Source code for vtool.nearest_neighbors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Wrapper around flann (with caching)

python -c "import vtool, doctest; print(doctest.testmod(vtool.nearest_neighbors))"
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from os.path import exists, normpath, join
import utool as ut
import ubelt as ub
import numpy as np
import annoy as ann
from vtool._pyflann_backend import FLANN_CLS, pyflann

[docs]class AnnoyWrapper(object): """ Wrapper for annoy to use the FLANN api """ def __init__(self): self.ann = None self.params = { 'trees': 8, 'checks': 512, }
[docs] def build_index(self, dvecs, **kwargs): import annoy self.params.update(kwargs) self.ann = annoy.AnnoyIndex(f=dvecs.shape[1], metric='euclidean') for i, dvec in enumerate(dvecs): ann.add_item(i, dvec)['trees'])
[docs] def nn_index(self, qvecs, num_neighbs, checks=None): if checks is None: checks = self.params['checks'] idxs = np.empty((len(qvecs), num_neighbs), dists = np.empty((len(qvecs), num_neighbs), dtype=np.float) for i, qvec in enumerate(qvecs): idxs[i], dists[i] = ann.get_nns_by_vector( qvec, n=num_neighbs, search_k=checks, include_distances=True ) return idxs, dists
[docs]def test_annoy(): from vtool import demodata import annoy import utool qvecs = demodata.testdata_dummy_sift(2 * 1000) dvecs = demodata.testdata_dummy_sift(100 * 1000) dim = dvecs.shape[1] checks = 200 num_neighbs = 10 num_trees = 8 trials = 10 for timer in utool.Timerit(trials, label='build annoy'): with timer: ann = annoy.AnnoyIndex(dim, metric='euclidean') for i, vec in enumerate(dvecs): ann.add_item(i, vec) for timer in utool.Timerit(trials, label='annoy query'): with timer: for qvec in qvecs: ann.get_nns_by_vector( qvec, n=num_neighbs, search_k=checks, include_distances=True ) # --------------- for timer in utool.Timerit(trials, label='build flann'): with timer: flann = FLANN_CLS() flann.build_index( dvecs, algorithm='kdtree', trees=num_trees, checks=checks, cores=1 ) for timer in utool.Timerit(trials, label='flann query'): with timer: flann.nn_index(qvecs, num_neighbs, checks=checks) # --------------- for timer in utool.Timerit(trials, label='build annoy wrapper'): with timer: index = AnnoyWrapper() index.build_index(dvecs, trees=num_trees, checks=checks) for timer in utool.Timerit(trials, label='query annoy wrapper'): with timer: index.nn_index(qvecs, num_neighbs, checks=checks)
[docs]def test_cv2_flann(): """ Ignore: [name for name in dir(cv2) if 'create' in name.lower()] [name for name in dir(cv2) if 'stereo' in name.lower()] ut.grab_zipped_url('', download_dir='.') """ import cv2 from vtool import demodata import wbia.plottool as pt import vtool as vt img1 = vt.imread(ut.grab_test_imgpath('easy1.png')) img2 = vt.imread(ut.grab_test_imgpath('easy2.png')) stereo = cv2.StereoBM_create(numDisparities=16, blockSize=15) disparity = stereo.compute(img1, img2) pt.imshow(disparity) # cv2.estima flow = cv2.createOptFlow_DualTVL1() img1, img2 = vt.convert_image_list_colorspace( [img1, img2], 'gray', src_colorspace='bgr' ) img2 = vt.resize(img2, img1.shape[0:2][::-1]) out = img1.copy() flow.calc(img1, img2, out) orb = cv2.ORB_create() kp1, vecs1 = orb.detectAndCompute(img1, None) kp2, vecs2 = orb.detectAndCompute(img2, None) detector = cv2.FeatureDetector_create('SIFT') descriptor = cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create('SIFT') skp = detector.detect(img1) skp, sd = descriptor.compute(img1, skp) tkp = detector.detect(img2) tkp, td = descriptor.compute(img2, tkp) out = img1.copy() cv2.drawKeypoints(img1, kp1, outImage=out) pt.imshow(out) vecs1 = demodata.testdata_dummy_sift(10) vecs2 = demodata.testdata_dummy_sift(10) # NOQA FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE = 0 # bug: flann enums are missing # flann_params = dict(algorithm=FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=4) index_params = dict(algorithm=FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE, trees=5) search_params = dict(checks=50) # or pass empty dictionary flann = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params) # NOQA cv2.flann.Index(vecs1, index_params) # cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(flann_params) cv2.flann.Index(vecs1, flann_params) # NOQA
# def match_flann(desc1, desc2, r_threshold = 0.6): # flann = cv2.flann_Index(desc2, flann_params) # idx2, dist = flann.knnSearch(desc1, 2, params = {}) # bug: need to provide empty dict # mask = dist[:,0] / dist[:,1] < r_threshold # idx1 = np.arange(len(desc1)) # pairs = np.int32( zip(idx1, idx2[:,0]) ) # return pairs[mask]
[docs]def ann_flann_once(dpts, qpts, num_neighbors, flann_params={}): """ Finds the approximate nearest neighbors of qpts in dpts CommandLine: xdoctest -m ~/code/vtool/vtool/ ann_flann_once:0 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.nearest_neighbors import * # NOQA >>> np.random.seed(1) >>> dpts = np.random.randint(0, 255, (5, 128)).astype(np.uint8) >>> qpts = np.random.randint(0, 255, (5, 128)).astype(np.uint8) >>> qx2_dx, qx2_dist = ann_flann_once(dpts, qpts, 2) >>> import ubelt as ub >>> result = ub.repr2((qx2_dx.T, qx2_dist.T), precision=2, with_dtype=True, nl=2) >>> print(result) ( np.array([[3, 3, 3, 3, 0], [2, 0, 1, 4, 4]], dtype=np.int32), np.array([[1037329., 1235876., 1168550., 1286435., 1075507.], [1038324., 1243690., 1304896., 1320598., 1369036.]], dtype=np.float32), ) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # Test upper bounds on sift descriptors >>> # SeeAlso distance.understanding_pseudomax_props >>> from vtool.nearest_neighbors import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(1) >>> # get points on unit sphere >>> nDpts = 5000 # 5 >>> nQpts = 10000 # 10 >>> dpts = vt.normalize_rows(np.random.rand(nDpts, 128)) >>> qpts = vt.normalize_rows(np.random.rand(nQpts, 128)) >>> qmag = np.sqrt(np.power(qpts, 2).sum(1)) >>> dmag = np.sqrt(np.power(dpts, 2).sum(1)) >>> assert np.all(np.allclose(qmag, 1)), 'not on unit sphere' >>> assert np.all(np.allclose(dmag, 1)), 'not on unit sphere' >>> # cast to uint8 >>> uint8_max = 512 # hack >>> uint8_min = 0 # hack >>> K = 100 # 2 >>> >>> qpts8 = np.clip(np.round(qpts * uint8_max), uint8_min, uint8_max).astype(np.uint8) >>> dpts8 = np.clip(np.round(dpts * uint8_max), uint8_min, uint8_max).astype(np.uint8) >>> qmag8 = np.sqrt(np.power(qpts8.astype(np.float32), 2).sum(1)) >>> dmag8 = np.sqrt(np.power(dpts8.astype(np.float32), 2).sum(1)) >>> # test >>> qx2_dx, qx2_dist = ann_flann_once(dpts8, qpts8, K) >>> biggest_dist = np.sqrt(qx2_dist.max()) >>> print('biggest_dist = %r' % (biggest_dist)) >>> # Get actual distance by hand >>> hand_dist = np.sum((qpts8 - dpts8[qx2_dx.T[0]]) ** 2, 0) >>> # Seems like flann returns squared distance. makes sense >>> result = ub.hash_data(repr((qx2_dx, qx2_dist))) >>> print(result) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # Build theoretically maximally distant vectors >>> b = 512 >>> D = 128 >>> x = np.sqrt((float(b) ** 2) / float(D - 1)) >>> dpts = np.ones((2, 128)) * x >>> qpts = np.zeros((2, 128)) >>> dpts[:, 0] = 0 >>> qpts[:, 0] = 512 >>> qpts[:, 0::2] = 1 >>> dpts[:, 1::2] = 1 >>> qpts[:, 1::2] = 0 >>> dpts[:, 0::2] = 0 >>> qmag = np.sqrt(np.power(qpts.astype(np.float64), 2).sum(1)) >>> dmag = np.sqrt(np.power(dpts.astype(np.float64), 2).sum(1)) >>> # FIX TO ACTUALLY BE AT THE RIGHT NORM >>> dpts = (dpts * (512 / np.linalg.norm(dpts, axis=1))[:, None]).astype(np.float32) >>> qpts = (qpts * (512 / np.linalg.norm(qpts, axis=1))[:, None]).astype(np.float32) >>> print(np.linalg.norm(dpts)) >>> print(np.linalg.norm(qpts)) >>> dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((qpts - dpts) ** 2, 1)) >>> # Because of norm condition another maximally disant pair of vectors >>> # is [1, 0, 0, ... 0] and [0, 1, .. 0, 0, 0] >>> # verifythat this gives you same dist. >>> dist2 = np.sqrt((512 ** 2 + 512 ** 2)) >>> print(dist2) >>> print(dist) """ # qx2_dx = query_index -> nearest database index # qx2_dist = query_index -> distance # import cv2 flann = FLANN_CLS() # obj = cv2.flann_Index() if 'algorithm' not in flann_params: flann_params['algorithm'] = 0 # flann_params['trees'] = 5 flann.build_index(dpts, **flann_params) (qx2_dx, qx2_dist) = flann.nn_index(qpts, num_neighbors) # flann.build_index(dpts, **flann_params) # (qx2_dx, qx2_dist) = .nn_index(qpts, num_neighbors) return (qx2_dx, qx2_dist)
[docs]def assign_to_centroids(dpts, qpts, num_neighbors=1, flann_params={}): """Helper for akmeans""" (qx2_dx, qx2_dist) = FLANN_CLS().nn_index(dpts, qpts, num_neighbors, **flann_params) return qx2_dx
[docs]def get_flann_params_cfgstr(flann_params): if True: # Ensure consistent ordering flann_vals = list(flann_params.values()) flann_keys = list(flann_params.keys()) # reverse to maintain backwards compatibility flann_valsig_ = str(ut.sortedby(flann_vals, flann_keys, reverse=True)) else: flann_valsig_ = str(list(flann_params.values())) flann_valsig = ut.remove_chars(flann_valsig_, ", '[]") return flann_valsig
[docs]def get_flann_cfgstr( dpts, flann_params, cfgstr='', use_params_hash=True, use_data_hash=True ): """ CommandLine: python -m vtool.nearest_neighbors --test-get_flann_cfgstr Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.nearest_neighbors import * # NOQA >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(1) >>> dpts = rng.randint(0, 255, (10, 128)).astype(np.uint8) >>> cache_dir = '.' >>> cfgstr = '_FEAT(alg=heshes)' >>> flann_params = get_kdtree_flann_params() >>> result = get_flann_cfgstr(dpts, flann_params, cfgstr) >>> print(result) _FEAT(alg=heshes)_FLANN(4kdtree)_DPTS((10,128)xxaotseonmfjkzcr) """ flann_cfgstr = cfgstr if use_params_hash: flann_valsig = get_flann_params_cfgstr(flann_params) flann_cfgstr += '_FLANN(' + flann_valsig + ')' # Generate a unique filename for dpts and flann parameters if use_data_hash: # flann is dependent on the dpts data_hashstr = ut.hashstr_arr27(dpts, '_DPTS') flann_cfgstr += data_hashstr return flann_cfgstr
[docs]def get_flann_fpath( dpts, cache_dir='default', cfgstr='', flann_params={}, use_params_hash=True, use_data_hash=True, appname='vtool', verbose=True, ): """returns filepath for flann index""" if cache_dir == 'default': if verbose: print('[flann] using default cache dir') cache_dir = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir(appname) ub.ensuredir(cache_dir) flann_cfgstr = get_flann_cfgstr( dpts, flann_params, cfgstr, use_params_hash=use_params_hash, use_data_hash=use_data_hash, ) if verbose: print('...flann_cache cfgstr = %r: ' % flann_cfgstr) # Append any user labels flann_fname = 'flann_index' + flann_cfgstr + '.flann' flann_fpath = normpath(join(cache_dir, flann_fname)) return flann_fpath
[docs]def flann_cache( dpts, cache_dir='default', cfgstr='', flann_params={}, use_cache=True, save=True, use_params_hash=True, use_data_hash=True, appname='vtool', verbose=None, ): """ Tries to load a cached flann index before doing anything from vtool.nn """ if verbose is None: verbose = int(ut.NOT_QUIET) if verbose is True: verbose = 2 if verbose > 1: print('+--- START CACHED FLANN INDEX ') if len(dpts) == 0: raise ValueError('cannot build flann when len(dpts) == 0. (prevents a segfault)') flann_fpath = get_flann_fpath( dpts, cache_dir, cfgstr, flann_params, use_params_hash=use_params_hash, use_data_hash=use_data_hash, appname=appname, verbose=verbose, ) # Load the index if it exists flann = FLANN_CLS() flann.flann_fpath = flann_fpath if use_cache and exists(flann_fpath): try: flann.load_index(flann_fpath, dpts) if verbose > 0: print('...flann cache hit: %d vectors' % (len(dpts))) if verbose > 1: print('L___ END FLANN INDEX ') return flann except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, '... cannot load index', iswarning=True) # Rebuild the index otherwise if verbose > 0: print('...flann cache miss.') num_dpts = len(dpts) if flann is None: flann = FLANN_CLS() if verbose > 1 or (verbose > 0 and num_dpts > 1e6): print('...building kdtree over %d points (this may take a sec).' % num_dpts) if num_dpts == 0: print( 'WARNING: CANNOT BUILD FLANN INDEX OVER 0 POINTS. THIS MAY BE A SIGN OF A DEEPER ISSUE' ) return flann flann.build_index(dpts, **flann_params) if verbose > 1: print('flann.save_index(%r)' % ut.path_ndir_split(flann_fpath, n=2)) if save: flann.save_index(flann_fpath) if verbose > 1: print('L___ END CACHED FLANN INDEX ') return flann
[docs]def flann_augment( dpts, new_dpts, cache_dir, cfgstr, new_cfgstr, flann_params, use_cache=True, save=True ): """ Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.nearest_neighbors import * # NOQA >>> import vtool.demodata as demodata # NOQA >>> dpts = demodata.get_dummy_dpts(ut.get_nth_prime(10)) >>> new_dpts = demodata.get_dummy_dpts(ut.get_nth_prime(9)) >>> cache_dir = ut.get_app_resource_dir('vtool') >>> cfgstr = '_testcfg' >>> new_cfgstr = '_new_testcfg' >>> flann_params = get_kdtree_flann_params() >>> use_cache = False >>> save = False """ flann = flann_cache(dpts, cache_dir, cfgstr, flann_params) flann.add_points(new_dpts) if save: aug_dpts = np.vstack((dpts, new_dpts)) new_flann_fpath = get_flann_fpath(aug_dpts, cache_dir, new_cfgstr, flann_params) flann.save_index(new_flann_fpath) return flann
[docs]def get_kdtree_flann_params(): flann_params = {'algorithm': 'kdtree', 'trees': 4} return flann_params
[docs]def get_flann_params(algorithm='kdtree', **kwargs): """ Returns flann params that are relvant tothe algorithm References: Args: algorithm (str): (default = 'kdtree') Returns: dict: flann_params CommandLine: python -m vtool.nearest_neighbors --test-get_flann_params --algo=kdtree python -m vtool.nearest_neighbors --test-get_flann_params --algo=kmeans Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.nearest_neighbors import * # NOQA >>> algorithm = ut.get_argval('--algo', default='kdtree') >>> flann_params = get_flann_params(algorithm) >>> result = ('flann_params = %s' % (ub.repr2(flann_params),)) >>> print(result) """ _algorithm_options = ['linear', 'kdtree', 'kmeans', 'composite', 'kdtree_single'] _centersinit_options = [ 'random', 'gonzales', 'kmeanspp', ] # Search params (for all algos) assert algorithm in _algorithm_options flann_params = {'algorithm': algorithm} if algorithm != 'linear': flann_params.update({'random_seed': -1}) if algorithm in ['kdtree', 'composite']: # kdtree index parameters flann_params.update( { 'algorithm': _algorithm_options[1], 'trees': 4, 'checks': 32, # how many leafs (features) to check in one search } ) elif algorithm in ['kmeans', 'composite']: # Kmeans index parametrs flann_params.update( { 'branching': 32, 'iterations': 5, 'centers_init': _centersinit_options[2], 'cb_index': 0.5, # cluster boundary index for searching kmeanms tree 'checks': 32, # how many leafs (features) to check in one search } ) elif algorithm == 'autotuned': flann_params.update( { 'algorithm': 'autotuned', 'target_precision': 0.01, # precision desired (used for autotuning, -1 otherwise) 'build_weight': 0.01, # build tree time weighting factor 'memory_weight': 0.0, # index memory weigthing factor 'sample_fraction': 0.001, # what fraction of the dataset to use for autotuning } ) elif algorithm == 'lsh': flann_params.update( {'table_number_': 12, 'key_size_': 20, 'multi_probe_level_': 2} ) flann_params = ut.update_existing(flann_params, kwargs, assert_exists=True) return flann_params
[docs]def tune_flann( dpts, target_precision=0.90, build_weight=0.50, memory_weight=0.00, sample_fraction=0.01, ): r""" References: Math: cost of an algorithm is: LaTeX: \cost = \frac {\search + build_weight * \build } { \minoverparams( \search + build_weight \build)} + memory_weight * \memory Args: dpts (ndarray): target_precision (float): number between 0 and 1 representing desired accuracy. Higher values are more accurate. build_weight (float): importance weight given to minimizing build time relative to search time. This number can range from 0 to infinity. typically because building is a more complex computation you want to keep the number relatively low, (less than 1) otherwise you'll end up getting a linear search (no build time). memory_weight (float): Importance of memory relative to total speed. A value less than 1 gives more importance to the time spent and a value greater than 1 gives more importance to the memory usage. sample_fraction (float): number between 0 and 1 representing the fraction of the input data to use in the optimization. A higher number uses more data. Returns: dict: tuned_params CommandLine: python -m vtool.nearest_neighbors --test-tune_flann """ with ut.Timer('tuning flann'): print('Autotuning flann with %d %dD vectors' % (dpts.shape[0], dpts.shape[1])) print( 'a sample of %d vectors will be used' % (int(dpts.shape[0] * sample_fraction)) ) flann = FLANN_CLS() # num_data = len(dpts) flann_atkwargs = dict( algorithm='autotuned', target_precision=target_precision, build_weight=build_weight, memory_weight=memory_weight, sample_fraction=sample_fraction, ) suffix = repr(flann_atkwargs) badchar_list = ",{}': " for badchar in badchar_list: suffix = suffix.replace(badchar, '') print('flann_atkwargs:') print(ub.repr2(flann_atkwargs)) print('starting optimization') tuned_params = flann.build_index(dpts, **flann_atkwargs) print('finished optimization') # The algorithm is sometimes returned as default which is # very unuseful as the default name is embeded in the pyflann # module where most would not care to look. This finds the default # name for you. for key in ['algorithm', 'centers_init', 'log_level']: val = tuned_params.get(key, None) if val == 'default': dict_ = pyflann.FLANNParameters._translation_[key] other_algs = ut.dict_find_other_sameval_keys(dict_, 'default') assert len(other_algs) == 1, 'more than 1 default for key=%r' % (key,) tuned_params[key] = other_algs[0] common_params = [ 'algorithm', 'checks', ] relevant_params_dict = dict( linear=['algorithm'], # --- kdtree=['trees'], # --- kmeans=['branching', 'iterations', 'centers_init', 'cb_index'], # --- lsh=['table_number', 'key_size', 'multi_probe_level'], ) relevant_params_dict['composite'] = ( relevant_params_dict['kmeans'] + relevant_params_dict['kdtree'] + common_params ) relevant_params_dict['kmeans'] += common_params relevant_params_dict['kdtree'] += common_params relevant_params_dict['lsh'] += common_params # kdtree_single_params = [ # 'leaf_max_size', # ] # other_params = [ # 'build_weight', # 'sorted', # ] out_file = 'flann_tuned' + suffix ut.write_to(out_file, ub.repr2(tuned_params, sorted_=True, newlines=True)) flann.delete_index() if tuned_params['algorithm'] in relevant_params_dict: print('relevant_params=') relevant_params = relevant_params_dict[tuned_params['algorithm']] print( ub.repr2( ut.dict_subset(tuned_params, relevant_params), sorted_=True, newlines=True, ) ) print('irrelevant_params=') print( ub.repr2( ut.dict_setdiff(tuned_params, relevant_params), sorted_=True, newlines=True, ) ) else: print('unknown tuned algorithm=%r' % (tuned_params['algorithm'],)) print('all_tuned_params=') print(ub.repr2(tuned_params, sorted_=True, newlines=True)) return tuned_params
[docs]def flann_index_time_experiment(): r""" Shows a plot of how long it takes to build a flann index for a given number of KD-trees CommandLine: python -m vtool.nearest_neighbors --test-flann_index_time_experiment Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> from vtool.nearest_neighbors import * # NOQA >>> result = flann_index_time_experiment() >>> print(result) """ import vtool as vt import itertools class TestDataPool(object): """ Perform only a few allocations of test data """ def __init__(self): self.num = 10000 self.data_pool = None self.alloc_pool(1000000) def alloc_pool(self, num): print('[alloc] num = %r' % (num,)) self.num = num self.data_pool = vt.demodata.testdata_dummy_sift(num) print( '[alloc] object size ' + ut.get_object_size_str(self.data_pool, 'data_pool') ) def get_testdata(self, num): if len(self.data_pool) < num: self.alloc_pool(2 * self.num) return self.data_pool[0:num] pool = TestDataPool() def get_buildtime_data(**kwargs): flann_params = vt.get_flann_params(**kwargs) print('flann_params = %r' % (ub.repr2(flann_params),)) data_list = [] num = 1000 print('-----') for count in ut.ProgIter(itertools.count(), length=-1, freq=1, adjust=False): num = int(num * 1.2) print('num = %r' % (num,)) # if num > 1E6: # break data = pool.get_testdata(num) print('object size ' + ut.get_object_size_str(data, 'data')) flann = FLANN_CLS(**flann_params) with ut.Timer(verbose=False) as t: flann.build_index(data) print('t.ellapsed = %r' % (t.ellapsed,)) if t.ellapsed > 5 or count > 1000: break data_list.append((count, num, t.ellapsed)) print('-----') return data_list, flann_params data_list1, params1 = get_buildtime_data(trees=1) data_list2, params2 = get_buildtime_data(trees=2) data_list4, params4 = get_buildtime_data(trees=4) data_list8, params8 = get_buildtime_data(trees=8) data_list16, params16 = get_buildtime_data(trees=16) import wbia.plottool as pt def plotdata(data_list): count_arr = ut.get_list_column(data_list, 1) time_arr = ut.get_list_column(data_list, 2) pt.plot2( count_arr, time_arr, marker='-o', equal_aspect=False, x_label='num_vectors', y_label='FLANN build time', ) plotdata(data_list1) plotdata(data_list2) plotdata(data_list4) plotdata(data_list8) plotdata(data_list16) pt.iup()
[docs]def invertible_stack(vecs_list, label_list): """ Stacks descriptors into a flat structure and returns inverse mapping from flat database descriptor indexes (dx) to annotation ids (label) and feature indexes (fx). Feature indexes are w.r.t. annotation indexes. Output: idx2_desc - flat descriptor stack idx2_label - inverted index into annotations idx2_fx - inverted index into features # Example with 2D Descriptors Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.nearest_neighbors import * # NOQA >>> DESC_TYPE = np.uint8 >>> label_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> vecs_list = [ ... np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=DESC_TYPE), ... np.array([[5, 3], [2, 30], [1, 1]], dtype=DESC_TYPE), ... np.empty((0, 2), dtype=DESC_TYPE), ... np.array([[5, 3], [2, 30], [1, 1]], dtype=DESC_TYPE), ... np.array([[3, 3], [42, 42], [2, 6]], dtype=DESC_TYPE), ... ] >>> idx2_vec, idx2_label, idx2_fx = invertible_stack(vecs_list, label_list) >>> print(repr(idx2_vec.T)) array([[ 0, 0, 5, 2, 1, 5, 2, 1, 3, 42, 2], [ 0, 1, 3, 30, 1, 3, 30, 1, 3, 42, 6]], dtype=uint8) >>> print(repr(idx2_label)) array([1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5]) >>> print(repr(idx2_fx)) array([0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]) """ # INFER DTYPE? dtype = vecs_list[0].dtype # Build inverted index of (label, fx) pairs nFeats = sum(list(map(len, vecs_list))) nFeat_iter = map(len, vecs_list) label_nFeat_iter = zip(label_list, map(len, vecs_list)) # generate featx inverted index for each feature in each annotation _ax2_fx = [list(range(nFeat)) for nFeat in nFeat_iter] # generate label inverted index for each feature in each annotation _ax2_label = [[label] * nFeat for (label, nFeat) in label_nFeat_iter] # Flatten generators into the inverted index _flatlabels = ub.flatten(_ax2_label) _flatfeatxs = ub.flatten(_ax2_fx) idx2_label = np.fromiter(_flatlabels, np.int32, nFeats) idx2_fx = np.fromiter(_flatfeatxs, np.int32, nFeats) # Stack vecsriptors into numpy array corresponding to inverted inexed # This might throw a MemoryError idx2_vec = np.vstack(vecs_list) return idx2_vec, idx2_label, idx2_fx
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m vtool.nearest_neighbors """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)