(theta + shear) Aff = np.array( [[sx * cos1_, -sy * sin2_, tx], [sx * sin1_, sy * cos2_, ty], [0, 0, 1]] ) return Aff
[docs]def affine_around_mat3x3( x, y, sx=1.0, sy=1.0, theta=0.0, shear=0.0, tx=0.0, ty=0.0, x2=None, y2=None ): r""" Executes an affine transform around center point (x, y). Equivalent to Args: x (float): center x location in input space y (float): center y location in input space sx (float): x scale factor (default = 1) sy (float): y scale factor (default = 1) theta (float): counter-clockwise rotation angle in radians(default = 0) shear (float): counter-clockwise shear angle in radians(default = 0) tx (float): x-translation (default = 0) ty (float): y-translation (default = 0) x2 (float, optional): center y location in output space (default = x) y2 (float, optional): center y location in output space (default = y) CommandLine: python -m vtool.linalg affine_around_mat3x3 --show CommandLine: xdoctest -m ~/code/vtool/vtool/ affine_around_mat3x3 Example: >>> from vtool.linalg import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> orig_pts = np.array(vt.verts_from_bbox([10, 10, 20, 20])) >>> x, y = vt.bbox_center(vt.bbox_from_verts(orig_pts)) >>> sx, sy = 0.5, 1.0 >>> theta = 1 * np.pi / 4 >>> shear = .1 * np.pi / 4 >>> tx, ty = 5, 0 >>> x2, y2 = None, None >>> Aff = affine_around_mat3x3(x, y, sx, sy, theta, shear, >>> tx, ty, x2, y2) >>> trans_pts = vt.transform_points_with_homography(Aff, orig_pts.T).T >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.ensureqt() >>> pt.plt.plot(x, y, 'bx', label='center') >>> pt.plt.plot(orig_pts.T[0], orig_pts.T[1], 'b-', label='original') >>> pt.plt.plot(trans_pts.T[0], trans_pts.T[1], 'r-', label='transformed') >>> pt.plt.legend() >>> pt.plt.title('Demo of affine_around_mat3x3') >>> pt.plt.axis('equal') >>> pt.plt.xlim(0, 40) >>> pt.plt.ylim(0, 40) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Ignore: >>> from vtool.linalg import * # NOQA >>> x, y, sx, sy, theta, shear, tx, ty, x2, y2 = ( >>> 256.0, 256.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.78, 0.2, 0, 100, 500.0, 500.0) >>> for timer in ub.Timerit(1000, 'old'): # 19.0697 µs >>> with timer: >>> tr1_ = translation_mat3x3(-x, -y) >>> Aff_ = affine_mat3x3(sx, sy, theta, shear, tx, ty) >>> tr2_ = translation_mat3x3(x2, y2) >>> Aff1 = >>> for timer in ub.Timerit(1000, 'new'): # 11.0242 µs >>> with timer: >>> Aff2 = affine_around_mat3x3(x, y, sx, sy, theta, shear, >>> tx, ty, x2, y2) >>> assert np.all(np.isclose(Aff2, Aff1)) Ignore: >>> from vtool.linalg import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> import sympy >>> # Shows the symbolic construction of the code >>> #!topic/sympy/k1HnZK_bNNA >>> from import theta >>> x, y, sx, sy, theta, shear, tx, ty, x2, y2 = sympy.symbols( >>> 'x, y, sx, sy, theta, shear, tx, ty, x2, y2') >>> theta = sx = sy = tx = ty = 0 >>> # move to center xy, apply affine transform, move center xy2 >>> tr1_ = translation_mat3x3(-x, -y, dtype=None) >>> Aff_ = affine_mat3x3(sx, sy, theta, shear, tx, ty, trig=sympy) >>> tr2_ = translation_mat3x3(x2, y2, dtype=None) >>> # combine transformations >>> Aff = vt.sympy_mat( >>> vt.evalprint('Aff') >>> print('-------') >>> print('Numpy') >>> vt.sympy_numpy_repr(Aff) """ x2 = x if x2 is None else x2 y2 = y if y2 is None else y2 # Make auxially varables to reduce the number of sin/cosine calls cos_theta = np.cos(theta) sin_theta = np.sin(theta) cos_shear_p_theta = np.cos(shear + theta) sin_shear_p_theta = np.sin(shear + theta) tx_ = -sx * x * cos_theta + sy * y * sin_shear_p_theta + tx + x2 ty_ = -sx * x * sin_theta - sy * y * cos_shear_p_theta + ty + y2 # Sympy compiled expression Aff = np.array( [ [sx * cos_theta, -sy * sin_shear_p_theta, tx_], [sx * sin_theta, sy * cos_shear_p_theta, ty_], [0, 0, 1], ] ) return Aff
# Ensure that a feature doesn't have multiple assignments # -------------------------------- # Linear algebra functions on lower triangular matrices
[docs]def det_ltri(ltri): """Lower triangular determinant""" det = ltri[0] * ltri[2] return det
[docs]def inv_ltri(ltri, det): """Lower triangular inverse""" inv_ltri = np.array((ltri[2], -ltri[1], ltri[0]), dtype=ltri.dtype) / det return inv_ltri
[docs]def dot_ltri(ltri1, ltri2): """Lower triangular dot product""" # use m, n, and o as temporary matrixes m11, m21, m22 = ltri1 n11, n21, n22 = ltri2 o11 = m11 * n11 o21 = (m21 * n11) + (m22 * n21) o22 = m22 * n22 ltri3 = np.array((o11, o21, o22), dtype=ltri1.dtype) return ltri3
[docs]def whiten_xy_points(xy_m): """ whitens points to mean=0, stddev=1 and returns transformation Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.linalg import * # NOQA >>> from vtool import demodata >>> xy_m = demodata.get_dummy_xy() >>> tup = whiten_xy_points(xy_m) >>> xy_norm, T = tup >>> result = (ub.hash_data(tup)) >>> print(result) """ mu_xy = xy_m.mean(1) # center of mass std_xy = xy_m.std(1) std_xy[std_xy == 0] = 1 # prevent divide by zero tx, ty = -mu_xy / std_xy sx, sy = 1 / std_xy T = np.array([(sx, 0, tx), (0, sy, ty), (0, 0, 1)]) xy_norm = ((xy_m.T - mu_xy) / std_xy).T return xy_norm, T
[docs]def add_homogenous_coordinate(_xys): r""" CommandLine: python -m vtool.linalg --test-add_homogenous_coordinate Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.linalg import * # NOQA >>> _xys = np.array([[ 2., 0., 0., 2.], ... [ 2., 2., 0., 0.]], dtype=np.float32) >>> _xyzs = add_homogenous_coordinate(_xys) >>> assert np.all(_xys == remove_homogenous_coordinate(_xyzs)) >>> result = ub.repr2(_xyzs, with_dtype=True) >>> print(result) """ assert _xys.shape[0] == 2 _zs = np.ones((1, _xys.shape[1]), dtype=_xys.dtype) _xyzs = np.vstack((_xys, _zs)) return _xyzs
[docs]def remove_homogenous_coordinate(_xyzs): r""" normalizes 3d homogonous coordinates into 2d coordinates Args: _xyzs (ndarray): of shape (3, N) Returns: ndarray: _xys of shape (2, N) CommandLine: python -m vtool.linalg --test-remove_homogenous_coordinate Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.linalg import * # NOQA >>> _xyzs = np.array([[ 2., 0., 0., 2.], ... [ 2., 2., 0., 0.], ... [ 1.2, 1., 1., 2.]], dtype=np.float32) >>> _xys = remove_homogenous_coordinate(_xyzs) >>> result = ub.repr2(_xys, precision=3, with_dtype=True) >>> print(result) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.linalg import * # NOQA >>> _xyzs = np.array([[ 140., 167., 185., 185., 194.], ... [ 121., 139., 156., 155., 163.], ... [ 47., 56., 62., 62., 65.]]) >>> _xys = remove_homogenous_coordinate(_xyzs) >>> result = ub.repr2(_xys, precision=3) >>> print(result) """ assert _xyzs.shape[0] == 3 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('error') _xys = np.divide(_xyzs[0:2], _xyzs[None, 2]) return _xys
[docs]def transform_points_with_homography(H, _xys): """ Args: H (ndarray[float64_t, ndim=2]): homography/perspective matrix _xys (ndarray[ndim=2]): (2 x N) array """ xyz = add_homogenous_coordinate(_xys) xyz_t = np.matmul(H, xyz) xy_t = remove_homogenous_coordinate(xyz_t) return xy_t
[docs]def normalize_rows(arr, out=None): """DEPRICATE""" assert len(arr.shape) == 2 return normalize(arr, axis=1, out=out)
[docs]def normalize(arr, ord=None, axis=None, out=None): r""" Returns all row vectors normalized by their magnitude. Args: arr (ndarray): row vectors to normalize ord (int): type of norm to use (defaults to 2-norm) {non-zero int, inf, -inf} axis (int): axis to normalize out (ndarray): preallocated output SeeAlso: np.linalg.norm Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.linalg import * # NOQA >>> arr = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]]) >>> arr_normed = normalize(arr, axis=1) >>> result = ub.hzcat(['arr_normed = ', ub.repr2(arr_normed, precision=2, with_dtype=True)]) >>> assert np.allclose((arr_normed ** 2).sum(axis=1), [1, 1]) >>> print(result) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.linalg import * # NOQA >>> arr = np.array([ 0.6, 0.1, -0.6]) >>> arr_normed = normalize(arr) >>> result = ub.hzcat(['arr_normed = ', ub.repr2(arr_normed, precision=2)]) >>> assert np.allclose((arr_normed ** 2).sum(), [1]) >>> print(result) Example: >>> from vtool.linalg import * # NOQA >>> ord_list = [0, 1, 2, np.inf, -np.inf] >>> arr = np.array([ 0.6, 0.1, -0.5]) >>> normed = [(ord, normalize(arr, ord=ord)) for ord in ord_list] >>> result = ub.repr2(normed, precision=2, with_dtype=True) >>> print(result) """ norm_ = np.linalg.norm(arr, ord=ord, axis=axis, keepdims=True) arr_normed = np.divide(arr, norm_, out=out) return arr_normed
[docs]def random_affine_args( zoom_pdf=None, tx_pdf=None, ty_pdf=None, shear_pdf=None, theta_pdf=None, enable_flip=False, enable_stretch=False, default_distribution='uniform', scalar_anchor='reflect', # 0 txy_pdf=None, rng=np.random, ): r""" TODO: allow for a pdf of ranges for each dimension If pdfs are tuples it is interpreted as a default (uniform) distribution between the two points. A single scalar is a default distribution between -scalar and scalar. Args: zoom_range (tuple): (default = (1.0, 1.0)) tx_range (tuple): (default = (0.0, 0.0)) ty_range (tuple): (default = (0.0, 0.0)) shear_range (tuple): (default = (0, 0)) theta_range (tuple): (default = (0, 0)) enable_flip (bool): (default = False) enable_stretch (bool): (default = False) rng (module): random number generator(default = numpy.random) Returns: tuple: affine_args CommandLine: xdoctest -m ~/code/vtool/vtool/ random_affine_args Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.linalg import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> zoom_range = (0.9090909090909091, 1.1) >>> tx_pdf = (0.0, 4.0) >>> ty_pdf = (0.0, 4.0) >>> shear_pdf = (0, 0) >>> theta_pdf = (0, 0) >>> enable_flip = False >>> enable_stretch = False >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0) >>> affine_args = random_affine_args( >>> zoom_range, tx_pdf, ty_pdf, shear_pdf, theta_pdf, >>> enable_flip, enable_stretch, rng=rng) >>> print('affine_args = %s' % (ub.repr2(affine_args),)) >>> (sx, sy, theta, shear, tx, ty) = affine_args >>> Aff = vt.affine_mat3x3(sx, sy, theta, shear, tx, ty) >>> result = ub.repr2(Aff, precision=3, nl=1, with_dtype=0) >>> print(result) np.array([[ 1.009, -0. , 1.695], [ 0. , 1.042, 2.584], [ 0. , 0. , 1. ]]) """ if zoom_pdf is None: sx = sy = 1.0 else: log_zoom_range = [np.log(z) for z in zoom_pdf] if enable_stretch: sx = sy = np.exp(rng.uniform(*log_zoom_range)) else: sx = np.exp(rng.uniform(*log_zoom_range)) sy = np.exp(rng.uniform(*log_zoom_range)) def param_distribution(param_pdf, rng=rng): if param_pdf is None: param = 0 elif not ub.iterable(param_pdf): max_param = param_pdf if scalar_anchor == 'reflect': min_param = -max_param elif scalar_anchor == 0: min_param = 0 param = rng.uniform(min_param, max_param) elif isinstance(param_pdf, tuple): min_param, max_param = param_pdf param = rng.uniform(min_param, max_param) else: assert False return param theta = param_distribution(theta_pdf) shear = param_distribution(shear_pdf) if txy_pdf is not None: assert tx_pdf is None, 'cannot specify both' assert ty_pdf is None, 'cannot specify both' xy_locs, xy_probs = txy_pdf tx = param_distribution(tx_pdf) else: tx = param_distribution(tx_pdf) ty = param_distribution(ty_pdf) flip = enable_flip and (rng.randint(2) > 0) # flip half of the time if flip: # shear 180 degrees + rotate 180 == flip theta += np.pi shear += np.pi affine_args = (sx, sy, theta, shear, tx, ty) return affine_args
# Aff = vt.affine_mat3x3(sx, sy, theta, shear, tx, ty) # return Aff
[docs]def random_affine_transform(*args, **kwargs): affine_args = random_affine_args(**kwargs) Aff = affine_mat3x3(*affine_args) return Aff
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m vtool.linalg """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)