Source code for vtool.patch

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import six  # NOQA
from six.moves import zip
import numpy as np
from vtool import histogram as htool
from vtool import keypoint as ktool
from vtool import linalg as ltool
from vtool import image as gtool
from vtool import trig
import utool as ut
from .util_math import TAU

    import cv2
except ImportError:
    print('ERROR: import cv2 is failing!')
    cv2 = ut.DynStruct()
    cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 = None
    cv2.INTER_CUBIC = None
    cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT = None

[docs]def patch_gradient(patch, ksize=1, gaussian_weighted=False): patch_ = np.array(patch, dtype=np.float64) gradx = cv2.Sobel(patch_, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=ksize) grady = cv2.Sobel(patch_, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=ksize) if gaussian_weighted: gausspatch = gaussian_patch(shape=gradx.shape) gausspatch /= gausspatch.max() gradx *= gausspatch grady *= gausspatch return gradx, grady
[docs]def patch_mag(gradx, grady): return np.sqrt((gradx ** 2) + (grady ** 2))
[docs]def patch_ori(gradx, grady): """returns patch orientation relative to the x-axis""" gori = trig.atan2(grady, gradx) return gori
[docs]def get_test_patch(key='star', jitter=False): r""" Args: key (str): jitter (bool): Returns: ndarray: patch CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-get_test_patch --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> key = 'star2' >>> jitter = False >>> patch = get_test_patch(key, jitter) >>> pt.imshow(255 * patch) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ func = { 'star2': get_star2_patch, 'cross': get_cross_patch, 'star': get_star_patch, 'stripe': get_stripe_patch, }[key] patch = func(jitter) return patch
[docs]def make_test_image_keypoints(imgBGR, scale=1.0, skew=0, theta=0, shift=(0, 0)): h, w = imgBGR.shape[0:2] half_w, half_h = w / 2.0, h / 2.0 x, y = (half_w - 0.5) + (w * shift[0]), (half_h - 0.5) + (h * shift[1]) a = (half_w) * scale c = skew d = (half_h) * scale theta = theta kpts = np.array([[x, y, a, c, d, theta]], np.float32) return kpts
[docs]def get_no_symbol(variant='symbol', size=(100, 100)): r""" Returns: ndarray: errorimg CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-get_no_symbol --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> errorimg = get_no_symbol() >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.imshow(errorimg) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ thickness = 2 shape = (size[1], size[0], 3) errorimg = np.zeros(shape) center = (size[0] // 2, size[1] // 2) radius = min(center) - thickness color_bgr = [0, 0, 255] tau = 2 * np.pi angle = 45 / 360 * tau pt1 = ( center[0] - int(np.sin(angle) * radius), center[1] - int(np.cos(angle) * radius), ) pt2 = ( center[0] + int(np.sin(angle) * radius), center[1] + int(np.cos(angle) * radius), ) if variant == 'symbol':, center, radius, color_bgr, thickness) cv2.line(errorimg, pt1, pt2, color_bgr, thickness) else: import vtool as vt fontFace = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN org = (size[0] * 0.1, size[1] * 0.6) fontkw = dict(bottomLeftOrigin=False, fontScale=2.5, fontFace=fontFace) vt.draw_text( errorimg, 'NaN', org, thickness=2, textcolor_rgb=color_bgr[::-1], **fontkw ) return errorimg
[docs]def get_star_patch(jitter=False): """test data patch""" _, O = 0.1, 0.8 # NOQA patch = np.array( [ [_, _, _, O, _, _, _], [_, _, _, O, _, _, _], [_, _, O, O, O, _, _], [O, O, O, O, O, O, O], [_, O, O, O, O, O, _], [_, _, O, O, O, _, _], [_, O, O, O, O, O, _], [_, O, _, _, _, O, _], [O, _, _, _, _, _, O], ] ) if jitter: patch += np.random.rand(*patch.shape) * 0.1 return patch
[docs]def get_star2_patch(jitter=False): """test data patch""" _, i, O = 0.1, 0.8, 0.5 # NOQA patch = np.array( [ [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, O, O, _, _, _, _, _, _, _], [_, _, _, _, _, _, O, i, i, O, _, _, _, _, _, _], [_, _, _, _, _, _, O, i, i, O, _, _, _, _, _, _], [_, _, _, _, _, O, i, i, i, i, O, _, _, _, _, _], [O, O, O, O, O, O, i, i, i, i, O, O, O, O, O, O], [O, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, O], [_, O, i, i, i, i, O, i, i, O, i, i, i, i, O, _], [_, _, O, i, i, i, O, i, i, O, i, i, i, O, _, _], [_, _, _, O, i, i, O, i, i, O, i, i, O, _, _, _], [_, _, _, O, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, O, _, _, _], [_, _, O, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, O, _, _], [_, _, O, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, i, O, _, _], [_, O, i, i, i, i, i, O, O, i, i, i, i, i, O, _], [_, O, i, i, i, O, O, _, _, O, O, i, i, i, O, _], [O, i, i, O, O, _, _, _, _, _, _, O, O, i, i, O], [O, O, O, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, O, O, O], ] ) if jitter: patch += np.random.rand(*patch.shape) * 0.1 return patch
[docs]def get_cross_patch(jitter=False): """test data patch""" _, O = 0.1, 0.8 # NOQA patch = np.array( [ [_, _, O, O, O, _, _], [_, _, O, O, O, _, _], [_, _, O, O, O, _, _], [O, O, O, O, O, O, O], [O, O, O, O, O, O, O], [_, _, O, O, O, _, _], [_, _, O, O, O, _, _], [_, _, O, O, O, _, _], [_, _, O, O, O, _, _], ] ) if jitter: patch += np.random.rand(*patch.shape) * 0.1 return patch
[docs]def get_stripe_patch(jitter=False): """test data patch""" _, O = 0.1, 0.8 # NOQA patch = np.array( [ [O, O, O, _, _, _, _], [O, O, O, _, _, _, _], [O, O, O, _, _, _, _], [O, O, O, _, _, _, _], [O, O, O, _, _, _, _], [O, O, O, _, _, _, _], [O, O, O, _, _, _, _], [O, O, O, _, _, _, _], [O, O, O, _, _, _, _], ] ) if jitter: patch += np.random.rand(*patch.shape) * 0.1 return patch
[docs]def test_show_gaussian_patches2(shape=(19, 19)): r""" CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-test_show_gaussian_patches2 --show python -m vtool.patch --test-test_show_gaussian_patches2 --show --shape=7,7 python -m vtool.patch --test-test_show_gaussian_patches2 --show --shape=19,19 python -m vtool.patch --test-test_show_gaussian_patches2 --show --shape=41,41 python -m vtool.patch --test-test_show_gaussian_patches2 --show --shape=41,7 References: Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> shape = ut.get_argval(('--shape',), type_=list, default=[19, 19]) >>> test_show_gaussian_patches2(shape=shape) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # NOQA import wbia.plottool as pt import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import vtool as vt shape = tuple(map(int, shape)) print('shape = %r' % (shape,)) # shape = (27, 27) # shape = (7, 7) # shape = (41, 41) # shape = (5, 5) # shape = (3, 3) sigma_percent_list = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0] # np.linspace(.1, 3, 9) ybasis = np.arange(shape[0]) xbasis = np.arange(shape[1]) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(xbasis, ybasis) fnum = pt.next_fnum() for sigma_percent in pt.param_plot_iterator( sigma_percent_list, fnum=fnum, projection='3d' ): radius1 = shape[0] radius2 = shape[1] sigma1 = radius1 * sigma_percent sigma2 = radius2 * sigma_percent sigma = [sigma1, sigma2] gausspatch = vt.gaussian_patch(shape, sigma=sigma) # print(gausspatch) # pt.imshow(gausspatch * 255) pt.plot_surface3d( xgrid, ygrid, gausspatch, rstride=1, cstride=1,, title='sigma_percent=%.3f' % (sigma_percent,), ) pt.update() pt.set_figtitle('2d gaussian kernels')
[docs]def show_gaussian_patch(shape, sigma1, sigma2): from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # NOQA import matplotlib as mpl import wbia.plottool as pt import vtool as vt ybasis = np.arange(shape[0]) xbasis = np.arange(shape[1]) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(xbasis, ybasis) sigma = [sigma1, sigma2] gausspatch = vt.gaussian_patch(shape, sigma=sigma) # print(gausspatch) # pt.imshow(gausspatch * 255) title = 'ksize=%r, sigma=%r' % ( shape, (sigma1, sigma2), ) pt.plot_surface3d( xgrid, ygrid, gausspatch, rstride=1, cstride=1,, title=title )
[docs]def inverted_sift_patch(sift, dim=32): """ Idea for inverted sift visualization CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch test_sift_viz --show --name=star python -m vtool.patch test_sift_viz --show --name=star2 python -m vtool.patch test_sift_viz --show --name=cross python -m vtool.patch test_sift_viz --show --name=stripe Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> patch = vt.get_test_patch(ut.get_argval('--name', default='star')) >>> sift = vt.extract_feature_from_patch(patch) >>> siftimg = test_sift_viz(sift) >>> # Need to do some image blending >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 1)) >>> pt.mpl_sift.draw_sift_on_patch(siftimg, sift) >>> pt.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 2)) >>> patch2 = patch >>> patch2 = vt.rectify_to_uint8(patch2) >>> patch2 = vt.rectify_to_square(patch2) >>> pt.mpl_sift.draw_sift_on_patch(patch2, sift) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ import vtool as vt # dim = 21 pad = dim // 2 + (dim % 2) # pad = 0 blocks = [] for siftmags in ut.ichunks(sift, 8): thetas = np.linspace(0, TAU, 8, endpoint=False) # style = 'step' style = 'linear' block_parts = [ gradient_fill(dim, theta, flip=0, style=style) * mag for theta, mag in zip(thetas, siftmags) ] block = np.add.reduce(block_parts) # / sum(siftmags) # block = block[pad:-pad, pad:-pad] # block = gaussian_weight_patch(block, sigma=9) blocks.append(block) rows = [] for row_blocks in ut.ichunks(blocks, 4): row = vt.stack_image_list(row_blocks, vert=False, overlap=pad) rows.append(row) siftimg = vt.stack_image_list(rows, vert=True, overlap=pad) siftimg /= siftimg.max() return siftimg
[docs]def gradient_fill(shape, theta=0, flip=False, vert=False, style='linear'): """ FIXME: angle does not work properly CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch gradient_fill --show Example: >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> shape = (9, 9) >>> #style = 'linear' >>> style = 'step' >>> theta = np.pi / 4 >>> patch = vt.gradient_fill(shape, theta, style=style) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.imshow(vt.rectify_to_uint8(patch)) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ if not isinstance(shape, tuple): shape = (shape, shape) import vtool as vt patch = np.zeros(shape) if vert: vals = np.linspace(0, 1, shape[0]) else: vals = np.linspace(0, 1, shape[1]) if style == 'linear': vals = vals elif style == 'step': vals = vals > 0.5 if flip: vals = vals[::-1] if vert: patch.T[:] = vals else: patch[:] = vals if theta != 0: patch = vt.rotate_image( patch, theta, interpolation='linear', border_mode='replicate' ) patch = np.clip(patch, 0, 1) return patch
[docs]def test_show_gaussian_patches(shape=(19, 19)): r""" CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-test_show_gaussian_patches --show python -m vtool.patch --test-test_show_gaussian_patches --show --shape=7,7 python -m vtool.patch --test-test_show_gaussian_patches --show --shape=17,17 python -m vtool.patch --test-test_show_gaussian_patches --show --shape=41,41 python -m vtool.patch --test-test_show_gaussian_patches --show --shape=29,29 python -m vtool.patch --test-test_show_gaussian_patches --show --shape=41,7 References: Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> shape = ut.get_argval(('--shape',), type_=list, default=[19, 19]) >>> test_show_gaussian_patches(shape=shape) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # NOQA import wbia.plottool as pt import numpy as np import matplotlib as mpl import vtool as vt shape = tuple(map(int, shape)) print('shape = %r' % (shape,)) # shape = (27, 27) # shape = (7, 7) # shape = (41, 41) # shape = (5, 5) # shape = (3, 3) sigma = 1.0 sigma_list = [0.1, 0.5, 0.825, 0.925, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.2, 3.0, 10.0] # np.linspace(.1, 3, 9) ybasis = np.arange(shape[0]) xbasis = np.arange(shape[1]) xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(xbasis, ybasis) fnum = pt.next_fnum() for sigma in pt.param_plot_iterator(sigma_list, fnum=fnum, projection='3d'): gausspatch = vt.gaussian_patch(shape, sigma=sigma) # print(gausspatch) # pt.imshow(gausspatch * 255) pt.plot_surface3d( xgrid, ygrid, gausspatch, rstride=1, cstride=1,, title='sigma=%.3f' % (sigma,), ) pt.update() pt.set_figtitle('2d gaussian kernels')
[docs]def gaussian_patch(shape=(7, 7), sigma=1.0): """ another version of the guassian_patch function. hopefully better References: Args: shape (tuple): array dimensions sigma (float): CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-gaussian_patch --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> #shape = (7, 7) >>> shape = (24, 24) >>> sigma = None # 1.0 >>> gausspatch = gaussian_patch(shape, sigma) >>> sum_ = gausspatch.sum() >>> ut.assert_almost_eq(sum_, 1.0) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.imshow(vt.norm01(gausspatch) * 255) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ if sigma is None: sigma = 0.3 * ((min(shape) - 1) * 0.5 - 1) + 0.8 if isinstance(sigma, (float)): sigma1 = sigma2 = sigma else: sigma1, sigma2 = sigma # see hesaff/src/helpers.cpp : computeCircularGaussMask # HACK MAYBE: I think sigma is actually a sigma squared term? # sigma1 = np.sqrt(sigma1) # sigma2 = np.sqrt(sigma2) gauss_kernel_d0 = cv2.getGaussianKernel(shape[0], sigma1) gauss_kernel_d1 = cv2.getGaussianKernel(shape[1], sigma2) gausspatch = return gausspatch
# @lru_cache(maxsize=1000) # def gaussian_patch(width=3, height=3, shape=(7, 7), sigma=None, norm_01=True): # """ # slow function that makes 2d gaussian image patch # It is essential that this function is cached! # """ # # Build a list of x and y coordinates # half_width = (width / 2.0) # half_height = (height / 2.0) # gauss_xs = np.linspace(-half_width, half_width, shape[0]) # gauss_ys = np.linspace(-half_height, half_height, shape[1]) # # Iterate over the cartesian coordinate product and get pdf values # gauss_xys = itertools.product(gauss_xs, gauss_ys) # gaussvals = [ltool.gauss2d_pdf(x, y, sigma=sigma, mu=None) # for (x, y) in gauss_xys] # # Reshape pdf values into a 2D image # gausspatch = np.array(gaussvals, dtype=np.float32).reshape(shape).T # if norm_01: # # normalize if requested # gausspatch -= gausspatch.min() # gausspatch /= gausspatch.max() # return gausspatch
[docs]def get_unwarped_patches(img, kpts): r""" Returns cropped unwarped (keypoint is still elliptical) patch around a keypoint Args: img (ndarray): array representing an image kpts (ndarrays): keypoint ndarrays in [x, y, a, c, d, theta] format Returns: tuple : (patches, subkpts) - the unnormalized patches from the img corresonding to the keypoint """ _xs, _ys = ktool.get_xys(kpts) xyexnts = ktool.get_kpts_wh(kpts) patches = [] subkpts = [] for (kp, x, y, (sfx, sfy)) in zip(kpts, _xs, _ys, xyexnts): radius_x = sfx * 1.5 radius_y = sfy * 1.5 (chip_h, chip_w) = img.shape[0:2] # Get integer grid coordinates to crop at ix1, ix2, xm = htool.subbin_bounds(x, radius_x, 0, chip_w) iy1, iy2, ym = htool.subbin_bounds(y, radius_y, 0, chip_h) # Crop the keypoint out of the image patch = img[iy1:iy2, ix1:ix2] subkp = kp.copy() # subkeypoint in patch coordinates subkp[0:2] = (xm, ym) patches.append(patch) subkpts.append(subkp) return patches, subkpts
[docs]def get_warped_patches( img, kpts, flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE, patch_size=41, use_cpp=False, ): r""" Returns warped (into a unit circle) patch around a keypoint FIXME: there is a slight translation difference in the way Python extracts patches and the way C++ extracts patches. C++ should be correct. TODO: have C++ able to extract color. Args: img (ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=2]): array representing an image kpts (ndarray[float32_t, ndim=2]): list of keypoint ndarrays in [[x, y, a, c, d, theta]] format flags (long): cv2 interpolation flags borderMode (long): cv2 border flags patch_size (int): resolution of resulting image patch Returns: (list, list) : (warped_patches, warped_subkpts) the normalized 41x41 patches from the img corresonding to the keypoint CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-get_warped_patches --show --use_cpp python -m vtool.patch --test-get_warped_patches --show --use_python Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:pyhesaff) >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> import ubelt as ub >>> # build test data >>> img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('carl.jpg') >>> img = vt.imread(img_fpath) >>> use_cpp = ut.get_argflag('--use_cpp') >>> kpts, desc = vt.extract_features(img_fpath) >>> kpts = kpts[0:1] >>> flags = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 >>> borderMode = cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE >>> # execute function >>> (warped_patches, warped_subkpts) = get_warped_patches(img, kpts, flags, borderMode, use_cpp=use_cpp) >>> # verify results >>> print(np.array(warped_patches).shape) >>> print(ub.repr2(np.array(warped_subkpts), precision=2)) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.imshow(warped_patches[0]) >>> #pt.draw_kpts2(warped_subkpts, pts=True, rect=True) >>> pt.set_title('use_cpp = %r' % (use_cpp,)) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ # TODO: CLEAN ME warped_patches = [] warped_subkpts = [] xs, ys = ktool.get_xys(kpts) # rotate relative to the gravity vector oris = ktool.get_oris(kpts) invV_mats = ktool.get_invV_mats(kpts, with_trans=False, ashomog=True) V_mats = ktool.invert_invV_mats(invV_mats) kpts_iter = zip(xs, ys, V_mats, oris) # patch_size = 41 # sf # cv2_warp_kwargs = { # #'flags': cv2.INTER_LINEAR, # #'flags': cv2.INTER_NEAREST, # #'flags': cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, # 'borderMode': cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE, # } # flags = cv2.INTER_CUBIC, # borderMode = cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE, if use_cpp: import pyhesaff warped_patches = pyhesaff.extract_patches(img, kpts) # FIXME: ss = np.sqrt(patch_size) * 3.0 half_patch_size = patch_size / 2.0 warped_subkpts.append( np.array((half_patch_size, half_patch_size, ss, 0.0, ss, 0)) ) else: for x, y, V, ori in kpts_iter: warped_patch, wkp = intern_warp_single_patch( img, x, y, ori, V, patch_size, flags=flags, borderMode=borderMode ) # # Build warped keypoints # wkp = np.array((patch_size / 2, patch_size / 2, ss, 0., ss, 0)) warped_patches.append(warped_patch) warped_subkpts.append(wkp) return warped_patches, warped_subkpts
[docs]def intern_warp_single_patch( img, x, y, ori, V, patch_size, flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE ): r""" Ignore: >>> #!topic/sympy/k1HnZK_bNNA >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> import sympy >>> from import theta >>> ori = theta >>> x, y, a, c, d, patch_size = sympy.symbols('x y a c d S') >>> half_patch_size = patch_size / 2 >>> >>> def sympy_rotation_mat3x3(radians): >>> # TODO: handle array impouts >>> sin_ = sympy.sin(radians) >>> cos_ = sympy.cos(radians) >>> R = np.array(((cos_, -sin_, 0), >>> (sin_, cos_, 0), >>> ( 0, 0, 1),)) >>> return sympy.Matrix(R) >>> >>> kpts = np.array([[x, y, a, c, d, ori]]) >>> kp = ktool.get_invV_mats(kpts, with_trans=True)[0] >>> invV = sympy.Matrix(kp) >>> V = invV.inv() >>> ss = sympy.sqrt(patch_size) * 3.0 >>> T = sympy.Matrix(ltool.translation_mat3x3(-x, -y, None)) # Center the patch >>> R = sympy_rotation_mat3x3(-ori) # Rotate the centered unit circle patch >>> S = sympy.Matrix(ltool.scale_mat3x3(ss, dtype=None)) # scale from unit circle to the patch size >>> X = sympy.Matrix(ltool.translation_mat3x3(half_patch_size, half_patch_size, None)) # Translate back to patch-image coordinates >>> >>> sympy.MatMul(X, S, hold=True) >>> >>> def add_matmul_hold_prop(mat): >>> #import functools >>> def matmul_hold(other, hold=True): >>> new = sympy.MatMul(mat, other, hold=hold) >>> add_matmul_hold_prop(new) >>> return new >>> #matmul_hold = functools.partial(sympy.MatMul, mat, hold=True) >>> setattr(mat, 'matmul_hold', matmul_hold) >>> add_matmul_hold_prop(X) >>> add_matmul_hold_prop(S) >>> add_matmul_hold_prop(R) >>> add_matmul_hold_prop(V) >>> add_matmul_hold_prop(T) >>> >>> M = X.matmul_hold(S).matmul_hold(R).matmul_hold(V).matmul_hold(T) >>> #M = X.multiply(S).multiply(R).multiply(V).multiply(T) >>> >>> >>> V_full = R.multiply(V).multiply(T) >>> sympy.latex(V_full) >>> print(sympy.latex(R.multiply(V).multiply(T))) >>> print(sympy.latex(X)) >>> print(sympy.latex(S)) >>> print(sympy.latex(R)) >>> print(sympy.latex(invV) + '^{-1}') >>> print(sympy.latex(T)) """ cv2_warp_kwargs = { #'flags': cv2.INTER_LINEAR, #'flags': cv2.INTER_NEAREST, #'flags': cv2.INTER_CUBIC, #'flags': cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, 'flags': flags, #'borderMode': cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE, 'borderMode': borderMode, } # ut.embed() # FIXME: this works only because of add-hoc reasons. # need to more closely follow code in affine.cpp half_patch_size = patch_size / 2.0 OLDWAY = True # OLDWAY = True if OLDWAY: ss = np.sqrt(patch_size) * 3.0 else: # This seems to not work correctly mrSize = 3.0 * np.sqrt(3.0) sc = np.sqrt(1 / ktool.get_invVR_mats_sqrd_scale(V[None, :])[0]) s = sc / mrSize mrScale = np.ceil(s * mrSize) patchImageSize = 2 * mrScale + 1 imageToPatchScale = patchImageSize / patch_size ss = sc (h, w) = img.shape[0:2] # Translate to origin(0,0) = (x,y) T = ltool.translation_mat3x3(-x, -y) # Center the patch # V - reshape and scale the centered patch to the unit circle R = ltool.rotation_mat3x3(-ori) # Rotate the centered unit circle patch S = ltool.scale_mat3x3(ss) # scale from unit circle to the patch size X = ltool.translation_mat3x3( half_patch_size, half_patch_size ) # Translate back to patch-image coordinates M = # Prepare to warp dsize = np.ceil([patch_size, patch_size]).astype( # Warp # warped_patch = gtool.warpAffine(img, M, dsize) warped_patch = cv2.warpAffine(img, M[0:2], tuple(dsize), **cv2_warp_kwargs) # Build warped keypoints wkp = np.array((half_patch_size, half_patch_size, ss, 0.0, ss, 0)) if not OLDWAY: # FIXME: this is still not what is done in affine.cpp if imageToPatchScale > 0.4: # ksize = (patchImageSize / 2, patchImageSize / 2) # sigmaX, sigmaY = (patchImageSize / 2, patchImageSize / 2) # ut.embed() sigma = imageToPatchScale * 1.5 GaussianBlurInplace(warped_patch, sigma) else: sigma = 1.5 GaussianBlurInplace(warped_patch, sigma) return warped_patch, wkp
[docs]def generate_to_patch_transforms(kpts, patch_size=41): import vtool as vt xs, ys = vt.get_xys(kpts) # rotate relative to the gravity vector oris = vt.get_oris(kpts) invV_mats = vt.get_invV_mats(kpts, with_trans=False, ashomog=True) V_mats = vt.invert_invV_mats(invV_mats) kpts_iter = zip(xs, ys, V_mats, oris) # HACK, this is using the old method half_patch_size = patch_size / 2.0 ss = np.sqrt(patch_size) * 3.0 for x, y, V, ori in kpts_iter: T = vt.translation_mat3x3(-x, -y) # Center the patch # V - reshape and scale the centered patch to the unit circle R = vt.rotation_mat3x3(-ori) # Rotate the centered unit circle patch S = vt.scale_mat3x3(ss) # scale from unit circle to the patch size X = vt.translation_mat3x3( half_patch_size, half_patch_size ) # Translate back to patch-image coordinates M = yield M
[docs]def patch_gaussian_weighted_average_intensities(probchip, kpts_): """ """ import vtool as vt patch_size = 41 M_iter = vt.generate_to_patch_transforms(kpts_, patch_size) dsize = np.ceil([patch_size, patch_size]).astype( # Preallocate patch patch = np.empty(dsize[::-1], dtype=np.uint8) weighted_patch = np.empty(dsize[::-1], dtype=np.float64) weight_list = [] sigma = 0.3 * ((min(patch.shape[0:1]) - 1) * 0.5 - 1) + 0.8 gauss_kernel_d0 = cv2.getGaussianKernel(patch.shape[0], sigma) gauss_kernel_d1 = (cv2.getGaussianKernel(patch.shape[1], sigma)).T warpkw = dict(flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE) for M in M_iter: patch = cv2.warpAffine(probchip, M[0:2], tuple(dsize), dst=patch, **warpkw) vt.GaussianBlurInplace(patch, 1.5) weighted_patch = np.divide(patch, 255.0, out=weighted_patch) weighted_patch = np.multiply(weighted_patch, gauss_kernel_d0, out=weighted_patch) weighted_patch = np.multiply(weighted_patch, gauss_kernel_d1, out=weighted_patch) weight = weighted_patch.sum() weight_list.append(weight) return weight_list
[docs]def gaussian_average_patch(patch, sigma=None, copy=True): """ Args: patch (ndarray): sigma (float): CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-gaussian_average_patch References: Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> patch = get_star_patch() >>> #sigma = 1.6 >>> sigma = None >>> result = gaussian_average_patch(patch, sigma) >>> print(result) 0.414210641527 Ignore: import utool as ut import wbia.plottool as pt import vtool as vt import cv2 gauss_kernel_d0 = (cv2.getGaussianKernel(patch.shape[0], sigma)) gauss_kernel_d1 = (cv2.getGaussianKernel(patch.shape[1], sigma)) weighted_patch = patch.copy() weighted_patch = np.multiply(weighted_patch, gauss_kernel_d0) weighted_patch = np.multiply(weighted_patch.T, gauss_kernel_d1).T gaussian_kern2 = fig = pt.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 3, 1), doclf=True, docla=True) pt.imshow(patch * 255) fig = pt.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 3, 2)) pt.imshow(ut.norm_zero_one(gaussian_kern2) * 255.0) fig = pt.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 3, 3)) pt.imshow(ut.norm_zero_one(weighted_patch) * 255.0) pt.update() """ if sigma is None: sigma = 0.3 * ((min(patch.shape[0:1]) - 1) * 0.5 - 1) + 0.8 gauss_kernel_d0 = cv2.getGaussianKernel(patch.shape[0], sigma) gauss_kernel_d1 = cv2.getGaussianKernel(patch.shape[1], sigma) # assert == 1 if copy: weighted_patch = patch.copy() else: weighted_patch = patch weighted_patch = np.multiply(weighted_patch, gauss_kernel_d0) weighted_patch = np.multiply(weighted_patch.T, gauss_kernel_d1).T # TODO: use new guass patch weighting function here average = weighted_patch.sum() return average
[docs]def gaussian_weight_patch(patch, sigma=None): """ Applies two one dimensional gaussian operations to a patch which effectively weights it by a 2-dimensional gaussian. This is efficient because the actually 2-d gaussian never needs to be allocated. test_show_gaussian_patches """ # patch = np.ones(patch.shape) if sigma is None: sigma0 = (patch.shape[0] / 2) * 0.95 sigma1 = (patch.shape[1] / 2) * 0.95 else: sigma0 = sigma1 = sigma # sigma0 = (patch.shape[0] / 2) * .5 # sigma1 = (patch.shape[1] / 2) * .5 gauss_kernel_d0 = cv2.getGaussianKernel(patch.shape[0], sigma0) gauss_kernel_d1 = cv2.getGaussianKernel(patch.shape[1], sigma1) gauss_kernel_d0 /= gauss_kernel_d0.max() gauss_kernel_d1 /= gauss_kernel_d1.max() weighted_patch = (patch * gauss_kernel_d0.T) * gauss_kernel_d1 return weighted_patch
[docs]def get_warped_patch( imgBGR, kp, gray=False, flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE, patch_size=41, ): r""" Returns warped (into a unit circle) patch around a keypoint Args: img (ndarray): array representing an image kpt (ndarray): keypoint ndarray in [x, y, a, c, d, theta] format Returns: (ndarray, ndarray) : (wpatch, wkp) the normalized 41x41 patches from the img corresonding to the keypoint """ kpts = np.array([kp]) wpatches, wkpts = get_warped_patches( imgBGR, kpts, flags=flags, borderMode=borderMode, patch_size=patch_size ) wpatch = wpatches[0] wkp = wkpts[0] if gray and len(wpatch.shape) > 2: wpatch = gtool.cvt_BGR2L(wpatch) return wpatch, wkp
[docs]def GaussianBlurInplace(img, sigma, size=None): """ simulates code from helpers.cpp in hesaff Args: img (ndarray): sigma (flaot): CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-GaussianBlurInplace:0 --show python -m vtool.patch --test-GaussianBlurInplace:1 --show References; Notes: The product of the convolution of two Gaussian functions with spread sigma is a Gaussian function with spread sqrt(2)*sigma scaled by the area of the Gaussian filter Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> img = get_test_patch('star2') >>> img_orig = img.copy() >>> sigma = .8 >>> GaussianBlurInplace(img, sigma) >>> fig = pt.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 3, 1)) >>> size = int((2.0 * 3.0 * sigma + 1.0)) >>> if not size & 1: # check if even >>> size += 1 >>> ksize = (size, size) >>> fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1, projection='3d') >>> show_gaussian_patch(ksize, sigma, sigma) >>> pt.imshow(img_orig * 255, fnum=1, pnum=(1, 3, 2)) >>> pt.imshow(img * 255, fnum=1, pnum=(1, 3, 3)) >>> pt.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # demonstrate cascading smoothing property >>> # THIS ISNT WORKING WHY??? >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> img = get_test_patch('star2') >>> img1 = img.copy() >>> img2 = img.copy() >>> img3 = img.copy() >>> img4 = img.copy() >>> img_orig = img.copy() >>> sigma1 = .6 >>> sigma2 = .9 >>> sigma3 = sigma1 + sigma2 >>> size = 7 >>> # components >>> GaussianBlurInplace(img1, sigma1, size) >>> GaussianBlurInplace(img2, sigma2, size) >>> # all in one shot >>> GaussianBlurInplace(img3, sigma3, size) >>> # addative >>> GaussianBlurInplace(img4, sigma1, size) >>> GaussianBlurInplace(img4, sigma2, size) >>> print((img4 - img3).sum()) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> fig = pt.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(2, 4, 1)) >>> ksize = (size, size) >>> #fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1, projection='3d') >>> fig.add_subplot(2, 4, 1, projection='3d') >>> show_gaussian_patch(ksize, sigma1, sigma1) >>> fig.add_subplot(2, 4, 2, projection='3d') >>> show_gaussian_patch(ksize, sigma2, sigma2) >>> fig.add_subplot(2, 4, 3, projection='3d') >>> show_gaussian_patch(ksize, sigma3, sigma3) >>> pt.imshow(img_orig * 255, fnum=1, pnum=(2, 4, 4)) >>> pt.imshow(img1 * 255, fnum=1, pnum=(2, 4, 5), title='%r' % (sigma1)) >>> pt.imshow(img2 * 255, fnum=1, pnum=(2, 4, 6), title='%r' % (sigma2)) >>> pt.imshow(img3 * 255, fnum=1, pnum=(2, 4, 7), title='%r' % (sigma3)) >>> pt.imshow(img4 * 255, fnum=1, pnum=(2, 4, 8), title='%r + %r' % (sigma1, sigma2)) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ if size is None: size = int((2.0 * 3.0 * sigma + 1.0)) if not size & 1: # check if even size += 1 else: assert size & 1, 'size must be odd' ksize = (size, size) cv2.GaussianBlur( img, ksize, sigmaX=sigma, sigmaY=sigma, dst=img, borderType=cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE ) return img
[docs]def get_unwarped_patch(imgBGR, kp, gray=False): """Returns unwarped warped patch around a keypoint Args: img (ndarray): array representing an image kpt (ndarray): keypoint ndarray in [x, y, a, c, d, theta] format Returns: tuple : (wpatch, wkp) the normalized 41x41 patches from the img corresonding to the keypoint """ kpts = np.array([kp]) upatches, ukpts = get_unwarped_patches(imgBGR, kpts) upatch = upatches[0] ukp = ukpts[0] if gray: upatch = gtool.cvt_BGR2L(upatch) return upatch, ukp
[docs]def find_kpts_direction(imgBGR, kpts, DEBUG_ROTINVAR=False): r""" Args: imgBGR (ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=2]): image data in opencv format (blue, green, red) kpts (ndarray[float32_t, ndim=2]): keypoints Returns: ndarray[float32_t, ndim=2]: kpts - keypoints CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-find_kpts_direction """ ori_list = [] # gravity_ori = ktool.GRAVITY_THETA for kp in kpts: new_oris = find_dominant_kp_orientations( imgBGR, kp, DEBUG_ROTINVAR=DEBUG_ROTINVAR ) # FIXME USE MULTIPLE ORIENTATIONS ori = new_oris[0] ori_list.append(ori) _oris = np.array(ori_list, dtype=kpts.dtype) # _oris -= gravity_ori % TAU # normalize w.r.t. gravity # discard old orientation if they exist kpts2 = np.vstack((kpts[:, 0:5].T, _oris)).T return kpts2
[docs]def draw_kp_ori_steps(): """ Shows steps in orientation estimation CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-draw_kp_ori_steps --show --fname=zebra.png --fx=121 python -m vtool.patch --test-draw_kp_ori_steps --show --interact python -m vtool.patch --test-draw_kp_ori_steps --save ~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/figures/test_fint_kp_direction.jpg --dpath figures '--caption=visualization of the steps in the computation of the dominant gradient orientations.' --figsize=14,9 --dpi=160 --height=2.65 --left=.04 --right=.96 --top=.95 --bottom=.05 --wspace=.1 --hspace=.1 python -m vtool.patch --test-draw_kp_ori_steps --dpath ~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/ --save figures/draw_kp_ori_steps.jpg --figsize=14,9 --dpi=180 --height=2.65 --left=.04 --right=.96 --top=.95 --bottom=.05 --wspace=.1 --hspace=.1 --diskshow python -m vtool.patch --test-draw_kp_ori_steps --dpath ~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/ --save figures/draw_kp_ori_steps.jpg --figsize=14,9 --dpi=180 --djust=.04,.05,.1 --diskshow --fname=zebra.png --fx=121 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> draw_kp_ori_steps() >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ # from vtool.patch import * # NOQA # import vtool as vt # build test data import utool as ut import wbia.plottool as pt from six.moves import input import vtool as vt if True: from wbia.scripts.thesis import TMP_RC import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams.update(TMP_RC) # import vtool as vt np.random.seed(0) USE_COMMANLINE = True if USE_COMMANLINE: kpts, vecs, imgBGR = pt.viz_keypoints.testdata_kpts() fx = ut.get_argval('--fx', type_=int, default=0) kp = kpts[fx] else: fx = 0 USE_EXTERN_STAR = False if USE_EXTERN_STAR: img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('star.png') imgBGR = vt.imread(img_fpath) kpts, vecs = vt.extract_features(img_fpath) kp = np.array( [ 3.14742985e01, 2.95660381e01, 1.96057682e01, -5.11199608e-03, 2.05653343e01, 0.00000000e00, ], dtype=np.float32, ) else: # imgBGR = get_test_patch('stripe', jitter=True) # imgBGR = get_test_patch('star', jitter=True) imgBGR = get_test_patch('star2', jitter=True) # imgBGR = get_test_patch('cross', jitter=False) # imgBGR = cv2.resize(imgBGR, (41, 41), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4) imgBGR = cv2.resize(imgBGR, (41, 41), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) theta = 0 # 3.4 # TAU / 16 # kpts = make_test_image_keypoints(imgBGR, scale=.9, theta=theta) kpts = make_test_image_keypoints( imgBGR, scale=0.3, theta=theta, shift=(0.3, 0.1) ) kp = kpts[0] bins = 36 maxima_thresh = 0.8 converge_lists = [] def exec_internals_find_patch_dominant_orientations( patch, bins, maxima_thresh, old_ori ): # TODO: can use ut.exec_func_src instead # <HACKISH> # exec source code from find_patch_dominant_orientations to steal its # local variables # ARGS: patch, bins=36, maxima_thresh=.8, DEBUG_ROTINVAR DEBUG_ROTINVAR = False globals_ = globals() locals_ = locals() keys = 'patch, gradx, grady, gmag, gori, hist, centers, gori_weights'.split(', ') internal_tup = ut.exec_func_src( find_patch_dominant_orientations, globals_, locals_, key_list=keys, update=True, ) submax_ori_offsets = globals_['submax_ori_offsets'] new_oris = (old_ori + (submax_ori_offsets - ktool.GRAVITY_THETA)) % TAU # sourcecode = ut.get_func_sourcecode(find_patch_dominant_orientations, stripdef=True, stripret=True) # six.exec_(sourcecode, globals_, locals_) # submax_ori_offsets = locals_['submax_ori_offsets'] # new_oris = (old_ori + (submax_ori_offsets - ktool.GRAVITY_THETA)) % TAU # keys = 'patch, gradx, grady, gmag, gori, hist, centers, gori_weights'.split(', ') # internal_tup = ut.dict_take(locals_, keys) return new_oris, internal_tup # </HACKISH> INTERACTIVE_ITERATION = ut.get_argflag('--interact') while True: patch, wkp = get_warped_patch( imgBGR, kp, gray=True, # flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, ) old_ori = kp[-1] # Execute test function new_oris, internal_tup = exec_internals_find_patch_dominant_orientations( patch, bins, maxima_thresh, old_ori ) patch, gradx, grady, gmag, gori, hist, centers, gori_weights = internal_tup if INTERACTIVE_ITERATION: # Change rotation print('new_oris = %r' % (new_oris,)) print('bins = %r' % (bins,)) for count, ori in enumerate(new_oris): if count >= len(converge_lists): converge_lists.append([]) converge_lists[count].append(ori) # Show any new keypoints that were created kpts = [kp.copy() for ori in new_oris] for count, ori in enumerate(new_oris): kpts[count][-1] = ori kpts = np.array(kpts) kp[-1] = new_oris[0] show_patch_orientation_estimation( imgBGR, kpts, patch, gradx, grady, gmag, gori, hist, centers, gori_weights, fx=fx, ) pt.figure(fnum=2, doclf=True) colors = pt.distinct_colors(len(converge_lists)) print(len(converge_lists)) for color, converge_list in zip(colors, converge_lists): pt.plot(converge_list, 'o-', color=color) pt.gca().set_ylim(0, TAU) pt.dark_background() pt.present() # pt.update() input('next') else: show_patch_orientation_estimation( imgBGR, kpts, patch, gradx, grady, gmag, gori, hist, centers, gori_weights, fx=fx, ) # pt.present() print('no interaction') break
[docs]def show_patch_orientation_estimation( imgBGR, kpts, patch, gradx, grady, gmag, gori, hist, centers, gori_weights, fx=None ): import wbia.plottool as pt import vtool as vt # DRAW TEST INFO fnum = 1 pt.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True, docla=True) gorimag = pt.color_orimag(gori, gmag=gmag, gmag_is_01=False) nRows, nCols = pt.get_square_row_cols(8) nRows += 1 pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows, nCols) # hack imgBGR_ = imgBGR if imgBGR.max() > 1 else imgBGR * 255 patch_ = patch if patch.max() > 1 else patch * 255 pt.imshow(imgBGR_, update=True, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(), title='input image') colors = pt.distinct_colors(len(kpts)) if fx is None: pt.draw_kpts2(kpts, rect=True, ori=True, ell_color=colors) else: pt.draw_kpts2(kpts[fx : fx + 1], rect=True, ori=True, colors=[pt.ORANGE]) pt.imshow(patch_, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(), title='sampled patch') def normalize_grad_img(grad_): # return np.abs(grad_) * 255 return vt.norm01(np.abs(grad_)) * 255 # return vt.norm01(grad_) * 255 pt.imshow(normalize_grad_img(gradx ** 2), fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(), title='gradx ** 2') pt.imshow(normalize_grad_img(grady ** 2), fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(), title='grady ** 2') pt.imshow(normalize_grad_img(gmag), fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(), title='mag') pt.imshow( normalize_grad_img(gori_weights), fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(), title='weighted mag' ) # pt.imshow(ut.norm_zero_one(gori) * 255, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(), title='ori') stride = ut.get_argval('--stride', default=1) pt.draw_vector_field( gradx, grady, stride=stride, pnum=pnum_(), fnum=fnum, title='gori (vec)' ) pt.imshow(gorimag, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_(), title='ori-color') if not ut.get_argflag('--noweighted-gori'): pt.color_orimag_colorbar(gori * gori_weights) else: pt.color_orimag_colorbar(gori) pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(nRows, 1, nRows)) bin_colors = pt.get_orientation_color(centers) pt.draw_hist_subbin_maxima(hist, centers, bin_colors=bin_colors, maxima_thresh=0.8) ax = pt.gca() ax.set_xlabel('radians') ax.set_ylabel('weight')
[docs]def test_ondisk_find_patch_fpath_dominant_orientations( patch_fpath, bins=36, maxima_thresh=0.8, DEBUG_ROTINVAR=True ): r""" Args: patch_fpath (?): bins (int): maxima_thresh (float): CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-test_ondisk_find_patch_fpath_dominant_orientations Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> # build test data >>> patch_fpath = ut.get_argval('--patch-fpath', type_=str, default=ut.grab_test_imgpath('star.png')) >>> bins = 36 >>> maxima_thresh = 0.8 >>> test_ondisk_find_patch_fpath_dominant_orientations(patch_fpath, bins, maxima_thresh) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ import vtool as vt patch = vt.imread(patch_fpath, grayscale=True) # submax_ori = submaxima_x[submaxima_y.argmax()] # ori_offsets = [submax_ori] # normalize w.r.t. gravity return find_patch_dominant_orientations( patch, bins=bins, maxima_thresh=maxima_thresh, DEBUG_ROTINVAR=DEBUG_ROTINVAR )
[docs]def find_patch_dominant_orientations( patch, bins=36, maxima_thresh=0.8, DEBUG_ROTINVAR=False ): """ helper """ import wbia.plottool as pt gradx, grady = patch_gradient(patch, gaussian_weighted=False) gori = patch_ori(gradx, grady) gmag = patch_mag(gradx, grady) gaussian_weighted = True # do gaussian weighting correctly gori_weights = gaussian_weight_patch(gmag) if gaussian_weighted else gmag if DEBUG_ROTINVAR: print(ktool.kpts_docrepr(patch[::10, ::10], 'PATCH[::10]', False)) print(ktool.kpts_docrepr(gradx[::10, ::10], 'gradx[::10]', False)) print(ktool.kpts_docrepr(grady[::10, ::10], 'grady[::10]', False)) # print(ktool.kpts_docrepr(patch, 'PATCH', False)) print(ktool.kpts_docrepr(gori[::10, ::10], 'ORI[::10]', False)) print(ktool.kpts_docrepr(gmag[::10, ::10], 'MAG[::10]', False)) print(ktool.kpts_docrepr(gori_weights[::10, ::10], 'WEIGHTS[::10]', False)) # FIXME: Not taking account to gmag # bins = 3 # bins = 8 hist, centers = get_orientation_histogram(gori, gori_weights, bins=bins) # Find submaxima submaxima_x, submaxima_y = htool.argsubmaxima( hist, centers, maxima_thresh=maxima_thresh ) if DEBUG_ROTINVAR: htool.show_ori_image(gori, gori_weights / 255.0, patch, gradx, grady) pt.set_figtitle('python orimg') submax_ori_offsets = submaxima_x if DEBUG_ROTINVAR: print( 'submaxima_x, submaxima_y = %r, %r' % ( submaxima_x, submaxima_y, ) ) htool.show_hist_submaxima(hist, centers=centers) pt.set_figtitle('python hist') return submax_ori_offsets
[docs]def testdata_patch(): import wbia.plottool as pt kpts, vecs, imgBGR = pt.viz_keypoints.testdata_kpts() fx = ut.get_argval('--fx', type_=int, default=0) kp = kpts[fx] patch, wkp = get_warped_patch( imgBGR, kp, gray=True, # flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, ) return patch
[docs]def find_dominant_kp_orientations( imgBGR, kp, bins=36, maxima_thresh=0.8, DEBUG_ROTINVAR=False ): r""" References: page 219 page 13. Lowe uses a 36-bin histogram of edge orientations weigted by a gaussian distance to the center and gradient magintude. He finds all peaks within 80% of the global maximum. Then he fine tunes the orientation using a 3-binned parabolic fit. Multiple orientations (and hence multiple keypoints) can be returned, but empirically only about 15% will have these and they do tend to be important. Returns: float: ori_offset - offset of current orientation to dominant orientation CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-find_dominant_kp_orientations Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> # build test data >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> #imgBGR = get_test_patch('cross', jitter=False) >>> img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('star.png') >>> imgBGR = vt.imread(img_fpath) >>> kpts, vecs = vt.extract_features(img_fpath) >>> assert len(kpts) == 1 >>> kp = kpts[0] >>> print('kp = \n' + (vt.kp_cpp_infostr(kp))) >>> bins = 36 >>> maxima_thresh = .8 >>> # execute function >>> new_oris = find_dominant_kp_orientations(imgBGR, kp, bins, >>> maxima_thresh, >>> DEBUG_ROTINVAR=True) >>> # verify results >>> result = 'new_oris = %r' % (new_oris,) """ patch, wkp = get_warped_patch( imgBGR, kp, gray=True, # flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, ) if DEBUG_ROTINVAR: pass if True: import wbia.plottool as pt fnum = pt.next_fnum() pt.imshow(imgBGR, fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 2, 1)) pt.draw_kpts2(np.array([kp]), pts=True, rect=True) pt.imshow(patch, fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 2, 2)) pt.draw_kpts2(np.array([wkp]), pts=True, rect=True) # Compute new orientation(s) for this keypoint submax_ori_offsets = find_patch_dominant_orientations( patch, bins=bins, maxima_thresh=maxima_thresh, DEBUG_ROTINVAR=DEBUG_ROTINVAR ) old_ori = kp[-1] new_oris = (old_ori + (submax_ori_offsets + ktool.GRAVITY_THETA)) % TAU return new_oris
[docs]def get_orientation_histogram(gori, gori_weights, bins=36, DEBUG_ROTINVAR=False): r""" Args: gori (?): gori_weights (?): bins (int): Returns: tuple: (hist, centers) CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch --test-get_orientation_histogram Ignore: print(vt.kpts_docrepr(gori, 'gori = ')) print(vt.kpts_docrepr(gori_weights, 'gori_weights = ')) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.patch import * # NOQA >>> # build test data >>> gori = np.array([[ 0. , 0. , 3.14, 3.14, 0. ], ... [ 4.71, 6.15, 3.13, 3.24, 4.71], ... [ 4.71, 4.61, 0.5 , 4.85, 4.71], ... [ 1.57, 6.28, 3.14, 3.14, 1.57], ... [ 0. , 0. , 3.14, 3.14, 0. ]]) >>> gori_weights = np.array([[ 0. , 0.11, 0.02, 0.13, 0. ], ... [ 0.02, 0.19, 0.02, 0.21, 0.02], ... [ 0.11, 0.16, 0. , 0.13, 0.11], ... [ 0. , 0.17, 0.02, 0.19, 0. ], ... [ 0. , 0.11, 0.02, 0.13, 0. ]]) >>> bins = 36 >>> # execute function >>> (hist, centers) = get_orientation_histogram(gori, gori_weights, bins) >>> # verify results >>> result = str((hist, centers)) >>> print(result) """ # Get wrapped histogram (because we are finding a direction) flat_oris = gori.flatten() flat_weights = gori_weights.flatten() range_ = (0, TAU) # FIXME: this does not do linear interpolation # hist_, edges_ = np.histogram(flat_oris, range=range_, bins=bins, weights=flat_weights) # Compute histogram where orientations split weight between bins hist_, edges_ = htool.interpolated_histogram( flat_oris, flat_weights, range_, bins, interpolation_wrap=True, _debug=DEBUG_ROTINVAR, ) # Duplicate the first and last edges so neighbor information is contiguous hist, edges = htool.wrap_histogram(hist_, edges_, _debug=DEBUG_ROTINVAR) centers = htool.hist_edges_to_centers(edges) return hist, centers
if __name__ == '__main__': r""" CommandLine: python -m vtool.patch """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)