Source code for vtool.spatial_verification

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Spatial verification of keypoint matches

    1_m = img1_matches; 2_m = img2_matches
    x and y are locations, invV is the elliptical shapes.
    fx are the original feature indexes (used for making sure 1 keypoint isn't assigned to 2)

Look Into:
    skimage.transform.fast_homography(im, H)

    is it scaled_thresh or scaled_thresh_sqrd

References: Page 317

    Invariants of affine transforms - parallel lines, ratios of parallel lengths, ratios of areas
    Invariants of homographies - cross‐ratio of four points on a line (ratio of ratio)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from six.moves import range
import warnings  # NOQA
import six  # NOQA
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as npl
import scipy.sparse as sps
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spsl
import vtool.keypoint as ktool
import vtool.linalg as ltool
import vtool.distance
from .util_math import TAU

    from vtool import sver_c_wrapper

    HAVE_SVER_C_WRAPPER = not ut.get_argflag('--no-c')
except Exception as ex:
    if ut.VERBOSE:
        ut.printex(ex, 'please build the sver c wrapper (run with --rebuild-sver')
    if False:

VERBOSE_SVER = ut.get_argflag('--verb-sver')

SV_DTYPE = np.float64
INDEX_DTYPE = np.int32

[docs]def build_lstsqrs_Mx9(xy1_mn, xy2_mn): """Builds the M x 9 least squares matrix CommandLine: python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-build_lstsqrs_Mx9 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import vtool.demodata as demodata >>> kpts1, kpts2 = demodata.get_dummy_kpts_pair() >>> xy1_mn = ktool.get_xys(kpts1).astype(np.float64) >>> xy2_mn = ktool.get_xys(kpts2).astype(np.float64) >>> Mx9 = build_lstsqrs_Mx9(xy1_mn, xy2_mn) >>> import ubelt as ub >>> result = (ub.repr2(Mx9[0:2], suppress_small=True, precision=2, with_dtype=True)) >>> print(result) np.array([[ 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, -3.20e+01, -2.72e+01, -1.00e+00, 8.82e+02, 7.49e+02, 2.76e+01], [ 3.20e+01, 2.72e+01, 1.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, -1.09e+03, -9.28e+02, -3.42e+01]], dtype=np.float64) References: Page 317 page 53 """ x1_mn = xy1_mn[0] y1_mn = xy1_mn[1] x2_mn = xy2_mn[0] y2_mn = xy2_mn[1] num_pts = x1_mn.shape[0] # Mx9 = np.zeros((2 * num_pts, 9), dtype=SV_DTYPE) Mx9 = np.empty((2 * num_pts, 9), dtype=SV_DTYPE) for ix in range(num_pts): # Loop over inliers # Concatenate all 2x9 matrices into an Mx9 matrix u2 = x2_mn[ix] v2 = y2_mn[ix] x1 = x1_mn[ix] y1 = y1_mn[ix] (d, e, f) = (-x1, -y1, -1) (g, h, i) = (v2 * x1, v2 * y1, v2) (j, k, l) = (x1, y1, 1) (p, q, r) = (-u2 * x1, -u2 * y1, -u2) Mx9[ix * 2] = (0, 0, 0, d, e, f, g, h, i) Mx9[ix * 2 + 1] = (j, k, l, 0, 0, 0, p, q, r) return Mx9
[docs]def try_svd(M): """ CommandLine: python -m vtool.spatial_verification try_svd Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import vtool.demodata as demodata >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(42) >>> num = 1000 >>> xy1_mn = rng.randn(2, num) >>> xy2_mn = rng.randn(2, num) >>> M = build_lstsqrs_Mx9(xy1_mn, xy2_mn) >>> print('M.shape = %r' % (M.shape,)) >>> USV = npl.svd(M, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True) >>> USV = try_svd(M) Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import vtool.demodata as demodata >>> num = np.ceil(np.sqrt(2000)) >>> kpts1, kpts2 = demodata.get_dummy_kpts_pair(wh_num=(num, num)) >>> xy1_mn = ktool.get_xys(kpts1).astype(np.float64) >>> xy2_mn = ktool.get_xys(kpts2).astype(np.float64) >>> M = build_lstsqrs_Mx9(xy1_mn, xy2_mn) >>> print('M.shape = %r' % (M.shape,)) >>> USV = npl.svd(M, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True) >>> USV = try_svd(M) """ # if M.shape[0] > 2500: # # hack to prevent bug in lapack # M = M[:2500] try: USV = npl.svd(M, full_matrices=True, compute_uv=True) except MemoryError as ex: ut.printex(ex, '[sver] Caught MemErr during full SVD. Trying sparse SVD.') M_sparse = sps.lil_matrix(M) USV = spsl.svds(M_sparse) except npl.LinAlgError as ex: ut.printex(ex, '[sver] svd did not converge') raise except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, '[sver] svd error') raise return USV
[docs]def build_affine_lstsqrs_Mx6(xy1_man, xy2_man): """ CURRENTLY NOT WORKING CommandLine: python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-build_affine_lstsqrs_Mx6 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import vtool.demodata as demodata >>> kpts1, kpts2 = demodata.get_dummy_kpts_pair() >>> xy1_man = ktool.get_xys(kpts1).astype(np.float64) >>> xy2_man = ktool.get_xys(kpts2).astype(np.float64) >>> Mx6 = build_affine_lstsqrs_Mx6(xy1_man, xy2_man) >>> import ubelt as ub >>> print(ub.repr2(Mx6)) >>> result = ut.hashstr(Mx6) >>> print(result) Ignore: >>> import sympy as sym >>> x1, y1, x2, y2 = sym.symbols('x1, y1, x2, y2') >>> A = sym.Matrix([ >>> [x1, y1, 0, 0, 1, 0], >>> [ 0, 0, x1, y1, 0, 1], >>> ]) >>> b = sym.Matrix([[x2], [y2]]) >>> x = (A.T.multiply(A)).inv().multiply(A.T.multiply(b)) >>> x = (A.T.multiply(A)).pinv().multiply(A.T.multiply(b)) References: page 22 """ x1_mn = xy1_man[0] y1_mn = xy1_man[1] x2_mn = xy2_man[0] y2_mn = xy2_man[1] num_pts = x1_mn.shape[0] Mx6 = np.empty((2 * num_pts, 6), dtype=SV_DTYPE) b = np.empty((2 * num_pts, 1), dtype=SV_DTYPE) for ix in range(num_pts): # Loop over inliers # Concatenate all 2x9 matrices into an Mx6 matrix x1 = x1_mn[ix] x2 = x2_mn[ix] y1 = y1_mn[ix] y2 = y2_mn[ix] Mx6[ix * 2] = (x1, y1, 0, 0, 1, 0) Mx6[ix * 2 + 1] = (0, 0, x1, y1, 0, 1) b[ix * 2] = x2 b[ix * 2 + 1] = y2 # npl.solve(b, Mx6) U, s, Vt = try_svd(Mx6) if False: S_ = np.zeros((len(U), len(Vt))) S_[np.diag_indices(len(s))] = s assert np.allclose(, Mx6) assert not np.allclose(, Mx6) # Inefficient, but I think the math works # We want to solve Ax=b (where A is the Mx6 in this case) # Ax = b # (U S V.T) x = b # x = (U.T inv(S) V) b Sinv = np.zeros((len(Vt), len(U))) Sinv[np.diag_indices(len(s))] = 1 / s a =[0] A = np.array([[a[0], a[1], a[4]], [a[2], a[3], a[5]], [0, 0, 1]]) return A
# TODO FIXME # return Mx6
[docs]def compute_affine(xy1_man, xy2_man): """ Args: xy1_mn (ndarray[ndim=2]): xy points in image1 xy2_mn (ndarray[ndim=2]): corresponding xy points in image 2 Returns: ndarray[shape=(3,3)]: A - affine matrix CommandLine: python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-compute_affine:1 --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import vtool.demodata as demodata >>> import vtool.keypoint as ktool >>> kpts1, kpts2 = demodata.get_dummy_kpts_pair() >>> xy1_mn = ktool.get_xys(kpts1) >>> xy2_mn = ktool.get_xys(kpts2) >>> A = compute_affine(xy1_mn, xy1_mn) >>> result =str(A) >>> result = np.array_str(A, precision=2) >>> print(result) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import vtool.demodata as demodata >>> import vtool.keypoint as ktool >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> xy1_man, xy2_man, rchip1, rchip2, T1, T2 = testdata_matching_affine_inliers_normalized() >>> A_prime = compute_affine(xy1_man, xy2_man) >>> A = npl.solve(T2, A_prime).dot(T1) >>> A /= A[2, 2] >>> result = np.array_str(A, precision=2) >>> print(result) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> rchip2_blendA = pt.draw_sv.get_blended_chip(rchip1, rchip2, A) >>> pt.imshow(rchip2_blendA) >>> ut.show_if_requested() [[ 1.19e+00 -1.06e-02 -4.49e+01] [ -2.22e-01 1.12e+00 -2.78e+01] [ 0.00e+00 0.00e+00 1.00e+00]] """ # Solve for the nullspace of the Mx6 matrix (solves least squares) # Mx6 = build_affine_lstsqrs_Mx6(xy1_man, xy2_man) A = build_affine_lstsqrs_Mx6(xy1_man, xy2_man) # U, S, V = try_svd(Mx6) # a = V[5] # Hack for Cython.wraparound(False) # a = a / a[-1] # A = np.array([ # [a[0], a[1], a[4]], # [a[2], a[3], a[5]], # [ 0, 0, 1], # ]) return A
[docs]def compute_homog(xy1_mn, xy2_mn): """ Generate 6 degrees of freedom homography transformation Computes homography from normalized (0 to 1) point correspondences from 2 --> 1 (database->query) Args: xy1_mn (ndarray[ndim=2]): xy points in image1 xy2_mn (ndarray[ndim=2]): corresponding xy points in image 2 Returns: ndarray[shape=(3,3)]: H - homography matrix CommandLine: python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-compute_homog:1 --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import vtool.keypoint as ktool >>> import vtool.demodata as demodata >>> kpts1, kpts2 = demodata.get_dummy_kpts_pair() >>> xy1_mn = ktool.get_xys(kpts1) >>> xy2_mn = ktool.get_xys(kpts2) >>> H = compute_homog(xy1_mn, xy2_mn) >>> #result = ut.hashstr(H) >>> result = np.array_str(H, precision=2) >>> print(result) [[ 1.83e-03 2.85e-03 -7.11e-01] [ 2.82e-03 1.80e-03 -7.03e-01] [ 1.67e-05 1.68e-05 -5.53e-03]] Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import vtool.keypoint as ktool >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> xy1_man, xy2_man, rchip1, rchip2, T1, T2 = testdata_matching_affine_inliers_normalized() >>> H_prime = compute_homog(xy1_man, xy2_man) >>> H = npl.solve(T2, H_prime).dot(T1) >>> H /= H[2, 2] >>> result = np.array_str(H, precision=2) >>> print(result) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> rchip2_blendH = pt.draw_sv.get_blended_chip(rchip1, rchip2, H) >>> pt.imshow(rchip2_blendH) >>> ut.show_if_requested() [[ 9.22e-01 -2.50e-01 2.75e+01] [ -2.04e-01 8.79e-01 -7.94e+00] [ -1.82e-04 -5.99e-04 1.00e+00]] """ # Solve for the nullspace of the Mx9 matrix (solves least squares) Mx9 = build_lstsqrs_Mx9(xy1_mn, xy2_mn) U, S, V = try_svd(Mx9) # Rearange the nullspace into a homography # h = V[-1] # v = V.H h = V[8] # Hack for Cython.wraparound(False) # FIXME: THERE IS A BUG HERE, sometimes len(V) = 6. why??? H = np.vstack((h[0:3], h[3:6], h[6:9])) return H
[docs]def testdata_matching_affine_inliers(): import vtool.demodata as demodata import vtool as vt scale_thresh = 2.0 xy_thresh = ut.get_argval('--xy-thresh', type_=float, default=0.01) dlen_sqrd2 = 447271.015 ori_thresh = 1.57 xy_thresh_sqrd = dlen_sqrd2 * xy_thresh featkw = ut.argparse_dict(vt.get_extract_features_default_params()) fname1 = ut.get_argval('--fname1', type_=str, default='easy1.png') fname2 = ut.get_argval('--fname2', type_=str, default='easy2.png') (kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, rchip1, rchip2) = demodata.testdata_ratio_matches( fname1, fname2, **featkw ) aff_inliers, aff_errors, Aff = get_best_affine_inliers_( kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh ) return kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, rchip1, rchip2, xy_thresh_sqrd
[docs]def testdata_matching_affine_inliers_normalized(): tup = testdata_matching_affine_inliers() kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, rchip1, rchip2, xy_thresh_sqrd = tup kpts1_ma = kpts1.take(fm.T[0].take(aff_inliers), axis=0) kpts2_ma = kpts2.take(fm.T[1].take(aff_inliers), axis=0) # kpts1_ma, kpts2_ma, rchip1, rchip2, xy_thresh_sqrd = testdata_matching_affine_inliers() # Matching affine inliers xy1_ma = ktool.get_xys(kpts1_ma) xy2_ma = ktool.get_xys(kpts2_ma) # Matching affine inliers normalized xy1_man, T1 = ltool.whiten_xy_points(xy1_ma) xy2_man, T2 = ltool.whiten_xy_points(xy2_ma) return xy1_man, xy2_man, rchip1, rchip2, T1, T2
def _test_hypothesis_inliers( Aff, invVR1s_m, xy2_m, det2_m, ori2_m, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh_sqrd, ori_thresh ): """ Critical section code. Inner loop of _test_hypothesis_inliers Returns: tuple: hypo_inliers, hypo_errors CommandLine: python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-_test_hypothesis_inliers Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import _test_hypothesis_inliers # NOQA >>> import vtool.demodata as demodata >>> import vtool.keypoint as ktool >>> _kw1 = dict(seed=12, damping=1.2, wh_stride=(30, 30)) >>> _kw2 = dict(seed=24, damping=1.6, wh_stride=(30, 30)) >>> kpts1 = demodata.perterbed_grid_kpts(**_kw1).astype(np.float64) >>> kpts2 = demodata.perterbed_grid_kpts(**_kw2).astype(np.float64) >>> fm = demodata.make_dummy_fm(len(kpts1)).astype(np.int32) >>> kpts1_m = kpts1[fm.T[0]] >>> kpts2_m = kpts2[fm.T[1]] >>> xy_thresh_sqrd = np.float64(.009) ** 2 >>> scale_thresh_sqrd = np.float64(2) >>> ori_thresh = np.float64(TAU / 4) >>> # Get keypoints to project in matrix form >>> #invVR1s_m = ktool.get_invV_mats(kpts1_m, with_trans=True, with_ori=True) >>> #print(invVR1s_m[0]) >>> invVR1s_m = ktool.get_invVR_mats3x3(kpts1_m) >>> RV1s_m = ktool.get_RV_mats_3x3(kpts1_m) >>> invVR2s_m = ktool.get_invVR_mats3x3(kpts2_m) >>> # The transform from kp1 to kp2 is given as: >>> Aff_mats = np.matmul(invVR2s_m, RV1s_m) >>> Aff = Aff_mats[0] >>> # Get components to test projects against >>> xy2_m = ktool.get_invVR_mats_xys(invVR2s_m) >>> det2_m = ktool.get_sqrd_scales(kpts2_m) >>> ori2_m = ktool.get_invVR_mats_oris(invVR2s_m) >>> output = _test_hypothesis_inliers(Aff, invVR1s_m, xy2_m, det2_m, ori2_m, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh_sqrd, ori_thresh) >>> import ubelt as ub >>> output_str = ub.repr2(output, precision=2, suppress_small=True) >>> print('output_str = %s' % (output_str,)) >>> hypo_inliers, hypo_errors = output >>> # Inverting matrices is different in python2 >>> result = 'nInliers=%r hash=%s' % (len(hypo_inliers), ut.hash_data(output)) >>> print(result) """ # Map keypoints from image 1 onto image 2 invVR1s_mt = np.matmul(Aff, invVR1s_m) # Get projection components _xy1_mt = ktool.get_invVR_mats_xys(invVR1s_mt) _det1_mt = ktool.get_invVR_mats_sqrd_scale(invVR1s_mt) _ori1_mt = ktool.get_invVR_mats_oris(invVR1s_mt) # # Check for projection errors xy_err = vtool.distance.L2_sqrd(xy2_m.T, _xy1_mt.T, dtype=SV_DTYPE) scale_err = vtool.distance.det_distance(_det1_mt, det2_m) ori_err = vtool.distance.ori_distance(_ori1_mt, ori2_m) # Mark keypoints which are inliers to this hypothosis xy_inliers_flag = np.less(xy_err, xy_thresh_sqrd) scale_inliers_flag = np.less(scale_err, scale_thresh_sqrd) ori_inliers_flag = np.less(ori_err, ori_thresh) # np.logical_and(xy_inliers_flag, scale_inliers_flag) # TODO Add uniqueness of matches constraint # hypo_inliers_flag = np.empty(xy_inliers_flag.size, dtype=np.bool_) hypo_inliers_flag = xy_inliers_flag # Try to re-use memory np.logical_and(hypo_inliers_flag, ori_inliers_flag, out=hypo_inliers_flag) np.logical_and(hypo_inliers_flag, scale_inliers_flag, out=hypo_inliers_flag) # hypo_inliers_flag = np.logical_and.reduce( # [xy_inliers_flag, ori_inliers_flag, scale_inliers_flag]) # this is also slower hypo_inliers = np.where(hypo_inliers_flag)[0] hypo_errors = (xy_err, ori_err, scale_err) return hypo_inliers, hypo_errors
[docs]def get_affine_inliers( kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh_sqrd, ori_thresh ): """ Estimates inliers deterministically using elliptical shapes Compute all transforms from kpts1 to kpts2 (enumerate all hypothesis) We transform from chip1 -> chip2 The determinants are squared keypoint scales Returns: tuple: aff_inliers_list, aff_errors_list, Aff_mats Notes: FROM PERDOCH 2009: H = inv(Aj).dot(Rj.T).dot(Ri).dot(Ai) H = inv(Aj).dot(Ai) The input invVs = perdoch.invA's CommandLine: python2 -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-get_affine_inliers python3 -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-get_affine_inliers Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import vtool.demodata as demodata >>> import vtool.keypoint as ktool >>> kpts1, kpts2 = demodata.get_dummy_kpts_pair((100, 100)) >>> fm = demodata.make_dummy_fm(len(kpts1)).astype(np.int32) >>> fs = np.ones(len(fm), dtype=np.float64) >>> xy_thresh_sqrd = ktool.KPTS_DTYPE(.009) ** 2 >>> scale_thresh_sqrd = ktool.KPTS_DTYPE(2) >>> ori_thresh = ktool.KPTS_DTYPE(TAU / 4) >>> output = get_affine_inliers(kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, xy_thresh_sqrd, >>> scale_thresh_sqrd, ori_thresh) >>> output_str = ut.repr3(output, precision=2, suppress_small=True) >>> print('output_str = %s' % (output_str,)) >>> aff_inliers_list, aff_errors_list, Aff_mats = output >>> result = 'nInliers=%r hash=%s' % (len(aff_inliers_list), ut.hash_data(output_str)) >>> print(result) """ # kpts1_m = kpts1.take(fm.T[0], axis=0) kpts2_m = kpts2.take(fm.T[1], axis=0) # Get keypoints to project in matrix form # invVR2s_m = ktool.get_invV_mats(kpts2_m, with_trans=True, with_ori=True) # invVR1s_m = ktool.get_invV_mats(kpts1_m, with_trans=True, with_ori=True) invVR2s_m = ktool.get_invVR_mats3x3(kpts2_m) invVR1s_m = ktool.get_invVR_mats3x3(kpts1_m) RV1s_m = ktool.invert_invV_mats(invVR1s_m) # 539 us # BUILD ALL HYPOTHESIS TRANSFORMS: The transform from kp1 to kp2 is: Aff_mats = np.matmul(invVR2s_m, RV1s_m) # Get components to test projects against xy2_m = ktool.get_xys(kpts2_m) det2_m = ktool.get_sqrd_scales(kpts2_m) ori2_m = ktool.get_oris(kpts2_m) # SLOWER EQUIVALENT # RV1s_m = ktool.get_V_mats(kpts1_m, with_trans=True, with_ori=True) # 5.2 ms # xy2_m = ktool.get_invVR_mats_xys(invVR2s_m) # ori2_m = ktool.get_invVR_mats_oris(invVR2s_m) # assert np.all(ktool.get_oris(kpts2_m) == ktool.get_invVR_mats_oris(invVR2s_m)) # assert np.all(ktool.get_xys(kpts2_m) == ktool.get_invVR_mats_xys(invVR2s_m)) # The previous versions of this function were all roughly comparable. # The for loop one was the slowest. I'm deciding to go with the one # where there is no internal function definition. It was moderately faster, # and it gives us access to profile that function inliers_and_errors_list = [ _test_hypothesis_inliers( Aff, invVR1s_m, xy2_m, det2_m, ori2_m, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh_sqrd, ori_thresh, ) for Aff in Aff_mats ] aff_inliers_list = [tup[0] for tup in inliers_and_errors_list] aff_errors_list = [tup[1] for tup in inliers_and_errors_list] return aff_inliers_list, aff_errors_list, Aff_mats
[docs]def get_best_affine_inliers( kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh, forcepy=False ): """Tests each hypothesis and returns only the best transformation and inliers""" # Test each affine hypothesis # get list if inliers, errors, the affine matrix for each hypothesis if HAVE_SVER_C_WRAPPER and not forcepy: ( aff_inliers_list, aff_errors_list, Aff_mats, ) = sver_c_wrapper.get_affine_inliers_cpp( kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh ) else: aff_inliers_list, aff_errors_list, Aff_mats = get_affine_inliers( kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh ) # ut.embed() # Determine the best hypothesis using the number of inliers # TODO: other measures in the error lists could be used as well # nInliers_list = np.array([len(inliers) for inliers in aff_inliers_list]) weight_list = np.array([fs.take(inliers).sum() for inliers in aff_inliers_list]) # ut.embed() # sortx = weight_list.argsort()[::-1] # sort by non-inliers # best_index = sortx[0] # chose best best_index = weight_list.argmax() aff_inliers = aff_inliers_list[best_index] aff_errors = aff_errors_list[best_index] Aff = Aff_mats[best_index] return aff_inliers, aff_errors, Aff
[docs]def get_normalized_affine_inliers(kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers): """ returns xy-inliers that are normalized to have a mean of 0 and std of 1 as well as the transformations so the inverse can be taken """ fm_affine = fm.take(aff_inliers, axis=0) # Get corresponding points and shapes kpts1_ma = kpts1.take(fm_affine.T[0], axis=0) kpts2_ma = kpts2.take(fm_affine.T[1], axis=0) # kpts1_ma = kpts1.take(fm_affine.T[0], axis=0) # kpts2_ma = kpts2.take(fm_affine.T[1], axis=0) # Normalize affine inliers xy locations xy1_ma = ktool.get_xys(kpts1_ma) xy2_ma = ktool.get_xys(kpts2_ma) xy1_man, T1 = ltool.whiten_xy_points(xy1_ma) xy2_man, T2 = ltool.whiten_xy_points(xy2_ma) return xy1_man, xy2_man, T1, T2
[docs]def unnormalize_transform(M_prime, T1, T2): # Then compute ax = b [aka: x = npl.solve(a, b)] M = npl.solve(T2, M_prime).dot(T1) # Unnormalize # homographies that only differ by a scale factor are equivalent M /= M[2, 2] return M
[docs]def estimate_refined_transform(kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, refine_method='homog'): """estimates final transformation using normalized affine inliers References: """ import cv2 xy1_man, xy2_man, T1, T2 = get_normalized_affine_inliers( kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers ) # Compute homgraphy transform from chip1 -> chip2 using affine inliers # homographys assume the two images are planar, or the camera is # rotating around the subject if refine_method == 'homog': H_prime = compute_homog(xy1_man, xy2_man) elif refine_method == 'affine': H_prime = compute_affine(xy1_man, xy2_man) elif refine_method == 'cv2-homog': H_prime, mask = cv2.findHomography(xy1_man.T, xy2_man.T, method=0) elif refine_method == 'cv2-ransac-homog': H_prime, mask = cv2.findHomography( xy1_man.T, xy2_man.T, method=cv2.RANSAC, ransacReprojThreshold=3 ) elif refine_method == 'cv2-lmeds-homog': H_prime, mask = cv2.findHomography(xy1_man.T, xy2_man.T, method=cv2.LMEDS) # elif refine_method == 'fund': # # the fundamental matrix only implies: x' == 0 # # it maps a point from one image onto a line in the second image. # H_prime = cv2.findFundamentalMat(xy1_man.T, xy2_man.T, method=cv2.FM_LMEDS)[0] # H_prime = cv2.findFundamentalMat(xy1_man.T, xy2_man.T, method=cv2.FM_8POINT)[0] else: raise NotImplementedError('[vtool] Unknown refine_method=%r' % (refine_method,)) # H_prime /= H_prime[2, 2] # Different methods? # H_prime = compute_affine(xy1_man, xy2_man) # H_prime = cv2.findHomography(xy1_man.T, xy2_man.T)[0] # H = compute_affine(xy1_ma, xy2_ma) # print(H) H = unnormalize_transform(H_prime, T1, T2) rank = npl.matrix_rank(H) # print(rank) if rank != 3: raise npl.LinAlgError('Rank defficient homography ') return H
[docs]def test_homog_errors( H, kpts1, kpts2, fm, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh, full_homog_checks=True ): r""" Test to see which keypoints the homography correctly maps Args: H (ndarray[float64_t, ndim=2]): homography/perspective matrix kpts1 (ndarray[float32_t, ndim=2]): keypoints kpts2 (ndarray[float32_t, ndim=2]): keypoints fm (list): list of feature matches as tuples (qfx, dfx) xy_thresh_sqrd (float): scale_thresh (float): ori_thresh (float): angle in radians full_homog_checks (bool): Returns: tuple: homog_tup1 CommandLine: python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-test_homog_errors:0 --show python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-test_homog_errors:0 --show --rotation_invariance python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-test_homog_errors:0 --show --rotation_invariance --no-affine-invariance --xy-thresh=.001 python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-test_homog_errors:0 --show --rotation_invariance --no-affine-invariance --xy-thresh=.001 --no-full-homog-checks python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-test_homog_errors:0 --show --no-full-homog-checks # -------------- # Shows (sorta) how inliers are computed python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-test_homog_errors:1 --show python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-test_homog_errors:1 --show --rotation_invariance python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-test_homog_errors:1 --show --rotation_invariance --no-affine-invariance --xy-thresh=.001 python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-test_homog_errors:1 --show --rotation_invariance --xy-thresh=.001 python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-test_homog_errors:0 --show --rotation_invariance --xy-thresh=.001 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, rchip1, rchip2, xy_thresh_sqrd = testdata_matching_affine_inliers() >>> H = estimate_refined_transform(kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers) >>> scale_thresh, ori_thresh = 2.0, 1.57 >>> full_homog_checks = not ut.get_argflag('--no-full-homog-checks') >>> homog_tup1 = test_homog_errors(H, kpts1, kpts2, fm, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh, full_homog_checks) >>> homog_tup = (homog_tup1[0], homog_tup1[2]) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> pt.draw_sv.show_sv(rchip1, rchip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, homog_tup=homog_tup) >>> ut.show_if_requested() Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> kpts1, kpts2, fm_, aff_inliers, rchip1, rchip2, xy_thresh_sqrd = testdata_matching_affine_inliers() >>> H = estimate_refined_transform(kpts1, kpts2, fm_, aff_inliers) >>> scale_thresh, ori_thresh = 2.0, 1.57 >>> full_homog_checks = not ut.get_argflag('--no-full-homog-checks') >>> # ---------------- >>> # Take subset of feature matches >>> fm = fm_ >>> scale_err, xy_err, ori_err = \ ... ut.exec_func_src(test_homog_errors, globals(), locals(), ... 'scale_err, xy_err, ori_err'.split(', ')) >>> # we only care about checking out scale and orientation here. ignore bad xy points >>> xy_inliers_flag = np.less(xy_err, xy_thresh_sqrd) >>> scale_err[~xy_inliers_flag] = 0 >>> # filter >>> fm = fm_[np.array(scale_err).argsort()[::-1][:10]] >>> fm = fm_[np.array(scale_err).argsort()[::-1][:10]] >>> # Exec sourcecode >>> kpts1_m, kpts2_m, off_xy1_m, off_xy1_mt, dxy1_m, dxy1_mt, xy2_m, xy1_m, xy1_mt, scale_err, xy_err, ori_err = \ ... ut.exec_func_src(test_homog_errors, globals(), locals(), ... 'kpts1_m, kpts2_m, off_xy1_m, off_xy1_mt, dxy1_m, dxy1_mt, xy2_m, xy1_m, xy1_mt, scale_err, xy_err, ori_err'.split(', ')) >>> #--------------- >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> pt.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 1), title='orig points and offset point') >>> segments_list1 = np.array(list(zip(xy1_m.T.tolist(), off_xy1_m.T.tolist()))) >>> pt.draw_line_segments(segments_list1, color=pt.LIGHT_BLUE) >>> pt.dark_background() >>> #--------------- >>> pt.figure(fnum=1, pnum=(1, 2, 2), title='transformed points and matching points') >>> #--------------- >>> # first have to make corresponding offset points >>> # Use reference point for scale and orientation tests >>> oris2_m = ktool.get_oris(kpts2_m) >>> scales2_m = ktool.get_scales(kpts2_m) >>> dxy2_m = np.vstack((np.sin(oris2_m), -np.cos(oris2_m))) >>> scaled_dxy2_m = dxy2_m * scales2_m[None, :] >>> off_xy2_m = xy2_m + scaled_dxy2_m >>> # Draw transformed semgents >>> segments_list2 = np.array(list(zip(xy2_m.T.tolist(), off_xy2_m.T.tolist()))) >>> pt.draw_line_segments(segments_list2, color=pt.GREEN) >>> # Draw corresponding matches semgents >>> segments_list3 = np.array(list(zip(xy1_mt.T.tolist(), off_xy1_mt.T.tolist()))) >>> pt.draw_line_segments(segments_list3, color=pt.RED) >>> # Draw matches between correspondences >>> segments_list4 = np.array(list(zip(xy1_mt.T.tolist(), xy2_m.T.tolist()))) >>> pt.draw_line_segments(segments_list4, color=pt.ORANGE) >>> pt.dark_background() >>> #--------------- >>> #vt.get _xy_axis_extents(kpts1_m) >>> #pt.draw_sv.show_sv(rchip1, rchip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, homog_tup=homog_tup) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ kpts1_m = kpts1.take(fm.T[0], axis=0) kpts2_m = kpts2.take(fm.T[1], axis=0) # Transform all xy1 matches to xy2 space xy1_m = ktool.get_xys(kpts1_m) # with ut.embed_on_exception_context: xy1_mt = ltool.transform_points_with_homography(H, xy1_m) # xy1_mt = ktool.transform_kpts_xys(H, kpts1_m) xy2_m = ktool.get_xys(kpts2_m) # --- Find (Squared) Homography Distance Error --- # You cannot test for scale or orientation easily here because # you no longer have an ellipse? (maybe, probably have a conic) when using a # projective transformation xy_err = vtool.distance.L2_sqrd(xy1_mt.T, xy2_m.T) # Estimate final inliers # ut.embed() if full_homog_checks: # TODO: may need to use more than one reference point # Use reference point for scale and orientation tests oris1_m = ktool.get_oris(kpts1_m) scales1_m = ktool.get_scales(kpts1_m) # Get point offsets with unit length dxy1_m = np.vstack((np.sin(oris1_m), -np.cos(oris1_m))) scaled_dxy1_m = dxy1_m * scales1_m[None, :] off_xy1_m = xy1_m + scaled_dxy1_m # transform reference point off_xy1_mt = ltool.transform_points_with_homography(H, off_xy1_m) scaled_dxy1_mt = xy1_mt - off_xy1_mt scales1_mt = npl.norm(scaled_dxy1_mt, axis=0) # with warnings.catch_warnings(): # warnings.simplefilter("ignore") dxy1_mt = scaled_dxy1_mt / scales1_mt # adjust for gravity vector being 0 oris1_mt = np.arctan2(dxy1_mt[1], dxy1_mt[0]) - ktool.GRAVITY_THETA _det1_mt = scales1_mt ** 2 det2_m = ktool.get_sqrd_scales(kpts2_m) ori2_m = ktool.get_oris(kpts2_m) # xy_err = vtool.distance.L2_sqrd(xy2_m.T, _xy1_mt.T) scale_err = vtool.distance.det_distance(_det1_mt, det2_m) ori_err = vtool.distance.ori_distance(oris1_mt, ori2_m) ### xy_inliers_flag = np.less(xy_err, xy_thresh_sqrd) scale_inliers_flag = np.less(scale_err, scale_thresh) ori_inliers_flag = np.less(ori_err, ori_thresh) hypo_inliers_flag = xy_inliers_flag # Try to re-use memory np.logical_and(hypo_inliers_flag, ori_inliers_flag, out=hypo_inliers_flag) np.logical_and(hypo_inliers_flag, scale_inliers_flag, out=hypo_inliers_flag) # Seems slower due to memory # hypo_inliers_flag = np.logical_and.reduce( # [xy_inliers_flag, ori_inliers_flag, scale_inliers_flag]) # this is also slower # hypo_inliers_flag = np.logical_and.reduce((xy_inliers_flag, # ori_inliers_flag, scale_inliers_flag), out=xy_inliers_flag) refined_inliers = np.where(hypo_inliers_flag)[0].astype(INDEX_DTYPE) refined_errors = (xy_err, ori_err, scale_err) else: refined_inliers = np.where(xy_err < xy_thresh_sqrd)[0].astype(INDEX_DTYPE) refined_errors = (xy_err, None, None) homog_tup1 = (refined_inliers, refined_errors, H) return homog_tup1
[docs]def test_affine_errors( H, kpts1, kpts2, fm, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh_sqrd, ori_thresh ): """ used for refinement as opposed to initial estimation """ kpts1_m = kpts1.take(fm.T[0], axis=0) kpts2_m = kpts2.take(fm.T[1], axis=0) invVR1s_m = ktool.get_invVR_mats3x3(kpts1_m) xy2_m = ktool.get_xys(kpts2_m) det2_m = ktool.get_sqrd_scales(kpts2_m) ori2_m = ktool.get_oris(kpts2_m) refined_inliers, refined_errors = _test_hypothesis_inliers( H, invVR1s_m, xy2_m, det2_m, ori2_m, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh_sqrd, ori_thresh ) refined_tup1 = (refined_inliers, refined_errors, H) return refined_tup1
[docs]def refine_inliers( kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh=2.0, ori_thresh=1.57, full_homog_checks=True, refine_method='homog', ): """ Given a set of hypothesis inliers, computes a homography and refines inliers returned homography maps image1 space into image2 space CommandLine: python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-refine_inliers python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-refine_inliers:0 python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-refine_inliers:1 --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import vtool.demodata as demodata >>> import vtool.keypoint as ktool >>> kpts1, kpts2 = demodata.get_dummy_kpts_pair((100, 100)) >>> fm = demodata.make_dummy_fm(len(kpts1)).astype(np.int32) >>> aff_inliers = np.arange(len(fm)) >>> xy_thresh_sqrd = .01 * ktool.get_kpts_dlen_sqrd(kpts2) >>> homogtup = refine_inliers(kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, xy_thresh_sqrd) >>> refined_inliers, refined_errors, H = homogtup >>> import ubelt as ub >>> result = ub.repr2(homogtup, precision=2, nl=True, suppress_small=True, nobr=True) >>> print(result) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * # NOQA >>> import vtool.keypoint as ktool >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, rchip1, rchip2, xy_thresh_sqrd = testdata_matching_affine_inliers() >>> homog_tup1 = refine_inliers(kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, xy_thresh_sqrd) >>> homog_tup = (homog_tup1[0], homog_tup1[2]) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> pt.draw_sv.show_sv(rchip1, rchip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, homog_tup=homog_tup) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ H = estimate_refined_transform( kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, refine_method=refine_method ) if refine_method.endswith('homog'): homog_tup1 = test_homog_errors( H, kpts1, kpts2, fm, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh, full_homog_checks, ) # elif refine_method == 'cv2-homog': # homog_tup1 = test_homog_errors(H, kpts1, kpts2, fm, xy_thresh_sqrd, # scale_thresh, ori_thresh, full_homog_checks) elif refine_method == 'affine': homog_tup1 = test_affine_errors( H, kpts1, kpts2, fm, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh ) return homog_tup1
[docs]def get_best_affine_inliers_( kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh ): if HAVE_SVER_C_WRAPPER: aff_inliers, aff_errors, Aff = sver_c_wrapper.get_best_affine_inliers_cpp( kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh ) else: if ut.NOT_QUIET: print('WARNING: sver has not been compiled') aff_inliers, aff_errors, Aff = get_best_affine_inliers( kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh ) return aff_inliers, aff_errors, Aff
[docs]def spatially_verify_kpts( kpts1, kpts2, fm, xy_thresh=0.01, scale_thresh=2.0, ori_thresh=TAU / 4.0, dlen_sqrd2=None, min_nInliers=4, match_weights=None, returnAff=False, full_homog_checks=True, refine_method='homog', max_nInliers=5000, ): """ Driver function Spatially validates feature matches FIXME: there is a non-determenism here Returned homography maps image1 space into image2 space. Args: kpts1 (ndarray[ndim=2]): all keypoints in image 1 kpts2 (ndarray[ndim=2]): all keypoints in image 2 fm (ndarray[ndim=2]): matching keypoint indexes [..., (kp1x, kp2x), ...] xy_thresh (float): spatial distance threshold under affine transform to be considered a match scale_thresh (float): ori_thresh (float): dlen_sqrd2 (float): diagonal length squared of image/chip 2 min_nInliers (int): default=4 returnAff (bool): returns best affine hypothesis as well max_nInliers (int): homog is not considered after this threshold Returns: tuple : (refined_inliers, refined_errors, H, aff_inliers, aff_errors, Aff) if success else None CommandLine: python -m xdoctest vtool.spatial_verification spatially_verify_kpts:0 --show python -m xdoctest vtool.spatial_verification spatially_verify_kpts:0 --show --refine-method='affine' python -m xdoctest vtool.spatial_verification spatially_verify_kpts:0 --dpath figures --show --save ~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/figures/sver_kpts.jpg # NOQA python -m xdoctest vtool.spatial_verification spatially_verify_kpts:0 Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:pyhesaff) >>> from vtool.spatial_verification import * >>> import vtool.demodata as demodata >>> import vtool as vt >>> fname1 = ut.get_argval('--fname1', type_=str, default='easy1.png') >>> fname2 = ut.get_argval('--fname2', type_=str, default='easy2.png') >>> default_dict = vt.get_extract_features_default_params() >>> default_dict['ratio_thresh'] = .625 >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(default_dict) >>> (kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, rchip1, rchip2) = demodata.testdata_ratio_matches(fname1, fname2, **kwargs) >>> xy_thresh = .01 >>> dlen_sqrd2 = 447271.015 >>> ori_thresh = 1.57 >>> min_nInliers = 4 >>> returnAff = True >>> scale_thresh = 2.0 >>> match_weights = np.ones(len(fm), dtype=np.float64) >>> refine_method = ut.get_argval('--refine-method', default='homog') >>> svtup = spatially_verify_kpts(kpts1, kpts2, fm, xy_thresh, >>> scale_thresh, ori_thresh, dlen_sqrd2, >>> min_nInliers, match_weights, returnAff, >>> refine_method=refine_method) >>> assert svtup is not None and len(svtup) == 6, 'sver failed' >>> refined_inliers, refined_errors, H = svtup[0:3] >>> aff_inliers, aff_errors, Aff = svtup[3:6] >>> #print('aff_errors = %r' % (aff_errors,)) >>> print('aff_inliers = %r' % (aff_inliers,)) >>> print('refined_inliers = %r' % (refined_inliers,)) >>> #print('refined_errors = %r' % (refined_errors,)) >>> import ubelt as ub >>> result = ut.list_type_profile(svtup, with_dtype=False) >>> #result = ub.repr2(svtup, precision=3) >>> print(result) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> homog_tup = (refined_inliers, H) >>> aff_tup = (aff_inliers, Aff) >>> pt.draw_sv.show_sv(rchip1, rchip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_tup=aff_tup, homog_tup=homog_tup, refine_method=refine_method) >>> pt.show_if_requested() tuple(numpy.ndarray, tuple(numpy.ndarray*3), numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, tuple(numpy.ndarray*3), numpy.ndarray) """ if len(fm) == 0: if VERBOSE_SVER: print('[sver] Cannot verify with no matches') svtup = None return svtup # Cast keypoints to float64 to avoid numerical issues kpts1 = kpts1.astype(np.float64, casting='same_kind', copy=False) kpts2 = kpts2.astype(np.float64, casting='same_kind', copy=False) # kpts1 = kpts1.astype(np.float64) # kpts2 = kpts2.astype(np.float64) assert match_weights is not None, 'provide at least ones please for match_weights' fs = match_weights # Get diagonal length if not provided if dlen_sqrd2 is None: kpts2_m = kpts2.take(fm.T[1], axis=0) dlen_sqrd2 = ktool.get_kpts_dlen_sqrd(kpts2_m) # Determine the best hypothesis transformation and get its inliers xy_thresh_sqrd = dlen_sqrd2 * xy_thresh aff_inliers, aff_errors, Aff = get_best_affine_inliers_( kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh ) # print(aff_inliers) # Return if there are not enough inliers to compute homography if len(aff_inliers) < min_nInliers: # Test user defined param if VERBOSE_SVER: print( '[sver] Failed spatial verification len(aff_inliers) = %r' % (len(aff_inliers),) ) svtup = None return svtup if (refine_method.endswith('homog') and len(aff_inliers) < 7) or len(aff_inliers) < 4: # Test fundamental param # need to have 4 or more inliers to comopute an affine # and need at least 7 to compute a homography if VERBOSE_SVER: print( '[sver] Failed spatial verification len(aff_inliers) = %r' % (len(aff_inliers),) ) svtup = None return svtup if len(aff_inliers) >= max_nInliers: # If there are a very large number of affine inliers, then the affine # matrix is probably good enough. svtup = (aff_inliers, aff_errors, Aff, aff_inliers, aff_errors, Aff) return svtup # Refine inliers using a projective transformation (homography) try: refined_inliers, refined_errors, H = refine_inliers( kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, xy_thresh_sqrd, scale_thresh, ori_thresh, full_homog_checks, refine_method=refine_method, ) # print(refined_inliers) except npl.LinAlgError as ex: if ut.VERYVERBOSE and ut.SUPER_STRICT: ut.printex(ex, 'numeric error in homog estimation.', iswarning=True) return None except ValueError as ex: if ut.VERYVERBOSE and ut.SUPER_STRICT: ut.printex(ex, 'error cv2 in homog estimation.', iswarning=True) return None except IndexError: raise except Exception as ex: # There is a weird error that starts with MemoryError and ends up # makeing len(h) = 6. ut.printex( ex, 'Unknown error in homog estimation.', keys=[ 'kpts1', 'kpts2', 'fm', 'fm.shape', 'kpts1.shape', (len, 'aff_inliers'), 'kpts2.shape', 'xy_thresh', 'scale_thresh', 'dlen_sqrd2', 'min_nInliers', ], ) if ut.SUPER_STRICT: print('SUPER_STRICT is on. Reraising') raise return None if VERBOSE_SVER: print('[sver] Succesfully finished spatial verification.') if returnAff: svtup = (refined_inliers, refined_errors, H, aff_inliers, aff_errors, Aff) return svtup else: svtup = (refined_inliers, refined_errors, H, None, None, None) return svtup
if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: xdoctest -m vtool.spatial_verification """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)